  • Games that form focused attention

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    Attention is a prerequisite for any activity: educational, playful, cognitive. Without a purposeful, sufficiently sustained attention, neither the child's independent activity nor the performance of adult tasks are possible. The special work of the educator on the development of attention contributes to the timely development of children and the successful adoption of the program, kindergarten.

    Meanwhile, the attention of preschool children, as a rule, is very poorly developed. The kid can equally be interested in any subject, his attention easily jumps from one object to another. As a result, a child may not hear what the teacher says in the lesson, or catch only the beginning of the task that is given to him, not to notice what is happening around him. Disorganization of children's behavior, their increased impulsiveness and restlessness, are usually the result of inability to manage their attention and behavior. The child himself will not be able to overcome these shortcomings. He needs to help him in time to learn how to manage his attention.

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    It should be noted that any training game contributes to the development of focused attention, because it always contains a task and rules of action that require concentration. However, usually this aspect appears as an auxiliary, accompanying the solution of other diverse tasks. In order to develop in a timely manner certain qualities of attention( purposefulness, stability, concentration) among children and the ability to manage it, special games are needed, such that this task is at the center of the activities of the educator and the child. Such games are described in this section. In each of them, focus, concentration and sustainability of attention are the main condition for gaming activities with attractive objects and communication of children with each other. In some cases, you need to take into account the different requirements of the task( "One, two, three - say!"), In others to select and keep the goal of the action( "Finger", "Hide and play with toys"), in the third time to switch attention( "Respond, do notyawn! "," Let's go our boxes! ").The last games of this section( "Magic Table" and "Shallow Basking Prophylaxes") require children to be especially focused and steadfast in their attention, because in them the kids should notice and realize the changes that have occurred.

    Characteristic for these games is the availability of text( usually a poetic one) that directs the children's attention, reminds them of the rules and the conditions for their implementation, which are related to managing their attention.

    The educator is not only an organizer and leader, but also a direct participant in the game. This is necessary to ensure that children, imitating the adult, gradually mastered the game actions and prepared for their independent implementation.