
Products for happiness and menus. Effective Secrets

  • Products for happiness and menus. Effective Secrets

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    1. Chocolate - it is the most famous antidepressant. In the case when you often pamper yourself with this product, then do not wait for it antidepressant effect. The reason for this is that it does not have the theobromine, a tonic, which is contained in cocoa products. The greatest amount of theobromine is contained in bitter chocolate, the higher the percentage of grated cocoa seeds, the greater and better the antidepressant effect.
    2. Almonds. It also helps the body cope with stress. As well as in chocolate, almonds contain magnesium, hence, it helps to rid the nervous system of mental unrest. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals, which directly lead to the emergence of stressful conditions, and riboflavin, many know it as vitamin B2, provoke the production of serotonin, therefore, you can say goodbye to the depressed state. But also do not overdo it in this regard. Almonds are a fairly high-calorie product, therefore, it is recommended to eat it in small portions about 50 grams per day, in fried or dried form.
    3. Seafood. Over the last time, seafood has become more accessible to everyone and is almost indispensable food. Due to the fact that they contain many vitamins such as A, D, B2, B12, PP, protein, zinc and phosphorus, they have antidepressant effect. Salmon, in turn, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn help the body get rid of stress and therefore increase the level of serotonin.
      Trout is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, B6 and B12 vitamins, which directly stimulate the production of the happiness hormone. As for sea kale, it includes pantothenic acid, which in turn is responsible for the normal work of adrenal glands producing adrenaline.
    4. Broccoli cabbage. Broccoli cabbage contains vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, PP, as well as such useful substances as calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, manganese, chromium, iodine and boron. Including broccoli cabbage is rich in folic acid, which helps our body cope with bad mood, improves response to stress and helps cope with panic attacks. It is also worth noting that broccoli sprouts the body as a whole, neutralizes carcinogens and toxins, restores the hormonal balance.
    5. Dairy products. As it turned out, with daily milk consumption, not only our teeth and bones are saturated with calcium, but also the production of stress hormones is suppressed. Microelements, antioxidants and B vitamins successfully fight with nervous disorders, increase the level of tryptophan in the blood, soothe, provoke the production of serotonin.
      Curd contains vitamins such as B1 and B2, which in turn give vivacity, energy, freshness and good mood. Antidepressant effect is also possessed by hard cheese varieties due to the presence in them of amino acids of tyramine, phenylethylamine and triktamina, which in turn stimulate the production of the hormone of happiness.
    6. Bananas. In order to constantly be in tonus, you should diversify your diet with bananas. They also have a balanced vitamin composition. Contain a fairly large amount of vitamin C and E, including a high content of vitamin B6, which is a quarter of the recommended daily rate. Bananas contain three natural sugars: fructose, sucrose and glucose, they combine with fiber to give a positive upsurge and are soothing to the nervous system.
    7. Meat. If you are not a vegetarian, then you can safely make an association on meat. The ideal option is low-fat beef, as it contains vitamins E and B, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and many other elements that combat bad mood, weakness, and in turn increase stamina and strengthen muscles. Turkey meat is an excellent source of pantothenic acid, which in turn takes part in the development of anti-stress hormones. The turkey also contains the amino acid phenylalanine, which is subsequently converted into a hormone dopamine, which in turn raises the mood and prevents the further development of depression.
      Lamb contains vitamins B, E, PP, fluoride, iodine, magnesium and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body as a whole. Rabbit - white meat, rich in minerals, proteins and vitamins. It contains such minerals as fluoride, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, vitamins B6, B12, C and PP, it is worth noting that rabbit meat does not contain fats and sodium salts, therefore the mood will improve without harm to your figure.
    8. Oatmeal. Oatmeal is a unique product, as it not only contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are indispensable for the body, but it still has the ability to remove toxins, relieve insomnia and repair your nerves. Eating oatmeal, your body will be saturated with thiamine, which is known to us as a vitamin of optimism, and you will keep a feeling of satiety and will be sure that the blood sugar level is normal.
    9. Berries. Blueberries are an excellent antidepressant. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber, which are very important in the fight against stress. Bilberry, due to the high concentration of ascorbic acid and plant fibers, allows to normalize the digestive system during the period of nervous tension.
      Another strawberry, which has an antidepressant property, is strawberry. It in turn is rich in vitamin C and folic acid, and thanks to the large content of vitamin PP and vitamin B, it is a good anti-stress drug. Also strawberry helps to cope with insomnia, fatigue, irritability, helps to keep the mood and nerves in order and calm.
    Mood menu

    Products for the mood of

    Products that help to cheer up and cause a sense of satisfaction and happiness are:

    Important for maintaining a good mood is vitamin B9, that is, folic acid, it acts quite favorably on the nervous system. Contains this vitamin in bread, spinach and as mentioned earlier in broccoli.

    Also a wonderful cure for bad mood are tropical fruits. Oranges, mangoes, guava and red Bulgarian peppers are rich in vitamin C, which in turn provides a rush of energy and vivacity.

    Psychologists have long noted the fact that there is a certain dependence between the color of what we eat and our mood. All yellow, orange, bright green and red irritates the visual receptors and transmits excitation signals to the brain. This to some extent helps a person to remain in a good mood.

    The brain also needs an influx of glucose, and this is necessary not only so that it can think well and not give up at the right moment, but also so that it can maintain itself in a good position. Everyone knows that glucose is found in sweets. In order to combat depression with sweets, you did not have to have problems with the figure, there is a little trick: you need to eat sweet in small portions, but more often. Do not forget that after a long glucose fasting, a person can eat on average 3-4 times more sweets than if he used them regularly, but little by little.

    The most real depression can cause a shortage of fatty acids for a long time. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to eat fatty fish( sardine, tuna, salmon) or fat-containing nuts, for example, cashews or peanuts once in 1-2 weeks.

    The mood menu

    To maintain a good mood, you can use the following menu offered:

    Banana, a small piece of chocolate and flavored tea.

    A piece of low-fat meat or poultry with vegetables. Must include carrots and celery.

    A small amount of bitter chocolate and forest berries. It is recommended to keep bright mandarins, green apples or pomegranate around yourself.

    A glass of red wine and cheese with a mold, an avocado-based salad and a tomato, you can also add more herbs.

    Very useful for the body and for the mood of cheese. In 100 grams of cheese contains fats, proteins, microelements and vitamins as much as they are directly contained in 1.25 liters of milk.

    Cheese, in turn, can replace a product such as meat in the diet. It provides our body with proteins - energy sources and the basic material, from which a beautiful figure, healthy cells and tissues of the body, elastic muscles are directly built.200 grams of cheese can fully satisfy the daily requirement of the organism in animal proteins.

    Also not a little in cheese and fats. But only a small part of them is absorbed by the intestines, the rest, unfortunately, pass by the body. Depending on the variety, the fat content in the cheese ranges from 4 to 60%, and the number of calories from 99 to 560. If you are worried about your figure, then in this case it is best to choose low-calorie and low-fat cheese. Another big plus of cheese is that its fatty acids reduce the risk of developing cancer.

    Vitamin B is in turn a store of energy, a strong nervous system and a well-groomed appearance. Choline improves memory. Retinol, that is, vitamin A, is responsible for skin rejuvenation. Vitamin D helps our body to metabolize minerals. Zinc in turn stimulates sexual activity. Phosphorus is responsible for the normal operation of the muscles. Magnesium has a positive effect on brain function and helps to stay focused. Calcium strengthens our bones and teeth. Also this mineral exerts its influence on our weight. If his reserves run out, he begins to produce a hormone called calcitriol, which in turn promotes the growth of fatty tissues. In order to gain the daily norm of this mineral, namely 1000 mg, you need to eat 10 kilograms of meat, 17 kilograms of apples, or only three slices of cheese( about 100 grams).

    Carbohydrates and sugar in cheese are absent. As for cholesterol, then, for example, the French had to clog their vessels for a long time already, as they eat about 22.8 kilograms of cheese a year, but this does not happen due to the fact that its surpluses dissolve in wine.

    Cheese can replace some products, it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are so important for maintaining our body in a healthy state, this also applies to our nervous system.

    In order to get rid of the pumping mood, from prolonged depression, you just need to balance your diet correctly. By more often use products - antidepressants, and your life will be at least a little more joyful and happier. Surround yourself with only beautiful things that will please you, also with food, cook it so that it is to some extent a work of art, beautifully served food only enhances the mood.

  • All of us at least once experienced such a feeling when nothing makes us happy, everyone is fed up, hands fall, nothing makes you want or saves even the good weather and the rays of the spring sun. We are overcome by sadness, we do not sleep well, we are nervous, if we say more generally, we are in a state of stress. And from this state you need to somehow get out. This is what natural antidepressants can help us: food products, which in turn favorably affect our body, while increasing the concentration of noripinephrine and serotonin - hormones of happiness, which directly and exert their influence on our body.

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  • Products for Mood