  • Early toxicosis of pregnant women( toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Early toxicosis of pregnant ( synonym - early gestosis) is a common pathology that develops in the first trimester of pregnancy( up to 12 weeks) due to neuroendocrine disorders in the body of a pregnant woman.

    To date, there are many theories explaining the causes of toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. The essence of all these theories boils down to the fact that with the onset of pregnancy in the body of a woman physiological changes occur that are regulated by the nervous system and hormones. Hormones produce the placenta and endocrine glands( pituitary, thyroid, sex glands, etc.).Early toxicosis occurs mainly due to disruptions in the regulation of the neuroendocrine system. Because of this, the body of a pregnant woman can not normally adapt to the arising pregnancy and develops toxicosis. That's why gynecologists call toxicosis "a disease of adaptation."

    Causes of early toxicosis of pregnant women

    To provoking factors leading to the development of early toxicosis in pregnancy include:

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    - chronic diseases of the digestive system, kidney disease;
    - stress, increased nervous excitability, depression;
    - hereditary predisposition;
    - infectious diseases, intoxications( poisoning with toxins, including toxins of parasites);
    - high blood pressure
    - obesity.

    Symptoms of early toxicosis of pregnant women

    Symptoms of early toxicosis of pregnant women appear more often after a woman learns of her pregnancy, around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. The most persistent symptoms are nausea, vomiting and increased salivation. According to various estimates, about 60% of pregnant women have similar symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy.

    Depending on the severity of the emetic symptoms, 3 degrees of severity of toxicosis are distinguished:

    mild degree of early toxicosis of pregnant women - vomiting up to 5 times a day,
    early toxicosis of pregnant women of moderate severity - vomiting up to 10 times a day,
    severe early toxemia of pregnant women - Indomitable vomiting up to 25 times a day.

    At any degree of early toxicosis of pregnant women, a decrease in the weight of the pregnant woman is observed, with an average and severe degree of lowers blood pressure, increases the pulse, there is drowsiness, weakness, irritability. Most pregnant women with toxicosis complain of a decreased appetite, even the smell of food causes a vomiting reflex. Abundant salivation leads to dehydration of the body, the skin becomes flabby and dry.

    At the first signs of toxicosis, you urgently need to turn to an obstetrician-gynecologist. A severe form of toxicosis is a threat to the life of the pregnant and fetus.

    Diagnosis of early toxicosis of pregnant women

    The diagnosis is not difficult and is based on the complaints of a pregnant woman. In order for a physician to assess the severity of the toxicosis and prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to pass the tests:

    - clinical and biochemical blood test;
    is a general urinalysis.

    For mild cases of early toxemia, , all analyzes should be within normal limits.

    With moderate to severe , hemoglobin, leukocyte and hematocrit slightly increase. Because of the disturbed water-electrolyte balance, hyperkalemia and hyponatremia are observed. In urine, acetone is determined, the relative density of urine increases.

    In severe form of early toxicosis of pregnant , laboratory abnormalities show significant abnormalities. In the blood test, in addition to increasing hemoglobin, hematocrit and leukocytes, the amount of total protein, glucose and ESR is reduced;the content of urea, creatinine, ALT and AST is increased. In the urine, protein, acetone and ketone bodies are detected.

    Treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women

    With a mild form of early toxicosis of pregnant , the treatment is performed on an outpatient basis, with moderate to severe disease, the hospitalization of a pregnant woman is indicated. Accordingly, the treatment of toxicosis will vary depending on the degree of severity.

    With mild toxicity, the pregnant woman needs psychological and physical rest first of all. Assign sedatives - tincture of motherwort or valerian( 25 drops 3 times a day), vitamins, hepatoprotectors( Hofitol, Essentiale) and antiemetic therapy( Cerucal).In most cases, drug treatment is limited, and the woman's well-being is significantly improved.

    In case of moderate to severe in a pregnant woman, infusion therapy with glucose solution in combination with antiemetics, hepatoprotectors, vitamins and sedative treatment is performed.

    Treatment of severe forms of toxicosis is carried out in the intensive care unit under strict control of hemodynamic parameters and laboratory tests. Intravenously injected antiemetics, infusion therapy in a volume of up to 3 liters, hepatoprotectors and vitamins. If despite the ongoing treatment, the condition of the pregnant does not improve, then the interruption of pregnancy is shown because of the growing multi-organ failure.

    How to get rid of toxemia during pregnancy

    Features of nutrition and lifestyle of a pregnant woman in case of toxicosis is a whole science! With the strict observance of all the recommendations, you can successfully get rid of toxemia or prevent it from appearing without taking any medications.

    Nutrition, a diet for early toxicosis of pregnant women

    Pregnant recommend diet adherence - to eat often and gradually - 5-6 times a day. The food should be warm, not cold and not too hot. It is recommended to temporarily exclude from the diet acute, acidic, fried foods, as well as carbonated drinks, as this can provoke nausea and vomiting. This especially applies to pregnant women with chronic diseases of the digestive system.

    If nausea and vomiting still bother - it is recommended a dry diet - a steep egg, baked potatoes with butter, a sandwich with butter and so on. Try to consume more dairy products, vegetables, fruits, fish dishes and boiled meat.

    You can remove nausea in the morning by sucking a rye rusk and then get out of bed. During the day, drink mineral water in small sips.

    In addition to food, daily walks are recommended for at least an hour. Night sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. If the day pulls to sleep - better lie down, relax. And, as already mentioned, it is recommended, if possible, to limit the psychological and physical stresses on the body.

    Physiotherapy for early toxicosis of pregnant women

    Regardless of the severity of toxicosis, physiotherapeutic procedures are useful in the active stage of the disease and during rehabilitation: endonasal electrophoresis with Group B vitamins, galvanizing the brain with a course of 8-10 procedures.

    Non-traditional treatment for early toxicosis of pregnant women

    Of non-traditional methods of treatment for toxicosis, acupuncture and Chinese acupressure are used. Especially good nontraditional methods work on pregnant women, in whom toxicosis is due to psychological reasons.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women

    Folk remedies are very effective in the toxicosis of pregnant women, especially with mild manifestations of the disease. The most effective in toxicosis infusions of chamomile, mint and lemon balm.2 tablespoons of chamomile are poured over with boiling water( about half a liter) and left overnight in a thermos bottle. In the morning, filter and take 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. Melissa and mint are also exactly brewed and used. You can add a spoonful of honey and lemon into the infusion. In the summer, when there is fresh mint or lemon balm, you can carry several leaves with you and chew them to relieve the bouts of nausea.

    If attacks of toxicosis are strongly pronounced - to experiment with folk remedies should not be, it is more expedient to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. In addition, a prolonged and excessive "leash" on the grass can lower blood pressure.

    Complications of early toxicosis:

    is a multiple organ dysfunction, which can lead to death if untimely termination of pregnancy occurs;
    - untimely treatment of early toxicosis can trigger the development of late gestosis at the end of pregnancy and placental abruption.

    Preventing early toxicosis of pregnant women

    Prevention of toxicosis should be carried out before pregnancy, it includes:
    - timely treatment of chronic diseases that cause toxicosis;
    - abortion;
    - a healthy lifestyle;
    - psychophysical preparation for the upcoming pregnancy.

    Consultation of obstetrician-gynecologist on early toxicosis of pregnant women:

    1. I am constantly sick, but there is no vomiting. What to take?
    If vomiting is not present, anything to drink it is not necessary. Observe the general recommendations. Eat several times a day in small portions, rest more.

    2. Does the severity of the toxicosis depend on the sex of the child?
    No, it does not.

    3. I had a strong toxicosis at the 6th week of pregnancy. Now 10 weeks does not bother. This is normal? I heard that if it starts, then before 12 weeks does not stop.
    It's normal, then your body has already adapted to pregnancy.

    4. I have constant vomiting - 6 times a day. The gynecologist offered to go to the hospital without even looking at the tests. Can, all the same it is possible to undergo treatment at home?
    No, with such frequent vomiting, surveillance and treatment in a hospital setting are necessary.

    5. I'm already 25 weeks pregnant, but I'm still nauseous. Twice lying in the hospital because of a toxicosis, but never cured. What should I do?
    You need to additionally have a look at the neurologist and gastroenterologist. If there is no organic pathology, then most likely the symptoms are due to malnutrition.

    6. I have a pregnancy of 8 weeks, I got flu. Constant vomiting, already lost 5 kg. What to take?
    No need to engage in self-treatment. Urgently turn to a gynecologist, in your case shows inpatient treatment.

    7. The gynecologist advised me to eat boiled meat, but I am constantly sick. How is meat so that it does not cause nausea?
    There are no such methods. Eat only those foods that do not cause nausea until the toxicosis stops.

    8. Cleaning your teeth every time causes a vomiting reflex. What to do?
    Try to change the toothpaste. If it does not help, then temporarily you will have to limit your teeth to rinsing.

    Obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph. D.Christina Frambos