  • How to increase lactation of breast milk at home

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    The dream of every mother is the health of her newborn child and the abundance of mother's milk.

    Feeding and care play an important role in the life and development of the child, so doctors recommend breastfeeding.

    Breast milk is easily digested, it ensures harmonious physical and mental development of the child, increases the protective functions of the body.

    How to increase lactation of milk to provide the baby with healthy food? First of all, it is necessary to understand the causes that contribute to reducing lactation of breast milk.

    Causes of decreased lactation of breast milk

    • stress, disruption of the nervous system;Emotional stress of
    • ;
    • insomnia;
    • physical activity;
    • insufficient fluid intake;
    • defective food;
    • non-compliance with the infant feeding regime;
    • bad habits;
    • heredity.
    Every year there is a tendency to artificial feeding. Sometimes this is due to a woman's unwillingness to spoil the shape and shape of her breasts. In this case, it is recommended to feed the baby with breast milk at least up to 2-3 months before the formation of the immune system.
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    If the mother is set up for long-term feeding and it seems to her that there is not enough milk, then it is necessary to carry out a control weighing of the child. For this, the baby is weighed before and after feeding in the same clothes and diapers.

    The result will show whether the mother really does not have enough milk. There are a lot of means and techniques for increasing lactation, but the determining moment in treatment is the mood of the nursing mother. In the calm state of the mother, the child behaves calmly, the general well-being of the woman improves and the stay of breast milk is accelerated.

    See also, the causes and prevention of lactostasis in a nursing mother.

    Increases in lactation at home

    A child should receive on average a day's food in an amount equal to 1/5 or 1/6 of his body weight. If milk is not enough, the child does not gain weight, doctors recommend measures to stimulate lactation of breast milk.

    First of all, it is necessary to observe the diet and feeding of the baby. If the baby is restless after feeding, looks for a breast and can not fall asleep, most likely, milk is not enough. Then apply the baby more often to the breast( up to 8 - 10 times a day).This will help strengthen lactation and saturate the baby.

    As for nutrition, the diet should be balanced. Nursing mother should be consumed per day up to 200 g.protein food( meat, fish, poultry).

    It is obligatory to include in the diet sour - milk products - 150 gr.cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, as well as 20-30 gr.cheese, 15 - 30 grams of vegetable and vegetable oil, 500 gr.vegetables and 300 gr.fruit. Food should be high in calories, natural, containing vitamins and minerals.

    You do not need to get involved with pastries and sweets, as the level of protein in milk can decrease. Such products as chocolate, honey, mushrooms, coffee, citrus fruits sometimes lead to allergic diseases in the child, so it is better to abstain from them.

    It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day. If you increase the amount of liquid, the milk will be low-fat and unenriched minerals and vitamins. Useful broths of dogrose, dried fruits, carrot juice, tea with milk, berry and fruit juices.

    Directly before feeding, it is recommended to drink a glass of hot green tea. There are drinks that improve lactation of milk. These include decoctions of dandelion, dill, nettle, fennel, anise. In winter and early spring, it is advisable to take a nursing mother a complex of vitamins and minerals.

    Many argue about the benefits of beer to increase lactation. Do not believe this! Alcohol enters the breast milk and negatively affects the central nervous system of the baby. Breastfeeding mother should exclude alcoholic beverages.

    You can also say about the dangers of smoking. Nicotine leads to disorders of the nervous and cardiac system of the child, so bad habits should be abandoned, at least for the period of breastfeeding.

    Look also, that it is possible to eat nursing mum.

    Popular means for increasing lactation

    These products can help increase lactation at home:

    • collection of herbs: lavender, buds, lemon balm, eleutherococcus, anise, oregano with the addition of birch and dandelion leaves;
    • collection of herbs: lungwort, mullein, primrose, mallow, coriander, fennel, caraway, althea;
    • juice from fresh carrots with the addition of dandelion juice;
    • anise infusion;
    • caraway drink;
    • brewer's yeast;
    • apilac;
    • black tea, brewed in cream;
    • green tea.
    There are many positive reviews about the "apilak" product. This drug regains strength after childbirth, relieves nervous and physical stress, accelerates the production of milk.

    Methods of maintaining lactation of breast milk

    The methods of maintaining breast milk lactation include proper feeding and hygienic care of the breast. For successful milk production, it is necessary to decant after each feeding. Then the milk arrives on time and its quantity increases.

    Necessarily lactating woman should rest during the day and sleep at night for at least 7-8 hours. For a good oxygen exchange, it is advisable to do physical exercises, walk in the fresh air. To maintain lactation, a gentle massage of the breast is recommended in circular motions from the nipple to the periphery of the breast. After feeding, you can lower your chest in warm water to 45 degrees for 5-10 minutes or massage with a warm shower.

    According to some methods, before feeding it is recommended to strip the baby for physical contact of the mother and child. Improves metabolism in the child, his health.

    Mom should be calm and think about the baby and the benefits of breast-feeding. In the absence of breast milk, doctors advise you to lower your legs into hot water immediately before feeding and drink a glass of hot tea. Such physical methods improve blood circulation in the mother and increase lactation of milk.

    Methods for maintaining milk lactation:

    1. 1) Frequent feeding;
    2. 2) Rational nutrition;
    3. 3) Compliance with sleep;
    4. 4) Walking and exercise;
    5. 5) Positive mood.
    If the baby is gaining weight well, then the mother has enough milk, and there is no reason to worry. Excessive worries worsen the psycho-emotional state. It is necessary to tune in to the positive, to study philosophy, children's literature.

    There are medical preparations for maintaining lactation. For example, leptaden reduces the risk of reducing lactation. Many vitamin complexes increase lactation.

    Folk remedies, or medicines, affect each organism in its own way. In each case, to improve lactation, methods and means are selected individually.

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