
How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator - at home

  • How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator - at home

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    Sooner or later, every housewife faces the problem of smell in the refrigerator. In this article, we describe how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator at home. To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand the cause of the unpleasant odor.

    Causes The cause of the smell

    If to explain more simply, the scent appears because the molecules( particles) of the products that are currently in your fridge, in a large quantity deposited on its surface. In general, in order for a person to feel an unpleasant smell, only one or two particles are enough, and in the refrigerator they are going to be not that hundreds, thousands! For this reason, in order to get rid of the smell, you need to acquire the means that have the ability to absorb( absorb) these very particles that cause the appearance of an unpleasant smell.

    If you suddenly forget for a while about the products in the refrigerator, do not throw them out in time - the badly smelling ambret you are simply provided with. In addition, the source of such a smell may also be the storage of products that do not have packaging. Remember that even a new refrigerator will not save you from the appearance of an unpleasant smell if the products in it are stored improperly.

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    How to prevent

    How to prevent the appearance of odor

    Have you just bought a refrigerator? Then, in order to avoid problems, you should immediately wash it from the inside with a weak soda solution or any non-concentrated detergent. A good result gives and washing with vodka or ammonia. After the rinsing is finished, open the refrigerator door and leave it ventilated for at least a couple of hours.

    In general, if an unpleasant smell has appeared in the refrigerator, first of all you need to wash it thoroughly from the inside. It is very important that you do not forget about the fact that there is also a drain hole in which the main part of all the dirt and particles provoking the appearance of an unpleasant odor is collected. Before washing, the refrigerator must be switched off. Try to defrost it as often as possible and clean it. Do not wait until it is covered from the inside with mold.

    All those products that are in the refrigerator must have a tight lid or impermeable packaging. If you follow such an elementary rule, it will help to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant smell, as well as the need to prematurely thaw food.

    There is a fairly large number of ways to overcome an unpleasant odor. You can use household chemicals, certain products, a combination of products and chemistry. A good result is store scavengers odor.


    fight with an unpleasant odor

    In this rather simple fact you can help:

    Household chemicals Household chemicals. The walls of the refrigerator should be wiped with a cloth soaked in a mildly concentrated vinegar solution. If the smell is very strong, then dilute the product one to one with water. In order to finally get rid of the ambre, in the farthest corner of your refrigerator, put a jar of cotton wool soaked in vinegar. Not forever, of course, only for a couple of hours.

    A good result is provided by baking soda. For example, you can put in a fridge a glass of water and soda, diluted in it. Or so: take a plastic container with holes, pour into it a simple soda and put it in the refrigerator. No container? Then put an open box and periodically change it.

    Scrub the inside of the refrigerator with liquid ammonia and leave its doors open all night.

    Activated charcoal or charcoal works well. Just grab a handful of coal, crush or crush it, pour it in a saucer and put it in the fridge for only 7 hours. Coal has an excellent ability to absorb and absorb any odors. Another option: crushed activated or charcoal poured into a plastic box with holes in the lid and keep it in the refrigerator.

    Lemon - odor eliminator Products. Very, very good kills the unpleasant smell of lemon. Rinse the inside of the refrigerator or just wipe it with a rag that has been soaked in water with the addition of lemon. You can cut into citrus slices, put on a saucer and put it for a couple of days in the fridge. That's only longer than one week to keep such a "tool" is not necessary. Otherwise, your lemon will rot itself, and you will have to fight with the smell of rot.

    Take plain black bread and cut it into small pieces. They will need to decompose not a few saucers, each of which you put on a separate shelf of the refrigerator. That's just pre-refrigerator should be turned off and not turn on, while the "procedure", that is, for ten hours, will be carried out. Bread has an excellent absorbent capacity. Instead of bread, you can use rice.

    Extreme, but effective way: rub inside the refrigerator with garlic and leave everything in this form for 12 hours. Or you can use the bow in the same way.