  • Hematoma on the head is treated only in the hospital!

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    Before considering in detail how to treat hematoma on the head, one should determine what, in fact, is such a damage, what are the causes of it, and what first aid should be.

    To begin with, it should be noted that when the first signs of hematoma appear, the victim should immediately be taken to a medical facility so that he can be examined by a surgeon or traumatologist. Only a qualified specialist will be able to find out whether the hematoma has come from a stroke only on the outer surface of the head, or a hemorrhage has occurred inside the skull. Do not delay with treatment in the hospital, because the internal hematoma of the head, in many cases, can be very dangerous for the life of the victim education, which requires emergency surgery.

    Intracranial hematoma

    Particularly dangerous for human life is the so-called subdural hematoma, which develops with craniocerebral trauma of varying severity. As a rule, acute subdural hematoma occurs in severe craniocerebral trauma, and the subacute and chronic form of the disorder appears due to an easier injury.

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    Unlike other variants of intracranial hemorrhages, subdural head hematoma occurs not only at the site of application of the traumatic agent, but also on the opposite side. Separately, it should be noted that intracranial hematoma, whose treatment has not been adequately and timely, can lead to severe brain damage and even death.

    Treatment of a bruise on the head

    In the case when the bruise is of a superficial character and appeared in the face of the head, an ice pack should be applied as soon as possible to the damaged area. As a result of exposure to cold, blood vessels will narrow sharply, and the hematoma will cease to increase in size. In the case of craniocerebral trauma and suspicions of intracranial hemorrhage, the injured person should be immediately taken to a medical facility for examination and complete diagnosis of the lesions.

    It should be remembered that when intracranial hematoma occurs, blood clusters begin to squeeze and dislodge the brain, which can lead to brain damage. If specialists diagnosed with intracranial hematoma, the sooner its operative treatment is carried out, the greater the chances of a successful outcome.

    The most common cases of hematoma in children

    Birth for both the future mother and the child is not an easy test and the risk of injury in the process of labor is rather large. What information about possible injuries should the future mother take into account?

    Nature itself provides virtually everything to minimize the risk of injury during childbirth. Nevertheless, a bruise on the head of a baby is a relatively common occurrence. The bones of the newborn's skull are strong, but they differ in elasticity, and between them they are connected by cushioning sutures and fontanels. With the help of such a structure of the bones of the skull, they have the opportunity to diverge or approach each other.

    This allows a fairly large head of the baby to pass through the narrow pelvic places of the birth canal. However, not in all cases, such a protective structure can protect the baby from the appearance of the so-called generic hematoma on the head - a characteristic swelling. As a rule, such a hematoma on the head does not threaten the life or appearance of the child and passes relatively quickly, without requiring the intervention of specialists. Themselves doctors in every way soothe young mothers, who have children with such traumas and consider them a common occurrence.

    Birth injuries

    For most mums, the word "hematoma" is terrible in itself, although it is rarely dangerous. Hematomas on the head of a newborn can appear when, during passage through the birth canal, tissues swell due to stagnation of lymph and blood. There is a small swelling in the place that "paved" the child the way out. Most often it occurs on the nape of the neck, but in some cases there is a swelling on the forehead or face.

    Such damage happens when there are natural overloads that the toddler has to suffer at birth. In addition, such traumas can cause pressure drops when the child changes the habitat. In the period of childbirth, some blood vessels can splash and a hemorrhage may occur in the subcutaneous tissue.

    Sometimes in these places small bubbles form with a clear liquid inside. Although outwardly it looks somewhat intimidating, my mother's fear is a big problem of such trauma. The swelling is very rapid and the swelling dissolves. Without any treatment, the baby's skin comes to normal on the second day, and bruises from purple become yellowish and completely disappear by the end of the first week.

    It should be noted that there are exceptions to the rules. Sometimes subcutaneous hematoma can occur in a child who has a genetic predisposition to bleeding. Usually, this phenomenon is associated with increased vascular perceptibility, as well as a lack in the body of certain groups of vitamins and other substances responsible in the circulatory system for good blood coagulability.

    In case of detection of such a violation, treatment is simply necessary. A child with such pathology will be injected with a number of hemostatic substances, for example, calcium chloride and vitamins. In addition, the use of antibiotics is possible, because bacteria often begin to multiply in the blood.

    In no case should the pathological contents of the hematoma begin to rot. In addition, the composition of mother's milk contains substances that significantly reduce the risk of complications in the child. Therefore, do not wean the baby from the breast during this period.

    Forecasts of specialists

    If head hematoma is detected, the expert's predictions about this or that outcome may vary significantly, depending on a huge number of factors. First of all, the success of the final outcome is influenced by the location of the hematoma and its volume, the speed of detection and removal of the pathology that emerged, the age of the victim and the general condition of his body. Unfortunately, despite the introduction of modern diagnostic techniques, in some cases, a relatively high mortality rate is recorded among patients with acute intracranial hemorrhages, and among those who survived there is a significant number of cases of deep disability.

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