  • Miscarriage at late stages: causes and prevention

    In our time, miscarriage in later terms has become a common practice for obstetricians. However, when his symptoms appear, do not immediately start to panic.

    In most cases, with the timely assistance of doctors, a child has all chances to survive. Miscarriage is the premature termination of pregnancy, the cause of which is not extraneous interference. If this occurs for a period of up to 2 months, it is called early, from 12 weeks, respectively, late.

    Miscarriage for 5 months is considered to be premature birth. Approximately 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, however, to calm you down, we will clarify that this happens more often when a woman still does not suspect her pregnancy. With the willingness and desire of parents to have children, the threat of miscarriage is very small.

    Causes of spontaneous termination of pregnancy

    Factors affecting a woman's pregnancy and, as a result, are the cause of miscarriage a lot. In most cases( approximately 73%), these are genetic disorders in the fetus that are non-hereditary and are due to environmental influences. The rest of the percentage is due to the characteristics of the woman's organism and her way of life.

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    It should be noted that if the fetus was able to survive the first 12 weeks, the risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy becomes significantly less. According to statistics, late miscarriage occurs only in 25% of all cases, and if the interruption occurs at a period of 22 weeks, it is already considered premature birth, in this case the child has a chance to survive, as today, medicine has a massmethods of nursing preterm infants.

    The causes of miscarriage in later terms are no longer a violation in the development of the fetus. Most often, it is an inflammation of the placenta or the walls of the uterus, premature exfoliation of the placenta, infection, and surgical intervention on the vessels or uterus in the past, as well as a strong overstrain of the psyche.

    Consequences: after a miscarriage, you should not lose hope!

    In most cases, pregnancy after a miscarriage at a later date is possible. However, as a result, in 20% of women, after a late miscarriage, there is weakness of the cervix. Since the tissues of the cervical canal are firm, this allows the channel to be closed for a while, although the fetus develops and gradually increases its size and size of the uterus. Because of this, after two months of pregnancy, in women with weakness of the cervix, the cervical canal begins to expand more and more.

    Quite often, spontaneous abortion is accompanied by a sudden outpouring of amniotic fluid, as, pushed through the enlarged cervix, the fetal bladder "bursts" at some point. To avoid this, the doctor binds the cervix with a special sling. After 33-36 weeks, this sling is removed. Despite the fact that this operation is quite simple, almost all women who have passed it successfully give birth to healthy children. There are other consequences of miscarriage, but their solution is a small course of treatment that does not require surgical intervention.

    Prevention of spontaneous abortion

    It is not always possible to solve the problem of miscarriage, as in most cases, its cause are various anomalies in the development of the fetus. And yet a woman can attend to the preservation of her health during pregnancy and pre-conception. A couple of small tips:

    • Avoid stress, remember that a mother's poor psychological state is a threat of miscarriage in later periods.
    • Eat healthy food to provide your child with all the components necessary for its development.
    • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
    • Regularly play sports and watch your weight.

    Recovering from a miscarriage

    To conceive a child again is a perfectly natural desire of the parents. However, many are afraid of doing this because of the probability of failing again. In this there is nothing strange, because this is the reaction of our psyche to the situation that puts stress. And yet, before you conceive again, listen to the advice of the treating doctors. Basically they are:

    1. It is best to take a break for a while before another pregnancy, because otherwise the risk of recurrence of the miscarriage increases by half.
    2. Carefully select contraceptives during this break. For this, consult your physician.
    3. On measures to prevent new failures, talk with your doctor in charge.

    If you still managed to survive this condition - remember, you are not alone in your trouble. Do not despair, because 90% of women, even after 4 spontaneous abortions, give birth to full and healthy children.

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