  • Lymphadenitis: symptoms, treatment, causes, complications

    What it is? The lymphatic system is very sensitive to the slightest changes within the human body. This is because it is an important component of human immunity.

    In any pathological condition, the lymphatic system can react with inflammation of the lymph nodes. In medical practice, this phenomenon is called lymphadenitis.

    Lymphadenitis can occur as a result of many diseases, so it is especially important to conduct the correct diagnosis and determine the focus of inflammation.

    Causes of Lymphadenitis

    Lymphadenitis is a disease that never occurs on its own. It is a consequence of another disease. The causative agent of lymphadenitis is a variety of microorganisms and bacteria.

    They penetrate to the lymph nodes from some source of infection. Most often it is a chronic or acute purulent inflammation. As a rule, the source of infection is near the lymph node. In this case, the nodes significantly increase in size, the skin reddens and stretches. In this condition, there is a risk of rupture of the lymph node and infection from the inside of the body.
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    Lymphadenitis may appear in viral diseases and colds( see symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection).In this case, it passes without complications. Lymph nodes can become inflamed at once in several places, however this inflammation is not strong and tends to disappear quickly right after the person recovers.

    Another common cause of lymphadenitis is cancer. Also, inflammation of the lymph nodes often accompanies AIDS, venereal diseases, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis.

    Classification of

    To date, it is customary to isolate several varieties of lymphadenitis, depending on the classification criteria. First of all, lymphadenitis is classified according to the duration of the disease.

    According to this opinion, there are three types of lymphadenitis:

    • acute
    • chronic
    • recurrent
    Most often acute lymphadenitis occurs in people with purulent infected wounds, or after surgery. Lasts about 14 days and it's pretty hard. Chronic lymphadenitis develops as a consequence of a prolonged infection, an autoimmune process or a cancerous tumor. But the recurrent inflammation is, as a rule, the result of a chronic infection, which was not cured at the time.

    Also lymphadenitis is classified according to the nature of its appearance and the nature of the inflammatory process. In this way, serous and purulent lymphadenitis is isolated.

    The first variant develops as a result of the action of viruses, cancerous tumors, and the second occurs as a consequence of bacterial infection. In addition, lymphadenitis is nonspecific and specific.

    Nonspecific lymphadenitis causes fungi or bacteria that are contained in the normal flora of the human skin and mucous membranes. But a specific lymphadenitis occurs in the event that an infectious source with microorganisms that are not peculiar to a person begins to spread uncontrolled throughout the body.

    Read also how to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck.

    Symptoms of lymphadenitis

    Lymphadenitis, depending on the species, can occur with various symptoms. So, nonspecific acute lymphadenitis, which usually causes streptococci or staphylococci, begins with a fairly rapid increase in lymph nodes.

    They become dense and painful. The pain is sharp, it is greatly enhanced by pressing the knot with your fingers. If there is a putrefactive form, then when you press the knot appears a peculiar crunching. Also, patients noted weakness, fever, headache.

    Often the lymphatic vessels are also involved in the inflammatory process. In chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis, pain is much less pronounced, the temperature is usually subfebrile. Its feature is the long course of the disease.

    Specific lymphadenitis causes such dangerous diseases as syphilis, tuberculosis, plague. With this form of inflammation of the lymph nodes there is a fairly high temperature, fever is possible, signs of intoxication.

    Lymph nodes increase gradually, but eventually they are joined in a kind of conglomerate, of varying size and shape. Specific lymphadenitis most often affects the cervical, axillary or submandibular nodes.


    Lymphadenitis is fairly easy to diagnose. As a rule, it is enough for the doctor to examine the patient and carefully study the anamnesis. It is very important to determine the source of the disease that provoked inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    In some cases, additional diagnostic measures are also required. This is especially true for chronic lymphadenitis, when it must be differentiated from such diseases as sarcoidosis, leukemia, and lymphogranulomatosis. In such conditions, a puncture biopsy of the lymph node is indicated, and sometimes its excision of its part. After taking a sample of tissue, a histological analysis is performed.

    Since the cause of specific lymphadenitis is often tuberculosis, when suspected of this form of the disease, a number of specific studies should be carried out. In particular, a person is offered to make a Mantoux test, and also to undergo roentgenography.

    In addition, other popular methods are used for the diagnosis of lymphadenitis: ultrasound examination of lymphatic vessels, radiocontrast lymphography, CT, MRI.

    Possible complications of

    Timely diagnosis and treatment help to get rid of lymphadenitis without any consequences, but in rare cases complications of varying severity are possible.

    One of the most serious consequences is the formation of adenophlegmons. In this case, an infiltrate is formed without clearly delineated boundaries, relatively soft to the touch. The skin in the affected area becomes red, hot to the touch. The presence of adenophlegmons in the overwhelming majority of cases requires surgical intervention and dissection of the neoplasm.

    Lymphadenitis, especially if left untreated, not only causes local damage, but also has a systemic effect on the human body.

    Chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes contributes to the further spread of the infection. In the case of oncological diseases, it, similarly promotes the spread of cancer cells. Thus, treatment of lymphadenitis and its source are mutually beneficial processes.

    Treatment of lymphadenitis

    Therapeutic therapy for lymphadenitis is directed, first of all, to the destruction of the underlying disease, which in this case is the primary cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    For the treatment of lymphadenitis in acute form, the course of antibacterial drugs is mandatory. Also often used detoxication therapy, prescribe drugs to improve immunity, vitamins.

    If it is a case of nonspecific acute lymphadenitis complicated by a purulent infection, then surgical intervention may be necessary. Abscesses or phlegmons are opened, all pus is removed, and the wound is sanitized.

    Prophylaxis of

    Prevention of lymphadenitis consists, first of all, of carefully monitoring your health and responding in time to any pathological processes.

    With the most minor symptoms and signs of illness, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostics. This will allow you to get rid of the source of infection in time, cure a viral disease, which under favorable circumstances can acquire a chronic form and provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    In addition, for the prevention of lymphadenitis, especially purulent, it is very important to timely sanitize any wounds and other skin damage, to prevent abrasions of the skin and pressure sores.

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