  • Hypertensive crisis: symptoms, treatment, causes, complications

    What is this - this term refers to the state of the body, during which the blood pressure exceeds the value of 140/100, there are complications that are life-threatening.

    With this disease there is a violation of blood circulation in the heart and brain. In addition, the hypertensive crisis is accompanied by neurovegetative and organic disorders, CNS damage, large vessels.

    This phenomenon is sudden, provoked by negative factors, such as fatigue, stress, overheating of the body, sensitivity to weather conditions, alcohol consumption, large amounts of salt, and the refusal of antihypertensive drugs.

    Causes of hypertensive crisis

    Why does the hypertensive crisis develop, and what is it? The main cause is hypertensive disease, especially with a marked malignant course. Hypertensive crisis is often observed in women aged 45-55 years during menopause.

    Many patients do not suspect that they have high blood pressure. And the symptoms of hypertension are attributed to overwork and increased mental stress. For such patients, there is a risk of a crisis, because they do not control blood pressure.
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    Development of the crisis is observed in 1% of patients with hypertension. Sometimes hypotensive drugs are chosen incorrectly, or the patient does not take them for their intended purpose. In this case, the patient is at risk, at any time the hypertensive crisis may occur. The duration of the crisis can be several hours, and sometimes lasts up to several days.

    If there are signs of high blood pressure and especially crises, you need to call an ambulance, or you may experience irreversible changes.

    Risk factors:

    • heredity;
    • excess weight;
    • reception of contraceptives of hormonal origin;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • reception of non-steroid drugs;
    • heart disease( cardiac asthma, coronary syndrome);
    • insufficient urination due to prostatic adenoma;
    • renal failure, impaired circulation in the kidneys.

    Symptoms of hypertensive crisis

    When a person develops symptoms of hypertensive crisis, the patient experiences headache, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes vision deterioration due to eye hemorrhage or edema. Often there is unjustified fear, anxiety, chills and tremors.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    • irritability, oppression;
    • sweating, chills, fear;
    • tachycardia;
    • pain syndrome;
    • violation of reflexes of the lower and upper extremities;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • unjustified fear.
    Severe condition occurs with possible complications - arterial embolism, thrombosis, renal insufficiency, azotemia, pulmonary edema. CNS lesion is accompanied by headaches or dizziness, visual impairment, numbness of hands, lips, tongue, decreased mobility of limbs, convulsions.

    When the heart system is affected, pain in the heart, tachycardia, arrhythmia. Crises associated with taking medications or interacting drugs have a pronounced pattern and are difficult to treat.


    Diagnosis of the disease is determined by measuring the pressure. It is necessary to take into account the fact that everyone has an individual reaction to an increase in blood pressure. Normal pressure fluctuates between 120/80 or 130/90

    For some, the pressure of 150/110 or 160/120 represents a threat and can lead to hypertensive crisis( if low pressure is normal).Therefore, determine the accuracy of the diagnosis will allow the following methods.

    Methods for diagnosis of hypertensive crisis:

    • ECG;
    • heart ultrasound;
    • ophthalmoscopy;
    • general urine analysis, determination of the level of creatinine, potassium and urea in the blood;
    • consultation of an ophthalmologist, cardiologist, nephrologist.

    Treatment of hypertensive crisis

    Treatment of hypertensive crisis should be timely, intensive, otherwise complications may occur, up to a lethal outcome.

    Since heart damage can occur - heart attack or heart failure, brain damage is a stroke, immediate medical attention is required. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient must lie down, calm down. You can give a few drops of Corvalolum, and taking antihypertensive drugs is not recommended.

    Hospitalization is recommended for intravenous therapy and normalization of the patient's condition. Patients suffering from hypertension should take regular antihypertensive drugs, and in case of a crisis, have nifedipine and captopril on hand. Effective diuretics( furosemide), but such drugs should not be carried away.

    When removing the crisis, it is important to remember that you can not sharply reduce the pressure. It is better in the first hours to gradually reduce the pressure to a value not exceeding 25% of the original figure. If the desired result can not be achieved with the help of tablets, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

    Drugs for pressure reduction:

    • clonidine;
    • nifedipine;
    • sodium nitroprusside;
    • diazoxide;
    • captopril;
    • phentolamine;
    • enalapril.
    Only a doctor determines the appropriateness of taking a drug.

    The hypertensive crisis is a serious and dangerous disease, therefore it is necessary to control the pressure, and with severe symptoms of a crisis, it is urgent to seek medical help with a possible hospitalization.

    Therefore, in no event should self-medicate !

    Complications of

    If the patient does not consult a doctor on time, there is a risk of a hypertensive crisis. This disease is most often accompanied by complications that are difficult to treat.

    Possible complications of hypertensive crisis:

    1. 1) Myocardial infarction, aortic rupture or stratification, ventricular failure( heart disease);
    2. 2) Stroke, encephalopathy, ischemic attack( diseases of the brain);
    3. 3) Renal failure;
    4. 4) Retinopathy with retinal hemorrhage( eye disease).
    The prognosis can be optimistic in case of timely provision of adequate medical care.

    Prevention of hypertensive crisis

    A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are the key to preventing a hypertensive crisis. Regular physical exertion, positive emotions, hardening, strengthening of the nervous system will help to avoid hypertensive disease followed by a crisis.

    If the patient still suffers from increased blood pressure, daily monitoring is necessary. The slightest deviation from the norm should be discussed with the doctor in order to choose the right dosage of antihypertensive drugs.

    Recommendations for prophylaxis of hypertensive crisis:

    • not to abuse alcohol;
    • follow the weight;
    • do not eat spicy, greasy and fried foods;
    • to reduce the amount of salt used;
    • get rid of the habit of smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked;
    • avoid situations that lead to stress.
    Psycho-emotional state largely determines the mood and well-being of a person. Therefore, life is better treated philosophically, keeping the balance of yin and yang energies. This is taught by Chinese non-traditional medicine.

    This kind of medicine recommends for the treatment of hypertension such methods as acupuncture, acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage, electrosleep. Only harmony with oneself and nature will help to positively tune in to life, and always be healthy.

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