  • Signs of early pregnancy: 10 important symptoms

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    It would be great if the next day after the delay the woman already knew exactly about the onset of pregnancy.

    But this is very rare, and the first symptoms of the altered hormonal background of the patient manifest themselves in different ways.

    Since every woman is a unique organism, pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways. There may be a complete absence of signs of pregnancy until 1-2 months. Therefore, at the first suspicion it is necessary to address to the gynecologist.

    Fertilization of the ovum occurs within 1 day before and after ovulation. The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages of a woman can feel only after 7-10 days from the onset of ovulation. HCG or chorionic gonadotropin is a protein that appears in the urine and blood of a woman only after the embryo is attached to the uterus.

    Earlier weeks to detect any manifestations of pregnancy is impossible. It is best to make a pregnancy test on the first day of the estimated day of the onset of menstruation. However, there are many other reasons why menstruation has not occurred. Possible hormonal intake, a stressful situation, active sports, taking antibiotics, contraceptives and other medications, or changing the climate.
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    In every woman, the duration of the menstrual cycle is individual, usually it is from 28 to 36 days. Noting the first day of the month in the calendar, you can track the delay. However, sometimes patients have irregularities in the menstrual cycle with an absolutely healthy body. Such a woman will find it difficult to identify the first signs of pregnancy before the delay.

    Increased basal temperature

    Many women have experienced in their lives with the need to measure basal temperature. It allows you to determine the time of ovulation. That is, there are days when there is an increased risk of becoming pregnant. The high basal temperature remains throughout the luteal phase, that is, the time to ovulation.

    An increase in basal temperature during a delay in menstruation can be considered the first sign of pregnancy in the early stages. This temperature is measured by means of an ordinary thermometer, they measure the temperature in the rectum. It is important to measure BT immediately, as soon as you wake up and are still in bed.

    If you see a temperature on the thermometer more than 37 degrees Celsius, then you can safely suspect pregnancy. If conception does not occur, the basal temperature falls, the monthly ones come in the due time.

    No monthly

    Women no menstruation in due time perceive the first sign of the onset of pregnancy in the early stages. However, the delay is not always related to this.

    Any ailment or stress can change the hormonal background. It even happens that at the first time the girl marks menstruation. This bleeding, which occurs during the first term of pregnancy, often differs from the standard monthly blemishes and the amount of secretions.

    The first indices are when the menstrual periods have decreased too much, and menstruation has quickly ended. If there was unprotected sex, it is likely that with 50% of the accuracy, such a menses can be called the beginning of pregnancy. Again, if other hormonal changes have occurred in the body of a woman, such a meager monthly can be an explicable sign.

    Nausea and vomiting

    Most women experience nausea in the morning and feel unwell as the first sign of a new condition. But such symptoms are also in case of poisoning, gastrointestinal and liver diseases. During pregnancy, nausea occurs mainly in the morning, although there may be manifestations during the day due to a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels.

    Toxicosis in the early term arises due to the fact that the body wants to get rid of harmful substances. In the second trimester, toxicosis worries because of the need of the female body to get rid of the "alien organism".Some patients are concerned with the whole pregnancy. This is the so-called psychological toxicosis.

    Note that some patients who strongly want to become pregnant, as well as those who are pathologically afraid of a new condition, note nausea in the mornings. But in reality, a new life has not yet arisen.

    Changing taste preferences, changing the taste of

    You may notice an increase in the level of hormones in the metallic taste in the mouth. You can change the usual taste of food. You will be drawn to unusual products.

    However, this symptom often manifests itself in later terms.

    Soreness and breast augmentation

    During the onset of the birth of a new life, the mammary glands are prepared for lactation. The breast becomes rough, the woman feels painful sensations. Often darken the nipples, they become more sensitive. Sometimes the veins become more noticeable, the areola around the breast increases. Some pregnant women notice an increase in knobs on the areola.

    A clear indication is the allocation of colostrum or yellowish discharge from the nipples. Yet the symptoms are purely individual, and the pregnant patient probably does not notice any of them!

    Frequent urge to urinate

    A week after implantation, some note more frequent trips to the toilet on a small one. This is due to the release of the hormone hCG.It is he who provokes an increase in blood supply in the pelvic organs. As a result, bladder overflow is felt even with a slight accumulation of urine, especially a woman often worries about this problem at night.

    However, frequent urination is in many cases associated with cystitis or urethritis. The main difference is that with such diseases there is discomfort, tenderness and pain during urination.

    Implantation bleeding

    Approximately 6-12 days after the onset of fertilization, bleeding appears in a light shade. They do not look like ordinary ones with their own color. At this stage, the embryo is planted on the uterine wall. Some patients do not notice any discharge, this is also considered normal.

    A small discharge from the vagina appears even when the fetal egg is implanted in the uterine wall. Yellow and pink creamy discharge are also noted. Discharges of these shades occur also with erosion of the cervix, this ailment increases with the onset of pregnancy.

    Fatigue and drowsiness

    Because of ongoing changes in the body, metabolism becomes more accelerated in order to support the future mother's body.

    Sometimes, it seems that you just want to sleep or just relax. Particularly tends to sleep during the day. This works progesterone, which has a sedative effect.

    Increased natural vaginal discharge

    Some pregnant women report an increase in the volume of cervical mucus. The fault is the same hormone progesterone.

    This indicator is not considered obvious.

    Symptoms of colds, a feeling of malaise

    With normal pregnancy, immunity decreases. Nature invented this so that the body does not reject the fruit as an alien body. Because of such hormonal fluctuations, sneezing, nasal congestion, and swelling in the throat appear.

    Sometimes the body temperature rises. In this case, it is recommended not to use strong drugs. Give preference to the means of folk medicine, so as not to harm the future baby.

    Emotional change

    From the very onset of the new state, emotional outbursts emerge for the woman's body. At first the mood is joyful, then it changes, and the woman starts to cry and get upset over trifles.

    Often there is irritability and exactingness to others. Because of this deteriorate relationships with loved ones.

    Back pain and lower abdomen

    In the early term, some patients experience pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. This sign can be provoked by cystitis, severe physical exertion or pyelonephritis including.

    This symptom can also be caused by the threat of miscarriage. Especially when a spasm in the lower abdomen is accompanied by bleeding, you should definitely consult a doctor!

    In addition, the following symptoms are possible:

    1. 1) Diarrhea and constipation - with increasing hormones, the intestines begin to relax, work less efficiently. The body, thus, tries to make room for the child. This provokes flatulence, constipation, and sometimes diarrhea. If you are expecting a baby, use special folk medicine suitable for pregnancy. Some people observe such a disease as hemorrhoids. He often worries in the second and third trimester. But already giving birth to the patient noted such a trouble is not the first weeks of pregnancy.
    2. 2) Insomnia and restless sleep - some women report problems with sleep. Towards sleep tends very early. But even after a full night's rest, fatigue and weakness can remain.
    3. 3) Problems with odors - in such an unusual state, odors sometimes become intolerable. Even such a pleasant earlier process as cooking can be disgusting.
    4. 4) The appearance of acne - you can note on the face the appearance of a rash, which previously did not bother you. This process is also associated with the changed hormonal system of the body.
    5. 5) Migraine and headache - due to a sharp increase in your body's hormones, headaches and migraines are possible. This is not an obvious sign of pregnancy. Often, by the end of the first trimester, the pain decreases.
    6. 6) Craving for new products, increasing appetite, increasing salivation - often women in a new state for themselves feel the need to try certain foods. It is not always salted cucumbers, but in some cases these are characteristic taste preferences. You may want tomato juice, honey, watermelon or chalk, everything is very individual. The body tries to make up for a deficiency in nutrients and vitamins, is preparing to bear the baby.
    7. 7) Minor hand swelling - fluid and salt are delayed due to the work of progesterone. This provokes some swelling of the hands, when you squeeze your hand into a fist, you can note that the fingers, as if thicker.
    8. 8) Tingling in the uterine region - sometimes pregnant women feel in the uterus tingling during the first two weeks from the onset of pregnancy.

    Possible signs of pregnancy

    A woman may not notice a single symptom in her life, and may get pregnant with toxemia, insomnia, frequent urination and constipation.

    However, the most likely signs are: breast augmentation, delay, nausea, dizziness in the morning. Upon examination, the gynecologist notes the increase in the uterus with softening of its isthmus. Cyanosis of the cervix and the walls of the vagina will also be able to determine the doctor.

    Reliable indicators of

    To be 100% sure of the onset of this long-awaited period, you should submit a blood and urine test. The pregnancy test, starting from the first day of the proposed menstruation, is able to show a positive result.

    Tests can also give a false negative or false positive result. If there is kidney disease, the test is overdue or it was not used in the morning or stale urine, it will not give the right result. Also a false negative test can be in case of drinking a significant amount of fluid before the test.

    If you have noticed some signs of the emergence of a new life in yourself, take the test. The procedure should be performed in the morning with fresh urine. It is better to wait a few days after the delay, then the result will be more revealing.

    Since the first or second week of pregnancy in the blood and urine is determined hCG.Chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is more reliable in the early term. Already on a three-week period of pregnancy, ultrasound can determine in the uterine cavity a fetal egg.

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