  • Effective methods of treating hematoma under the eye

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    A hematoma or bruise is a blood tumor that forms when there is a significant hemorrhage and is limited to either the walls of the natural cavity or the surrounding connective tissue. A bruise under the eye or in another area of ​​the body can also arise in the event of a rupture of the blood vessel.

    In this case, the hematoma can form not only in the skin surface, which causes the appearance of a bruise, but also in the deeper layers of the body tissues. Subcutaneous hematoma affects the deep layers of tissues. In addition, it is also possible the formation of such a violation under the periosteum, in the muscles and mucous membranes.

    The blood that has been poured out of the vessel can remain liquid for some time and then curd up, resulting in a hematoma under the eye or elsewhere on the body. Meanwhile, in the tissues that surround the lesion, an inflammatory reaction develops, after which a dense shell of connective tissue is formed around the damaged area, not allowing the blood to flow back.

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    Among the most common surface injuries, specialists distinguish hematomas on the legs or hands and bruises on the body. It is very often diagnosed and a hematoma on the eye, which occurs as a result of a strong blow.

    Features of superficial hemorrhages

    As mentioned above, a hematoma is a tumor that results from a hemorrhage into the subcutaneous cavity. With a strong impact, blood vessels burst, and blood gradually penetrates under the skin. In addition, a bruise on the face often occurs in people with thin walls of blood vessels. Often the causeless appearance of bruising is typical for people in old age, as well as those who have a genetic predisposition to hemorrhages.

    Many people are looking for a remedy for bruises under the eye after a long time in the open sun. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the skin becomes more prone to bruising. Often, the use of medications that dilute blood can provoke a skin reaction, thereby contributing to the appearance of bruises. In this case, removal of the hematoma with the help of surgical techniques, as a rule, is not required.

    As the hematoma under the eye is treated, the bruise begins to heal and its color gradually changes from red to blue. Then the damaged skin becomes purple-black, and already in the end - yellowish-green. It is noteworthy that when asking a question about how to treat a black eye, many people do not know about one interesting feature of the human body.

    So, the problem area located at the top of the body heal much faster than the damage that is at the bottom. This is because in the vessels of the lower extremities blood pressure is much higher than, for example, in the blood vessels of the hands. Accordingly, the vessels on the legs bleed more than on the hands and the injuries on them heal much longer.

    How to remove the hematoma under the eye?

    Initially, it should be noted that the treatment of bruising on the face should begin immediately in the first few minutes after the appearance of damage. In the first minutes after the injury, a cold or ice compress should be applied to the damaged site, under which the blood vessels contract and the bruise ceases to grow.

    Hemorrhage on the face can reach considerable dimensions. This is due to the huge number of blood vessels that are located in this area, as well as the presence of fatty tissue, which is located under the surface of the skin in the form of a loose and thick layer. Therefore, it often happens that the hematoma under the eye does not pass for a relatively long period of time - about 5-6 days.

    In some cases, the bruise can spread not only to the face, but also to the skin of the neck, back, décolletage and even the scalp. Sometimes a hemorrhage can affect even the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal area, the tongue.

    Facial hematomas belong to the subcutaneous species of this lesion, and for the most part, there is no threat to the life of the victim. Such a hemorrhage may result from a stroke or an unsuccessful fall. However, the appearance of a hematoma is also often associated with a too low amount of routine and vitamin C in the body. With such a violation, hemorrhages may appear even as a result of a light stroke or a slight shock.

    If a hematoma occurs on the face, the victim may feel tension in the affected area. In addition, a characteristic symptom is a pain syndrome, the intensity of which increases with pressure on the area of ​​hemorrhage. In this case, as a rule, the presence of a hematoma on the face does not affect the general condition of the victim in any way.

    However, during the healing of a large hematoma, an increase in body temperature within 38 degrees, and in some cases even higher, is possible. Severe pain occurs as a result of squeezing the nerve endings, so for its relief, a specialist can prescribe pain medications.

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