  • When and how are folk remedies used to treat arthrosis?

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    Osteoarthritis is a very common joint disease that occurs for a number of reasons: genetic predisposition, overweight, hormonal imbalance in women, trauma and joint operations.

    There are several types of arthrosis, depending on the joints that affect them: knee joints, finger joints, shoulder and elbow joints, leg joints.

    Depending on the type of arthrosis, the causes of its occurrence and the treatment measures are determined. Often common among women is arthrosis of the fingers - it is treated with percussion massage.

    In the case of shoulder arthrosis, treatment is performed using a set of exercises that develop the flexibility of the joints. In the treatment of arthrosis of the big toe, respectively, the system of exercises, developing the joints of the toes and restoring the biological properties of the cartilage.

    Treatment of knee arthrosis folk remedies is to reduce the load on the knee joints.

    In addition to exercises that are conducted under the supervision of a doctor, it is quite effective to treat arthrosis with folk remedies, for example, herbs. Also, folk remedies for arthrosis include gelatin treatment and mud cure.

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    Medicinal plants in the treatment of arthrosis

    People widely use medicinal herbs for arthrosis of any type. From medicinal herbs, teas are made that have a diuretic( nettle, linden), cleansing( comfrey medicinal) or anti-inflammatory action( thyme, St. John's wort).

    Folk recipes for arthrosis differ in variety: infusions of herbs( sabelnik), juice of medicinal plants( dandelion, horseradish, black elderberry), wraps( horseradish leaves) and essential oils( calendula, eucalyptus, sandalwood, thyme perforated).

    Compresses from freshly squeezed cabbage juice relieve pain with arthrosis. A laurel leaf occupies a worthy place among folk remedies for arthrosis. The effectiveness of the treatment of arthrosis with laurel leaves is due to the fact that bay leaf helps to remove salt from the body, the accumulation of which contributes to the development of joint pathologies.

    In the treatment of arthrosis folk methods used infusion bay leaf( 10 grams per glass of water, boil for 5 minutes), it must be taken inside for three days.

    This procedure should be carried out in parallel with a special diet to cleanse the intestines from harmful substances. When arthrosis occurs, herbal treatment is an important component of complex therapy.

    Application of gelatin

    Gelatin contains collagen, an animal protein that has the properties to strengthen human connective tissues. Therefore, gelatin is often used to restore bones and joints after injuries and surgeries.

    Apply gelatin in different ways, both externally and internally. It is believed that the internal application of gelatin speeds up the process of joint repair, affecting them from the inside.

    For preventive purposes it is recommended to use dishes based on gelatin: dairy and fruit jelly, cold. For internal treatment of arthrosis with gelatin, you can drink a solution of swollen gelatin.

    In a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of dry gelatin substance and wait until it swells, and the solution slightly thickens( to gelatin quickly dissolved it is desirable to warm it up).

    After that, you can drink it, pre-adding honey to make the taste more pleasant. External application of gelatin - in the form of compresses. Likewise, apply either already swollen gelatin, any dry gelatin under a moist warm bandage: in this case it swells already under the compress.

    Do not forget about a special diet that must be observed with arthrosis, as the cause of arthrosis is often an unbalanced diet. The composition of this diet includes oat bran, which perfectly stimulate the intestinal motility.

    They are recommended to combine with gelatin( internal use) to reduce the likelihood of difficulty in the work of the stomach and intestines.

    Treatment of arthrosis with gelatin gives positive results with long-term use. Its effectiveness is recognized by orthopedic doctors and in the treatment of arthrosis prescribe drugs on a collagen basis.

    Mud Treatment

    In the complex approach, mud therapy for arthrosis is also used as one of the effective methods. Mud treatment refers to methods of thermal treatment and is used to warm up diseased parts of the body in order to reduce joint pain.

    As a result of mud treatment, tissue inflammation disappears, mobility of joints returns and the body's immune system is stimulated in general. Another plus of mud treatment is the absence of side effects, which are almost inevitable during the application of medications.

    Mud treatment should be prescribed by a qualified doctor, because it has a strong effect on the body as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the patient's health status.

    To solve the problem of arthrosis, folk medicine is suitable from different angles, so the individual treatment plan, compiled together with the doctor, including the treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies, will certainly help you overcome this disease.

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