  • Complex treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

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    One of the most common diseases of our time is arthrosis. This disease begins to develop after 40 years. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint in medicine is called gonarthrosis.

    Features of the disease

    Most often they suffer from women, usually it is the result of excess weight and varicose veins. In this case, as a preventive measure, a diet is necessary for arthrosis of the knee joint, requiring first of all to refuse fatty, acute, salty.

    Among men, this disease is less common and typical for those who engaged in mobile sports and is the result of injuries and other injuries. Post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint is typical for professional athletes after repeated and severe injuries of the lower extremities.

    The first messenger, indicating a predisposition to the disease - is a crunch in the joints, which we do not always attach due importance. Knee joints get most of the load during the movement: it not only has to withstand the weight of a person, but also provide a large volume of movements.

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    The main factor of arthrosis is mechanical. Microtraumas of articular cartilage and load lead to disturbances in the structure of the cartilaginous surface, and, gradually, leads to its attrition. The result of knee joint arthrosis injuries: surgery in this case is sometimes a necessity.

    The structure of the cartilaginous tissue is similar to a sponge with small pores, during movement, it is squeezed by its elasticity, and after straightening the knee, assumes the usual shape, while absorbing the beneficial and nutritious articular( synovial) fluid. Thus, the cartilage tissue is fed.

    Post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint, deforming the cartilaginous tissue, prevents its restoration. Another cause of malnutrition of cartilage is the reduction of chondroitin sulfate. This substance is the main component of cartilage nutrition.

    The destruction of the cartilaginous tissue leads to irritation of the synovial membrane. As a result, the "dry joint" develops. This is what causes pain during movement.

    Treatment of manifestations of the disease

    Arthrosis develops gradually. The first symptoms of the disease are minor painful sensations in the knee joints when you get up, after a dream or during an intense movement. Over time, the pain may stop or disappear altogether, but then renew with more force.

    At the first stage of development, the medicamental treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint involves the use of various ointments. Another manifestation of the disease is a reaction to the change in the weather, manifested by aching pain. At the third stage of the disease, there is a curvature of the lower limbs, which has an X or O - shaped form.

    In some cases, the joint freezes in one position and the leg does not bend. The joints swell, and the deformation becomes very noticeable. This stage of the disease is called deforming arthrosis of the knee joint - treatment of it, as a rule, for a long time, and consists not only of medical treatment and physiotherapy, but sometimes requires surgical intervention.

    Without taking into account the stage of development of arthrosis of the knee joint, treatment should be complex and solve several problems:

    • elimination of pain;
    • provide cartilage tissue nutrition;
    • to restore blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected joint;
    • to reduce the degree of load and pressure on the damaged joint;
    • increase the mobility of the knee joint.

    On the question of how to treat arthrosis of the knee joint, medicine gives an affirmative answer, which in the first place, should be of a complex nature. In other words, to include several directions of treatment: from medicamentous to phytotherapy.

    Medication for knee arthrosis involves the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Effective is the method of direct administration of hormonal drugs and hondoprotectors in the joint.

    Hormonal drugs help to remove the inflammatory process and eliminate pain, and chondroprotectors contribute to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue. Actively used physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint.

    In the early stages of the disease, compresses with absorbents are recommended. They improve the metabolism and prevent the destruction of cartilaginous tissue. Also for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, ultrasound, laser, mud baths, electrophoresis, using sulfur or zinc preparations, as well as acupuncture and special massage are used.

    It should be noted that numerous ointments, the use of which is advisable at the initial stages of the disease, contribute to reducing the pain syndrome, but they are unable to heal the joint completely. When an inflammatory process occurs that is accompanied by an increase in temperature in the affected joint area, the use of lotions with dimexide is effective. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, passing through the skin.

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