
Why the water in the aquarium becomes turbid - the aquarium grows turbid

  • Why the water in the aquarium becomes turbid - the aquarium grows turbid

    The answer to the question, why the water in the aquarium becomes turbid, is ambiguous. The fact is that this can happen for completely different reasons. But here it is quite difficult to combat this phenomenon, so it is necessary to know the possible variants of the problem occurrence in order to eliminate the cause, and only then the consequence.

    Basic rules

    Care for the aquarium

    A well-equipped and well-maintained aquarium will stand for several years without requiring a water change.

    The first rule is .It is necessary to observe the "biological balance" in the aquarium. Each fish specimen requires its own amount of water, depending on the species. For one scalar, for example, at least 7 liters of water is needed, for two, there are twice as many, and for one guppy, a liter is sufficient.

    The second rule. It is recommended to have snails in the aquarium. They are good at eating the remains of food, which are the products of decay, without letting the water rot.

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    Beautiful aquarium The third rule is .It is necessary to correctly form the diet of aquarium fish, it should contain live food, the best of which is the bloodworm, worms, mosquito larvae, enchytrea worms, cyclops and daphnia. The norm is five worms per day for each adult medium sized fish. Eats food for fifteen minutes, it should not stay longer in the aquarium. Otherwise, do not be surprised why the water in the tank becomes turbid.

    The fourth rule is .It should be borne in mind that the aquarium will consistently be complex processes. As a result, some plants and fish are born, and others die. Therefore, you need constant attention and care for the aquarium.

    Main causes of

    Overpopulation of the
    • Water will grow turbid if the aquarium is overpopulated and there is a small number of plants. The water in this case can not be blown and filtered. In the aquarium, decay products will accumulate, which will serve as excellent food for multiplication of unicellular and bacteria. Before you change the turbid water, you just need to put out extra fish.
    • Water can become turbid due to inaccurately filled with fresh water. Therefore, there was a rise of the smallest details of the ground. After a while, the water will turn bright when they again sink to the bottom. Therefore, there is no need to worry and take any action.
    • Water can grow turbid due to the presence and spread in it of a large number of bacteria that are putrefactive. They are very harmful, both for fish and plants. Bacteria can appear because of improper feeding or overly dense planting of fish in the aquarium. Apparently, the "biological balance" was violated. In this case, it is recommended to pour sand, coarse-grained and very well washed for better filtration to the bottom. It is better that it was dark in color, and the layer - about five centimeters. A full change of water is not required. It is necessary to remove the dirt from the bottom with a glass tube. Then add fresh water to the available temperature.
    • Another reason why the water in the tank becomes turbid: the wrong feeding process. It is recommended to avoid the use of dry food, because it spoils water. If there is such a need, then it should be given little by little, making sure that the feed is completely eaten. Only then sprinkle a new portion.
    • Fish digging the soil Fish that dig in the ground can be the main cause. To eliminate this cause, you need to increase the top layer of sand on the bottom, and also regularly pour it.
    • Propagation of bacteria will also begin when the remains of fodder and rotten plants are not removed in time. It is necessary to eliminate all the same reason. Immediately start to change the water to fresh is not recommended, as soon the "bacterial turbidity" will disappear.
    • And the last reason why the water in the aquarium becomes turbid: many aquarists in the process of harvesting the aquarium replace the water completely in it. Naturally, for this period fish and plants are transplanted. This is not correct. Firstly, in this process, fish are often injured, and the plants deteriorate. Secondly, in the first days in the newly equipped aquarium the water becomes turbid due to the fact that the single-cell organisms - infusoria multiply multiply, so there is no need to hurry up adding living organisms to it. If you immediately run the fish and plant the plants, the bacteria will enter the water, which they will also be introduced. The water will begin to grow turbid with infusoria, which feed on these very bacteria. There will be an "infusion dregs".If you wait time, then single-celled organisms will die.

    In general, the following should be noted: regardless of why the water in the aquarium becomes turbid, it should not be completely replaced. Most often it is recommended to eliminate the underlying cause and wait a few days.