  • Treatment of arthrosis of foot with tablets and folk remedies

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    Arthrosis of the foot - a disease in which the articular cartilage is disturbed by the metabolism and blood circulation and, as a consequence, the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, soft tissues become inflamed.

    To date, the treatment of foot arthrosis has its relevance. The reasons that can cause this disease are different: wearing tight shoes, high-heeled shoes, excessive loads on the feet, trauma to the feet, and overweight.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The main symptoms include:

    • pain in the joints of the foot;
    • "crunches";
    • redness and swelling;
    • increase in temperature of the painful joint zone;
    • limitation of joint mobility;
    • limp.

    The most common is arthrosis of the big toe. The reasons for its occurrence, in the first place, include the specific structure of the foot, wearing inconvenient, tight shoes, trauma, as a result of which the thumb deviates to the second toe. And as a consequence - deformation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

    The most common victims of deforming arthrosis of the foot are women who like to wear fashionable shoes with high heels. The main diagnostic method for today is radiography. The picture will clearly show changes in the joints and bones of the foot: deformation, unevenness of the bone surface, narrowing of the joint space.

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    The stages of the disease

    In medical practice, there are three degrees of arthrosis of the foot:

    1. 1 degree is characterized by periodic painful sensations in the joints of the foot, which can occur with increased loads on the legs. The patient quickly becomes tired, there are no external signs of the disease.
    2. 2 degrees is indicated by a more pronounced pain syndrome, movement in the joint is more difficult. Externally, you can find a thickening of the joint, there are so-called "bones".With prolonged physical exertion, the pain is constant.
    3. 3 degrees is manifested in a distinct deformation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The shape of the fingers and feet changes, the base of the thumb is thickened. Pain can also occur at rest. When walking, the patient tries to move the load to the outer edge of the foot, avoiding pressure on the thumb down. As a result, painful calluses also appear. The gait changes, the patient appears to limp.

    Treatment of the disease

    How to treat arthrosis of the foot? For many, this issue is relevant. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease and is aimed at reducing pain syndrome, inflammation in the joint, restoring its mobility. For arthrosis of 1 degree, the patient is offered:

    • wearing orthopedic shoes or comfortable shoes with orthopedic insoles;
    • heel height not more than 3- 4 cm;
    • anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs;
    • physiotherapy;
    • medical gymnastics;
    • massage.

    For arthrosis of 2 and 3 degrees other than the above listed treatment methods are shown:

    • analgesics;
    • local administration of medications to a sore spot;
    • surgical intervention.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics reduce pain, relieve inflammation. But many drugs have contraindications in diseases of the digestive tract. If the pain becomes intolerable, medications are administered to the joint cavity of the patient - corticosteroids, but this procedure brings temporary relief.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures will help to restore the mobility of joints, to remove inflammation. The most commonly used magneto- and UHF-therapy, phono and electrophoresis, laser irradiation of low intensity, mud therapy.

    Gymnastics is an important method of restoring the mobility of joints. Gymnastics helps relax the tensed muscles and joints. But the exercises should be moderate, because intensive exercises can, on the contrary, increase pain.

    The methods of surgical treatment include:

    • arthrodesis, in which the sore spot is rigidly fixed;
    • arthroplasty - surgical recovery of the affected joint;
    • endoprosthetics - complete replacement of a sick joint with artificial analogs.

    For the treatment of arthrosis foot is also used and folk remedies. These are various tinctures and ointments, lotions and compresses that rub or impose on a diseased joint. You can prepare a compress from the broth of oatmeal: 3 tbsp. Spoon pour 2 cups of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes.

    The compress is applied to the affected joint in a warm state for 1 hour. To prepare another effective folk remedy for the treatment of the disease you will need chopped chalk and a little kefir. Kashitsu from chalk and yogurt is applied to the affected area, top covered with compress paper and left overnight.

    You can prepare a drink for getting rid of pain due to arthrosis: 1 tbsp. Spoon olive oil mixed with 0.5 teaspoon grated garlic and a glass of boiling water. Take 2 times a day for pain. This mixture can also be rubbed into sore spots. For prevention of arthrosis, go barefoot on the grass, sand, earth. This gymnastics improves blood circulation in the feet.

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