  • Cholecystitis: symptoms, treatment, diet, causes

    Cholecystitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process in the gallbladder is diagnosed.

    The disease is usually caused by various kinds of microbes, as well as concomitant gastrointestinal diseases.

    Cholecystitis can occur both in acute and chronic form, but in any case it needs adequate and timely treatment.

    Classification of

    To date, in medical practice, there are two main forms of the disease - calculous or acute, and chronic cholecystitis. Symptoms and treatment will directly depend on the form of the ailment. This differentiation is carried out on the basis of data about how the disease proceeds and what is the nature of its occurrence.

    In the vast majority of cases, acute cholecystitis occurs against the background of cholelithiasis, which is why it is often called calculous. This variety of cholecystitis develops very quickly and is characterized by acute course. Inflammation is caused due to the fact that the stone overlaps the vesicle and prevents a free outflow of bile. In rare cases, a similar situation can occur with giardiasis.
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    Chronic cholecystitis is different in that it develops gradually, so often a person can learn about it already in the late stages. The root causes of its formation are similar to the etiology of acute cholecystitis, however, in this case, the inflammatory process joins after the changes in the gallbladder such as thickening of the walls of the organ, the formation of adhesions, the violation of outflow of bile.

    Depending on the form of cholecystitis, the symptoms of the disease and the methods of treatment will vary.

    Causes of cholecystitis

    The direct cause of the formation of cholecystitis is the destruction of its mucosa by various microorganisms. Most often it is enterococci, streptococci, E. coli or staphylococci. As a rule, they enter the cavity of the gallbladder through the bile ducts. The onset of inflammation in cholecystitis is preceded by conditions that in one way or another disturb the process of normal outflow of bile. This is, in particular, about cholelithiasis, gastritis, dyskinesia of the sclerotic bladder or bile ducts, as well as other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition, provoking factors may be:

    • obesity
    • heredity
    • sedentary lifestyle
    • intake of hormonal drugs
    • decrease in body's immune defenses
    • presence of intestinal parasites( lamblia, ascaris, opistroch)
    • malnutrition
    Very often cholecystitis appears before, or duringpregnancy. A similar phenomenon occurs because pregnant women are displaced and squeezed almost all organs, including the gall bladder.

    Because of this, bile is retained in the bladder, stones are formed that can block the duct and provoke an inflammatory process inside the gallbladder.

    Symptoms of cholecystitis

    In medical practice, the symptoms of acute and chronic cholecystitis are distinguished.

    In acute cholecystitis, the disease manifests itself by an acute and sudden attack.

    Patients note strong stitching pain, which is localized in the right hypochondrium and gives to the right shoulder blade and shoulder. The abdomen is very swollen and tense.

    The pain is usually associated with high fever. Also a person can feel strong nausea and dizziness. Vomiting is possible, often with an admixture of bile. Typically, a similar attack occurs after eating a large amount of fatty foods or alcohol, or after prolonged physical exertion.

    In chronic cholecystitis, the symptoms are slightly different. There is pain in the right hypochondrium, but in this case, it is dull, pulling. It usually occurs after eating. Sometimes the pain is cramping, but such attacks are quickly removed with the help of antispasmodics.

    In addition, patients often experience mild nausea, many have a bitter taste in their mouths. With the passage of time, pain can be intensified, and in the absence of treatment, chronic cholecystitis risks developing into an acute form.


    If there is a suspicion of cholecystitis, both acute and chronic, a general clinical and biochemical blood test is performed.

    It can show signs of inflammation and infection in the body, as well as excessive activity of the liver enzymes, which indicates a pathology in the work of the liver or gallbladder. At a direct examination the doctor can note the tension and bloating. In acute cholecystitis, there is a so-called Ortner syndrome.

    The peculiarity of this syndrome is that when you tap on the right costal arch, a person feels quite sharp and severe pain, but similar strokes on the left costal arch do not cause any sensations.

    If suspected of this disease, it is mandatory to perform ultrasound diagnosis. With its help, you can determine the state of the walls of the gallbladder, the pathological change in its size, the presence or absence of stones, purulent formations.

    In some cases, additional diagnostic procedures may be prescribed, such as cholecystocholangiography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

    Treatment of cholecystitis

    In adults, acute cholecystitis is treated exclusively in the hospital. The task of doctors is to remove inflammation as quickly as possible and relieve pain. To do this, use droppers with antispasmodics and antibiotics.

    In the absence of the proper effect, an operation to remove the gallbladder is possible. Also often conduct cholecystotomy. The essence of this procedure is that a patient is injected through the skin with a small tube into the gallbladder. Thanks to this tube, bile is freely released outside, which in turn helps to remove the inflammatory process.

    In chronic cholecystitis for relieving spasms and pain, it is recommended to use antispasmodics in the form of tablets or injections, if the pain is intense enough. In rare cases, it is possible to use anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. A good effect in the treatment of chronic cholecystitis give cholagogue preparations. Including and on the basis of grasses.

    Treatment of chronic cholecystitis in adults also involves special procedures designed to improve the functioning of the gallbladder. To such procedures belongs, for example, the method of "blind tjubazh" and duodenal sounding. During such events the outflow of bile improves, unfavorable conditions for the formation of stones are created. However, such procedures are performed under the supervision of the doctor and exclusively during the remission of the disease.

    Recommendations for a diet for cholecystitis

    Properly organized food is one of the main pledges of rapid recovery and recovery in cholecystitis.

    Diet for the patient with acute cholecystitis is of particular importance. During a period of complication, such a patient is required to adhere to strict rules and regulations concerning nutrition.

    So, in the early days of the disease, it is recommended to drink only a diet. Among the permitted drinks - mineral water, diluted with water, broth of dogrose, tea. All this should be eaten in a warm form.

    After one or two days, when acute symptoms disappear, the diet can be expanded. In this case, you can eat lightly ground soups, some kinds of porridge( rice, semolina, oatmeal), various kinds of kissels.

    With time, you can introduce lean meat and fish, dairy products. This kind of food should be in case of chronic cholecystitis, which is in remission. All food should be divided into approximately 5 receptions and eat meals in small portions.

    Complications of

    Cholecystitis, especially its acute form, is dangerous for its complications.

    Most often they are formed if a person does not receive appropriate treatment, or neglects a diet. One of the most serious complications of cholecystitis is the perforation of the walls of the gastric bladder. It can occur due to necrosis of the tissues of the organ. In this case, an abscess with a purulent content can form, which, falling into the abdominal cavity, causes peritonitis.

    Both chronic and acute cholecystitis may spread infection beyond the gallbladder. So, very often the inflammatory process affects the bile ducts. A similar complication of the disease is called cholangitis.

    In addition, the disease can provoke such pathological conditions as adhesions of the abdominal cavity, choledocholithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, gall bladder edema, and many other diseases.

    Prophylaxis of cholecystitis

    Prevention provides, first of all, the organization of a correct and healthy diet. Scientifically proven that the problem with the gallbladder is the reception of a large amount of fatty, fried, or sweet food.

    In addition, great harm is caused by overeating, even if the diet contains healthy foods. That's why doctors recommend giving their preference to low-fat kinds of meat and fish, vegetables and cereals. When cooking, it is best to use quenching, or baking, but from frying it is worth noting.

    In addition to nutrition, a major role in the formation of cholecystitis is played by the state of the nervous system. It is noticed that people who are often exposed to severe stress are much more vulnerable to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. That's why it is recommended to avoid strong nervous shocks, negative emotions, to engage in therapeutic gymnastics.

    The timely detection and treatment of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in the prevention of cholecystitis. And considering that the provoking factor for the formation of gallbladder inflammation is often a helminthic invasion of some parasites, it is also advisable to carry out antihelminthic prophylaxis.

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