
How to care for decorative rabbits - care for rabbits at home

  • How to care for decorative rabbits - care for rabbits at home

    Decorative rabbits are the ideal pets for any family. This animal has an agreeable temper, he does not need some complicated care, in addition, he gets along very well with the children.

    Special breeding of ornamental rabbits began only in the 80s of the 20th century. And, it should be noted, the breeders have been very successful in this business. Proof of this is the fact that now there are already about 60 breeds of rabbits. They can be long-haired, short-haired, dwarfish, lop-eared, ermine, blue-eyed and other. But despite the many differences, all of them are united by attachment to their master and unpretentiousness in their care. Perhaps, it is because of this that these furs have recently gained such great popularity.

    Where to contain the rabbit

    Even before you bring the animal home, he needs to choose a convenient cage. With regard to its appearance, you can rely entirely on your taste and how the interior looks in your home. The optimal cell size is 100 * 80 * 70 centimeters. And it is necessary to have a removable pallet in the cage( so it will be easier for you to clean up after the rabbit) and a sleeping house( this is so that at an appropriate moment the animal can retire).

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    Mandatory element of the cage is a removable feeder and a drinking bowl, it is best if it is made in the form of an inclined bottle. The bottom of the cage can be covered with sawdust, but not necessarily coniferous trees, or cat-filled.

    In addition to the cell would be nice to buy a cat toilet. It will be very useful to you when you let the rabbit run around the apartment. In addition, the animal needs to have fun, which means it is worth buying a pair of balls.


    Power rabbit

    Want your pet to always be active and healthy? Then buy him a special grain mixture. In addition, in the diet of a rabbit must necessarily be apples, which should be cut into quarters and take out all the bones, dried fruits, carrots, nuts, Jerusalem artichoke and dried bread.

    In winter it is worth giving hay to the animal, and in the summer any greens like plantain, dandelion and clover. And such cabbage, potatoes and beets that are loved by these animals must be given very infrequently and in very small quantities. After all, if an animal eats a lot of these foods, it may develop bloating.

    Do not experiment with products such as exotic citrus, cheese and sweets. After eating this, a rabbit can easily get poisoned.

    How to care

    How to care for a rabbit

    An animal itself can take care of the cleanliness of the fur, so it does not need to be washed. Enough and the fact that once a day you will comb it with a comb with soft teeth. Veterinarians say that if you wash the rabbit too often, it can wash off the protective layer of the skin. And the result is scaly skin and dull hair. But from time to time the animal still needs to be washed, especially after you walk it on the street. It is very important during bathing procedures to use only the shampoo that is intended for this and, of course, carefully wash it off.

    In order to avoid injuries and the rabbit is well, once in 3 weeks he needs to cut his claws. Only for the first time let it be done by the vet. And you carefully observe the process, then later at home unintentionally do not touch the nerve endings on the rabbit's claws.

    Animal training

    Rabbit training

    For some reason, many believe that rabbits are pretty stupid in nature. But this is not so, they are very smart animals that love communication. If you are ready to make a little effort, you can make sure that the pet will walk into a special tray, resort to you when you call him by name, know the command "FU!" And walk on a leash.

    When you bring a rabbit into the house, a few days can simply give him to sniff his hand, feed him with delicious, iron on the back and ears. Then you can take it in your arms, holding it by your hind legs and abdomen. It is better to repeat his nickname as often as possible. Rabbit began to respond in his own name? Great! Then let him run around the room. But first it is better to fence off a small area and put toys there. Experts recommend to place the same tray and immediately put the animal there. Usually, it takes a few repetitions, and the rabbit learns to walk on the tray himself.

    Is the animal healthy?

    Rabbit Health

    When you buy a rabbit, be sure to pay attention to how it feels. Healthy rabbits jumping around in a cage, playing and showing a keen interest in everything that happens around. Of course, an animal with normal health should eat well. Sometimes everyone gets tired, so the rabbit will sit still or lie on his side.

    But if you notice that the rabbit is always sitting in the corner, not responding to external stimuli, think about it. Perhaps he is not well. Be sure to look at the state of the eyes and hair of the baby. A healthy rabbit has a shiny smooth coat and eyes without any discharge.