
How to flirt with a man - how to flirt with men

  • How to flirt with a man - how to flirt with men

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    Flirting is usually the very first step to love and relationships, it's easier to say, a kind of "attack" of a person who liked you with its charm and attractiveness. And, of course, in the process of "attack" it is necessary to pay attention to the guy's reaction to it.

    The ability to flirt with a lot of girls is laid almost from birth. But if you think that such lucky people do not belong and do not know how to flirt with a man, all you need is to read the recommendations on this topic and be sure to apply the knowledge gained in life.

    Male and female flirtation

    It's common to think that only women flirt. But of course it is not. Believe me. In this art, the male gender is not inferior to the female.

    Thanks to recent research, a distinction has emerged between male and female flirting. It is believed that a man begins to flirt, and in this process, as it were, specifically emphasizes his truly masculine qualities: strength, fearlessness, deep intellect and others.

    Why does a man flirt? Do you know? Everything is very simple. Flirt for him is a kind of manifestation of attraction and sympathy. Flirting, every man tries to interest the girl, draw attention to himself and, in the end, like it.

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    Men have several reasons why they are flirting:

    • they want to get the girl who attracted them;
    • in this way, they just play and have fun( the girls, after all, do so often, do not they?);
    • they want to raise a woman's mood and self-esteem.

    Well, what about women? It is believed that women's flirting has the main means and this coquetry. This word has a lot of interpretations, but one thing is clear: under the coquetry we mean actions by which a woman tries to look more attractive and already likes this man.

    The effectiveness of coquetry is very much dependent on a set of so-called female techniques and a sense of proportion in their application. Well, when a woman begins to flirt with a man, she needs to take into account the relevance of this, because often there are situations where flirting is just superfluous.

    Excessive efforts to attract the attention of a man he likes, can very easily transform his sympathy into dislike. Of course, too much seclusion will not work, so the interlocutor simply simply can not feel all the power of your charm.

    The main rules of successful flirting

    Having studied them, you will not only learn how to flirt with a man, but also gain a certain confidence in yourself and your irresistibility.

    1. Take the first step. And you need to do it competently. Most likely, saying the phrase "Do not want to have breakfast together" in the evening, you will only push away the man you like. It will be better, albeit banal, just to say hello to begin with, and then act according to the situation, but just try not to vulgarity and hints that the man interested you. Act, since the men themselves would act: beat the situation so that even if your goal is simply to have fun, the man never guessed it.
    2. Do not be afraid of risk. Feel free to approach the man you like and start a conversation with him. Be more relaxed and determined. Of course, no one can determine in advance whether a person will refuse you or not, but all the same, it's worth a try. A large number of girls believe that it is the man who should be getting to know each other. Maybe it was so many years ago, now it's not reprehensible that the girl will not be the first one. Imagine if you also liked the guy, but he is so indecisive that he does not dare to take the initiative.
    3. Taking the first steps, you must be sure that you look beautiful. An untidy manicure or a spot on the dress will not go unnoticed by the interlocutor. Most likely, you already know that the brain of a person, whether male or female, creates a first impression of you in the first couple of seconds. Remember, the first impression made is the only thing that you will never change.
    4. A very important point is the smell. He plays a very important role in male perception. And do not think that all you need to impress is an expensive perfume. No. A much more important role is played by the person's own smell, if the particles making it are more precise - pheromones. Sympathy for a man that can not be explained or even an unrestrained attraction to him, very much depends on the work of pheromones. Unfortunately, no one can influence it yet.
    5. Be more playful. Be joking and discussing abstract topics. It is not necessary to quote Kant at the first acquaintance. Perhaps, you will not wait for a response from the interlocutor, but what you scare off is quite possible. A man can simply conclude that you are boring. Be more spontaneous. Try not to behave and not to talk trite. Then you will be successful.
    6. Be active. Take the initiative in your hands, especially if you notice that the interlocutor is a little embarrassed and jammed. Try to talk him through. Let there be no pauses in your conversation. Scientists have made an interesting discovery: it turns out, in the manner of conversation, the human brain is capable of making a judgment about the interlocutor's intelligence. People who clearly and quickly, form and express thoughts he perceives as fairly smart.
    7. Listen to the man. If you are determined to learn how to flirt with a man, this is almost the main thing that you need to remember. Do not make a flirtation of a marathon, in which the one who quickly speaks out will win. Listen, do not interrupt, and then you can comment on everything you heard. Do not forget to show your interest.
    8. Look into the eyes of a man, not at his hands, napkins and everything that surrounds him. Only eye contact should not be too active, you do not need to eat with your eyes. This will only alienate him.
    9. Say compliments. Believe me, they can give an incredible result. Find in the interlocutor, some feature that you really liked and tell him about it. Just be careful: do not say banalities, the man has already heard them and more than once.

    Now you know why men flirt and how to do it yourself. Apply the knowledge, maybe it will attract the man of your dreams into your life.