  • Causes of miscarriage or in detail about the important

    What are the causes of miscarriage? This question does not get tired of asking yourself all the women who have experienced a spontaneous abortion, which always becomes a stressful and traumatic event.

    If you ask a specialist the question of the timing of miscarriage, he most likely will answer that the highest percentage of miscarriages falls on the first trimester of pregnancy, but there are also late interruptions. Late is a rather rare phenomenon, having its own reasons. Usually such miscarriages make up only 1% of the total, according to medical statistics.

    What causes miscarriage

    The reasons why there can be a miscarriage, there are a huge number. Women who lead unhealthy lifestyles are at very high risk of abortion. Smoking, alcohol, drug use, unhealthy diet, and many other bad habits often lead to involuntary termination of pregnancy.

    Sometimes the body reacts by miscarriages to unfavorable environmental conditions. Examples of such factors are poor ecological conditions, constant stresses and problems, chronic fatigue. Very emotional and susceptible women often have this affliction on their nerves.

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    The age factor also increases the risk of interruption. According to statistics, late pregnancy is twice as likely to end as a miscarriage than at a young age. This situation is particularly dangerous for women over the age of forty, who previously suffered from abortions.

    The most common cause is genetic fetal anomalies. In this case, termination of pregnancy can be compared to natural selection. Nature simply rejects an organism that can not live and function in an environment.

    Over ninety percent of all miscarriages occur in the early stages of up to twelve weeks. Most of them happen just due to congenital chromosomal abnormalities, incompatible with normal life activity. The causes of miscarriage should be investigated individually, since chromosomal abnormalities occur due to various factors. This may be an accidental failure of intrauterine development, or it may be a natural consequence of contaminated air or bad habits of parents, from which they did not get rid of the moment of pregnancy.

    If the expectant mother during pregnancy drinks some medications, the risk of miscarriage again increases. Especially dangerous without consulting a doctor to drink any medicinal herbs. They are mistakenly considered safe, but in fact illiterate use of medicinal herbs can seriously harm the health of the future baby. It is very dangerous to drink strong antibiotics during pregnancy. In some cases, this can not be avoided, so the doctor goes for a justifiable risk, but it is much better if the expectant mother will not abuse these drugs during pregnancy.

    The risk of miscarriage increases the presence of infectious diseases of the genital area. Infection damages the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina, damages the fetal membrane, disrupts the natural course of pregnancy. If a woman has chronic diseases, by the time of pregnancy, they should be cured as much as possible.

    The reasons for the early miscarriage may also be that the pregnant woman did not take enough care of herself. Accidental falls, bumps, transfer of heavy objects, heavy physical work - all this can lead to miscarriage.
    Late miscarriages, unlike the early ones, are rare.

    The causes of late miscarriage are in most cases associated with some acute inflammatory processes that disrupt the course of pregnancy. Perhaps excessive nervous overexertion of the future mother. In this case, the risk of genetic disorders in the fetus is almost non-existent, as non-viable material nature "culls" in the first trimester. If the interruption occurs in the last months of pregnancy, the child can be saved by causing artificial birth. Such children are considered premature. Their development and growth in the remaining period are in the children's incubator.

    Modern medicine allows you to care for even very premature babies, so the termination of pregnancy in later terms can result in the successful birth of a healthy child.

    It is important to be very careful about your health in later periods of pregnancy. If there is a sudden interruption, urgent help should be called immediately, as only a quick hospitalization will help a woman save the child. The most noticeable signs of a beginning miscarriage are sharp pains in the lower abdomen, bloody and brown discharge, back pain, the presence of torn tissues in secretions. Any symptoms that are different from normal and familiar, should alert you and become an excuse for urgent medical attention.

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