
Rashes on the skin in children with dysbiosis: photos, symptoms and treatment in infants

  • Rashes on the skin in children with dysbiosis: photos, symptoms and treatment in infants

    Dysbacteriosis is a disease in which the composition of the intestinal microflora is destroyed. In our article we want to consider rashes on the skin in children with dysbiosis, photos are attached. During intrauterine development of the fetus, the baby is in a sterile environment. The first meeting of a babe with a natural habitat occurs during the passage through the mother's birth canal. Then the first microorganisms are introduced into the intestines of the child.

    Therefore, in the very first hours after the birth of the child, it should be applied to the breast of the mother, as the mother's milk is rich in useful substances, immunoglobulins.

    Photos of symptoms

    In the first few days, the baby can suffer transit dysbacteriosis caused by pathogenic microorganisms, but after a month everything comes back to normal. Transient dysbacteriosis is characterized by colic in the abdomen, regurgitation and a watery green stool.

    Reasons for

    1. Failure and lack of breastfeeding.
    2. instagram viewer
    3. Early feeding with artificial mixtures.
    4. Hormonal treatment and use of antibiotics by the mother of the baby.
    5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a child.
    6. Treatment with antibiotics.
    7. Incorrect digestive enzyme production.
    8. Physiological immaturity.
    9. Diseases of a parasitic species, that is, infecting the body of a child with parasites and bacteria.
    10. Injuries that occurred during childbirth.
    11. Infectious diseases, as well as mastitis in the mother.
    12. Abdominal pain - bloating and abdominal cramps, all these symptoms indicate problems with digestion of the baby and a greater probability that the child suffers from dysbiosis.

    Symptoms of dysbacteriosis of babies

    Bad stools - diarrhea, constipation, food particles in the child's stool suggest that he has dysbacteriosis.

    Presence of smell and color of feces - if the child's chair is green, smell and watery, then most likely he developed this disease. And sometimes there may even be blood in the stool.

    Regurgitation - after feeding the baby immediately belches, bloating and gas formation occurs.

    Violation of the physiological state - with disbacteriosis, appetite, sleep, skin and nails condition is disturbed, the child becomes restless and ceases to grow, loses weight.

    The presence of diathesis - children with dysbiosis, have a rash and allergic reactions on the skin.

    Before starting treatment for dysbacteriosis, this disease should be diagnosed. How to do this

    • Bacteriological study, you need to pass a feces into the laboratory, where about 25 species of microorganisms are detected, which indicate the presence of the disease.
    • Inoculation of stool, this procedure will determine the ratio of microorganisms to useful substances, will show the degree of sensitivity to antibiotics.
    • Coprogram, this study can determine the degree of digestion of food in the stomach and the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestine.
    • After the detection of the disease should begin treatment, but not all parents know how to treat and prevent dysbiosis.


    1. To begin with, you need to tidy up the baby's nutrition. For the baby, the ideal nutrition is the mother's milk, which is sufficiently well-rich with useful elements and substances. If the mother can not feed for many reasons, you need to take an appointment with a doctor. The doctor should prescribe mixtures that are rich in prebiotics and living bacteria.
    2. Next, you should use special drugs that absorb and dissolve unnecessary microorganisms - bacteriophages.
    3. After the course of bacteriophages should be used drugs that saturate and fill the intestines with a healthy microflora - probiotics.
    4. During treatment of a dysbacteriosis the appetite of the child is broken, therefore it is necessary to drink special preparations, for example, such, as Regidron, Tsitroglyukosolan.

    Preventive maintenance of a dysbacteriosis should be begun already during pregnancy.

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