
How to recover after childbirth - recovering after childbirth

  • How to recover after childbirth - recovering after childbirth

    The overwhelming joy of the wonderful appearance of the native crumbs is replaced by pleasant troubles, love and care for the newborn. And the happiness of motherhood begins to coexist with the desire to be a woman, all the same beloved and one and only. Hormonal alteration of the body during this period, return of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems to the prenatal state is often accompanied by postpartum depression: crying, irritability, endless self-pity.

    How long can this period last?

    Hygienic procedures

    The recovery phase of all body systems after the birth stress takes 6 to 8 weeks. At this time:

    • A stretched and heavy uterus weighing one kilogram is shortened and after only 7 days it weighs only a pound. After a couple of weeks - 350 g, and by the end of the postpartum period( 2 months) acquires the original form and weight - 50 grams. The uterine cavity restores the mucous membrane. The whole process is accompanied by postnatal discharge - lochia.
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    • Female internal organs, cramped during the last months of pregnancy by a baby and an enlarged uterus, take their usual location. Some of them - acquire the original sizes inherent in them before pregnancy.
    • The organs working "for themselves and for that guy or girl", such as the heart, kidneys, and liver are gradually getting used to working in the usual mode.
    • Bundles that stretched during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as pelvic bones that parted to release the newborn from the maternal bed, lose their former mobility and take a new place.
    • Cracks, microtrauma and various soft tissue injuries are tightened and heal.
    • Serious ruptures are covered by emerging scars.
    • The glands of the endocrine system are experiencing a major restructuring during this period. At birth, the female body loses one of the most important organs of the endocrine system - the placenta, which maintains the necessary level of hormones not only in the baby, but also normalizes the balance of these stimulating substances in the mother's body. After childbirth, the remaining organs of internal secretion( glands) decrease, since during the waiting period and the birth of the baby they carried a double load. Continue to emphasize only hormones that provide lactation.
    • Mammary glands change, adapting to the appetite of your crumbs, under his age. The formation of lactation occurs within 6 weeks.

    How the postpartum period passes

    Postpartum care
    1. For restoring the body after natural delivery on the first day of the midwife, full rest is advised until the organs take their usual position, and a cold towel wrapped with a towel is applied to the uterus area.
    2. Special attention is paid to careful intimate hygiene: a daily shower and at least two times a day it is recommended to treat the genitals with boiled warm water or decoction of medicinal plants( but adjust the herbs with the doctor!).Usually, chamomile, string or calendula are recommended for this purpose. Such procedures make it possible to avoid complications after childbirth.
    3. On the fourth day the mother is allowed to get up and move a little.
    4. The next 14 days we learn how to properly nurse the newborn. The nipple should be given to the child along with a halo( a dark circle around the nipple).If the baby starts to suck on the colostrum only from the nipple, then soon cracks appear, which are very painful. Usually this is the first time that women give birth.
    5. Admission of special drugs for the speedy reduction of the uterus - "postpartum labor" is possible only on the instructions of a doctor. Some products have a bitter taste, which can harm a baby - he can give up breast. Postpartum depression can be muted by a sedative, which the doctor should also recommend.
    6. Heavy physical exercises are contraindicated from the time of delivery to 8 weeks or 2 months! However, movement during the care of the child, vigilant supervision of him will be an excellent physical exertion for the woman. During this period, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, which provokes the inflammatory process.
    7. After two months you can restore the graceful figure.

    Tips for

    Baby care after childbirth
    • No hard mono! With them, you can lose weight "for an hour", and problems with lactation to acquire a large number, even to the disappearance of milk. First, you need to balance the food, giving up the abundance of sweet, fatty, baked, floury. Reducing this harmful even for the baby diet, you can avoid the deposition of fat and crumbs.
    • Breast milk is almost 90 percent water. Therefore, when breastfeeding pediatricians are advised to drink at least two or three liters of clean water without gas.
    • "The golden rule" of nursing mothers doctors consider a cup of tea with milk drunk before feeding. A couple of crackers with a thin layer of butter or an apple will perfectly complement your first breakfast.
    • You need to eat often, 5 or better 6 times a day, but in very small portions. Soft, delicate curd in a package of 250 g - a great "snack", beneficial effect on the body and benefiting your stomach.
    • Dairy diet Frequent ruptures at birth contribute to the formation of constipation. The diet of the nursing mother in this situation should include a lot of fiber and products made from milk. Flour products and starchy vegetables are better markedly limited. Grated carrots - a storehouse of vitamins, perfectly cleanses the intestines, carrot juice and delicious salads from this root will perfectly complement your diet. Vitamin A is produced actively, if you fill a salad of carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil( a few drops of olive miracle oil).Mayonnaise should be excluded from use for its harmfulness.
    • From mineral water pediatricians recommend "Novoterskaya healing", but it must first be cleaned, defending, against gas. Of meltwater, "Arkhyz" and "Pilgrim" are safe. Fruit and vegetable juices that do not cause diathesis in the child( allergic redness on the skin) are suitable for drinking.
    • The use of fat young mummy should minimize. It will be enough to have 25 percent of their share in her diet. At a rate of one and a half thousand kilocalories lipid( fat) part should not be more than 40 g. If you use one liter of 1% kefir, you can get 10 grams of fat, as much is contained in one st.l.olive( or other vegetable) oil. For comparison: in the tile of your favorite milk chocolate you can find about double the daily fat rate( about 70 g).
    • Dishes from natural meat and meat products, except for sausages and smoked products, can be consumed in the morning or at lunch.
    • Fresh, stewed( without fat) or boiled non-starchy vegetables is very useful to include in any meal.
    • Very useful and not too high-calorie cereal products: porridge on water or skim milk, whole-wheat or brown rice.
    • Chocolate delights and sweets need to be completely ruled out. They are not only too high-calorie, but also capable of provoking diathesis in a child. Mummy can successfully replace them with a reasonable amount of dried fruits, natural honey or a delicious jam.
    • Seeds and nuts, even in a minimal amount( a couple of handfuls) successfully cover half of the daily calorie, and the amount of fats in them usually rolls over( you can remember that it is raw for the development of various oils).
    Balanced lifestyle
    • Exclude products that cause allergies in the baby: chocolate, honey, citrus, coffee, strawberries, pickles, smoked products( fish and sausage), canned food, eggs( excessive consumption), concentrated meat broth, spicy seasonings. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, including beer.
    • Easily assimilated, purified products not only bring a lot of "empty" calories into the body of a woman, they contribute to the difficulty of digesting food. The dangerous "haste" after you were discharged from the maternity hospital and for the first time with your child at home, which makes you miss everything on the run, leads to an unbalanced diet, the vagaries of the baby due to a disorderly diet and a catastrophic weight gain by a woman. Whether it's the most useful cauliflower in boiled form or steamed, with a little olive oil and a mouth-watering slice of uncooked salmon.

    Approximate daily ration of a nursing woman

    Feeding woman's diet

    First option:

    • At least half a liter of milk, curdled milk or kefir;
    • 50 g or 100 g of pure cottage cheese or its products;
    • 150-200 g of meat;
    • 0,6-0,8 kg of vegetables;
    • Eggs or butter - 50 g;
    • 0.3-0.5 fruit in any form;
    • Grain bread - 0,4-0,5 kg;
    • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp( 20-30 g).

    The second option:

    • Dairy products - 2 or 3 servings( except milk include yogurts, cottage cheese and cheese)
    • Vegetables in any form - 3 or 5 servings;
    • Meat, fish, eggs, chicken and nuts - 2 or 3 servings;
    • Fruits are fresh, in salads - 2 or 4 servings;
    • Bread and cereals( rice, etc.) - 6 - 7 servings.

    Breastfeeding and losing weight

    Becoming lactation

    Magic weight loss has little to do with breastfeeding, but simply counting calories and following the simple laws of losing excess weight can lead you to the desired harmony very soon.

    The production of mother's milk "eats" at least 800 kcal daily. From the reserves of adipose tissue collected during the waiting of the baby, about 300 kcal per lactation is spent per day, the remaining kilocalories must be provided by proper nutrition. Mom during the period of breastfeeding spends about 2700 calories per day. Reducing the level of calories below 1800 kcal and losing weight more than 1 kg per week can lead to a rapid decrease in lactation, a decline in strength and the possible disappearance of breast milk.

    Gymnastics after delivery

    Weight reduction without catastrophic caloric restriction of food provides reasonable movement. Nevertheless, aerobics or fast walking should be coordinated with a doctor.

    When weakening the lactation, the doctor will also help to choose medicinal herbs from fennel, alfalfa, nettle or fenugreek, which stimulate the release of milk.

    If the first two months of the bra is not recommended for wearing, then after 8 weeks it is necessary to wear it;it should be made of natural fabrics, with wide straps, fairly dense, perfectly repeating the shape of the breast.

    It is necessary to include in your complex of daily exercises exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest and make sure that the back is straight. To be content with this is too much, since the excess of physical activity leads to a change in the taste of breast milk - it becomes bitter.

    Walking with a baby

    Long walks with a baby in the open air in good weather will benefit the crumb and help to recover after giving birth to my mother.

    Doctors say that almost complete elimination of the consequences of pregnancy occurs within nine months. Ideal should not be school jeans, and a slim and fit body, besides, you must fulfill the main task of a young mother - to feed your child the best product for a newborn. This is a high-calorie and anti-allergic remedy - mother's breast milk.