  • Cervical cyst: symptoms, treatment, reasons, photo

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    What is it? One of the pathologies of female gynecological diseases is the cysts that form in the cervical canal and in the cervix.

    The formation of cystic cavities in the canal itself or on the surface of the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​due to the obstruction of the ducts in the glandular glands by a secret consisting of glandular glandulocyte cells. The gland overflows with the accumulated secret, which has no outlet and swells.

    Cystic formations on the uterine neck may have a single and multiple manifestation. No particular danger:

    • is not a cause of oncology;
    • does not affect the state of the hormonal background and the phase of the menstrual cycle;
    • does not involve the development of the cystic follicle in the ovaries;
    • does not affect negatively the fetal development of the fetus and does not lead to miscarriages.
    Despite all the numerous "not", from any cystic manifestations, if possible, you need to get rid of. Since, their contents, it is the vital haven of numerous bacteria and microorganisms that can cause various pathologies in the female reproductive system, including inflammatory diseases.
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    And the inflammatory processes in the uterus, its tubes, ovaries, can cause infertility in women, ectopic pregnancy, an increase in cysts to significant size leads to deformation of the uterine neck and discomfort in "acts of love."

    Causes of cervical cyst

    The main criterion in cystic formation is inflammation directly in the canal( cervical), connecting the vagina and the inner cavity of the uterus and in the neck of the uterus.

    Provocative factor may be infection and injury resulting from:

    • induced abortion;
    • generic activity;
    • introduction of intrauterine devices;
    • hysteroscopy;
    • consequence of the WFD - diagnostic curettage.
    As a rule, the development of neoplasms does not manifest itself particularly, and is only detected with routine examinations or as a result of inflammatory processes caused by the attack of accumulated microorganisms.

    Depending on the method of formation and the cause, the pathological cavity in the tissues is divided into certain types:

    1. 1) Post-traumatic cysts - based on mechanical tissue damage;
    2. 2) Education, due to abnormalities in the development of tumor processes;
    3. 3) Due to parasitic effects;
    4. 4) Dizontogenetic cysts due to congenital or individual pathologies.
    Multiple neoplasms( polycystic) as a result of blockage of secret for one reason or another, refer to retention cysts - formed as a result of an overabundance of secretions in the ducts of the prostate glands - ovuli Nabothi.

    Single neoplasms are referred to as endometrioid cysts that arise in the cervix due to the displacement of the endometrium to the injured tissue.

    Retreatment cysts

    This type of cystic vesicle can be congenital or have an acquired character. They look like small rounded elevations in the ducts or capsule of the secretory glands filled with a liquid secret.

    The congenital nature of retention cysts is due to the fusion of the duct walls even during intrauterine development. The manifestation of pathology is possible at any age by the defeat of elements of the exocrine and endocrine system.

    The basis of the mechanism of development of retention cysts is occlusion of ducts with clots of secretion, scar tissue elements or tumor formations that block outflow of fluid and cause stretching of the gland walls.

    As a result of ectopy( the displacement of the cylindrical epithelium beyond the cervical canal) cysts of the natal glands are formed. Scales of the epithelium fill the ducts, creating obstacles to outflow, thereby provoking cystic formations.

    The reason for such formations may be:

    1. 1) Inflammatory processes in cervicitis( inflammation of the vaginal segment of the cervix);
    2. 2) The regenerative process, which works in intensive mode after labor activity, causes the failure of the prosthetic glands;
    3. 3) Inflammatory processes due to genital infections - infectious agents become "instigators," glandular secretion of inflammation resulting occur outflow secretion disorders;
    4. 4) Climax affects the internal state of women, causing multiple structural changes, including in the glands of Nabota. There is an increased production of glandular secretion, which does not always come out in time, contributing to the formation of congestion in the ducts.
    5. 5) May be the result of congenital pseuderosion. This pathology is caused by border crossing and the original flat cylindrical epithelium filled with secret tsirvikalny channel, null, creating a constriction in psevdoerozivnyh areas. The result is a violation of the normal outflow of secretion and the formation on the uterine neck of the cystic cavity.

    Solitary tumors

    Education solitary cysts due to a disease of endometriosis, where they are called endometrial cysts. Such formations develop when moving endemetry to the injured zone of the neck.

    The cavity is filled with bloody exudates, has a cyanotic or chocolate color. Possible formation of large sizes( more than 10 cm).Great risk of cystic breakthrough.

    Symptoms of cervical cysts

    not large size of cervical cyst, in most cases, did not make themselves known, only secretory cavities large exhibit characteristic symptoms:

    1. 1) bleeding in the intermenstrual cycle. Even if this is not a cystic formation, but such a sign is characteristic of oncological diseases of female organs, which is a very good reason to undergo a survey.
    2. 2) Manifestations of pain in the lower abdomen.
    3. 3) Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
    4. 4) The unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge is a sign of infection.


    Diagnosis of the disease is usually performed when examined by a doctor. But since, small cysts can be located along the entire length of the cervical canal, they are not always noticeable when viewed.

    To clarify, the advanced diagnosis of cervical cyst is involved:

    1. 1) Ultrasonic scanning of the affected area.
    2. 2) The method of colposcopy, which allows to characterize and see changes in the tissue structure of the neck and to make an accurate diagnosis.
    3. 3) Swab specimens for the presence oncocytology and urogenital infections
    4. 4) Investigation of hormonal using immunofermentogrammy
    5. 5) As an additional diagnostic use biopsy to exclude oncological tumors

    cervical cysts Treatment

    Given the location, size and associated pathologies selected mostThe optimal method of cervical cyst treatment.

    Usually, easily accessible formations are opened, released from the contents and treated with antiseptic drugs. If the contents are found purulent secretions impurities appointed antibacterials, the sample is taken to identify the intended pathogen and defining its sensitivity to antibiotics.

    In surgical treatment, cervical cysts use different removal methas:

    1. 1) Moxibustion-cystic cavities are removed, cauterized by chemical preparations.
    2. 2) Diathermocoagulation method - the effect on the formation of high temperatures.
    3. 3) Removal of cysts by electric current - electrocoagulation method.
    4. 4) Laserdistraction - allows you to remove the cavity in a non-contact way, controlling the depth of penetration of the laser beam.
    5. 5) Removal by cryodestruction is by cold-liquid nitrogen.
    6. 6) Application of the radio wave method, is the most optimal for today. After it there are no scars on the tissues, and complications are not characteristic.
    Non-complex preventive measures can help prevent the development of cystic neoplasms on the cervix. For this it is necessary: ​​

    • regular check-ups at the gynecologist;
    • is periodically monitored by ultrasound;
    • for the purpose of prevention to undergo endoscopic examination;
    • timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.
    There are quite a few "homegrown" ways of treating cystic formations, but before using them, consult a doctor. Entrust yourself to a professional.

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