
How to choose the right epilator? Helpful Tips

  • How to choose the right epilator? Helpful Tips


    One such victim is hair removal in certain areas of the body - legs, bikini zone( and, possibly, some other places).Methods of hair removal are very, very diverse. One effective means is hair removal.

    Plan of the article:

    Basic selection criteria

    When choosing your true friend and companion for the struggle for indescribable beauty, pay attention to the following, extremely important properties of the device.

    1. Principle of operation. Any epilator, unlike a razor, removes hair, pulling it from the skin with a root. This procedure is rather painful, but the hair grows much more slowly than when shaving the legs, and the skin remains clean and smooth longer. Preceding the purchase of this wonderful device, think carefully about whether this ghostly beauty of such indescribable victims is worth it.

    2. View of the epilator. There are two types of epilators - tweezers and discs. The difference in the tool is the capture of the hair for its subsequent tearing. In the first case it makes a lot of tweezers, in the second - special disks. Pincer epilators are more effective, but their use requires a longer time of use.

    3. Package Contents. This criterion allows us to get pleasant bonuses in the form of a brush for cleaning the head of the epilator, a charger, a protective cap, a convenient cover for transportation of the device and other charms. It is also important to have a variety of attachments in the kit.

    4. Model of the epilator. Numerous models of epilators are produced depending on the methods of anesthesia and the way to eliminate hair follicles. The choice of each of the models must be carried out taking into account the tolerability of pain and skin sensitivity.

    • The basic model is unpretentious and does not have devices to reduce pain. It is perfect for women who have a lowered pain threshold.

    • Model for sensitive skin. Allows you to very effectively greatly reduce the sensation of pain and discomfort. It is equipped with devices that can alleviate the suffering of women with delicate skin and a high pain threshold.

    • A model for beginners. This device allows women who have not previously resorted to this method of hair removal, gradually get used to the pain in this procedure. The addictive effect is achieved with a special nozzle, which removes fewer hairs at a time, reducing pain.

    • Hybrid model. This device combines the epilator and the shaver.

    • Model with attachments for the face. This model allows you to remove hairs above the upper lip, to straighten the eyebrows, to remove excess "shoots" on the cheeks.

    5. Appearance. This parameter affects not only the aesthetics of the device's perception, but also its ergonomics. Since the use of this device takes quite a long time, it is obliged to lie comfortably and unconstrained in your hand, the buttons should be within comfortable reach( on the front panel).The device should be quickly and conveniently disassembled, washed under water. To do this, the epilating head must be removed and a special brush for cleaning should be present. All the parts should work properly, the nozzles should be removed, and the buttons should be pressed. There should be no defects on the case.

    6. Manufacturer. With this parameter it is necessary to be extremely cautious not to find ourselves before the need to purchase a new one - not the cheapest device. This device works with your skin, and the quality of its work depends on the accuracy of skin treatment, its further condition and attractiveness. The manufacturer - manufacturer acts as the guarantor of serviceable and careful functioning of the device. Do not take "nouneym" - Chinese firms without a name, because such manufacturers do not care about the quality of products, providing only cheapness and sales volumes. Such devices can cause significant damage to your skin, not to mention the danger of electric shock and other similar troubles.

    7. Noise level. This parameter is important for continuous skin treatment. A high noise threshold makes the work with the instrument uncomfortable, causing fatigue and nervous overexertion.

    8. Power supply of the device. This device can function both with the help of mains and batteries. The portable device has more advantages, since it is more convenient for use on vacation, on the road and other places where it is quite difficult to find a power outlet. Pay special attention to the period of the work of the epilator without recharging. It is best to purchase a model that operates and, when connected to the network, and offline on batteries.

    9. Comfort in use. The device should be as convenient as possible in weight and shape. In the process of use, nothing should distract you from the process, because painful feelings are already causing a lot of anxiety. The device should be conveniently located in the hand, do not slip out and be light enough not to tire the brush while performing this delicate procedure. To determine the level of comfort, hold the device in your hand, do a couple of manipulations, and you will understand if it suits you, or it is not your option.

    10. Efficiency of use. The quality of the epilator affects the effect of its use. High efficiency is due to the presence of several races of discs that perform epilation, a floating head, ensuring maximum ergonomics in use. The vibration effect creates a massaging effect, which reduces painful sensations during the procedure.

    11. Additional functions. These include:

    • Concave epilating head, which allows you to treat skin areas, traumatizing them to a much lesser extent.

    • The presence of a pen like a shaving machine makes the use of the epilator more convenient.

    • Noise-reducing "gadgets" spare your gentle ears, eliminating the aggressive, loud buzz of an already unpleasant device.

    • Waterproof housing allows you to carry out the procedure in a comfortable hot bath, when your skin is steamed and much less exposed to the irritant effect of the device.

    • Anesthesia by a flow of cool air is a pleasant addition to effectively cleaning your skin from hair. No need to pre-cool the nozzle significantly saves your time.

    • Backlight treated areas of the skin can epilate it in poor light conditions - in the train car or camping tent.

    The best models and parameters of foot epilators

    Among the most optimal models for the ratio of price and quality can be identified:

    • Philips HP 6402/00.This model is equipped with a nozzle for a light massage, which reduces painful sensations during epilation.

    • Philips HP 6509/01 has an element that lifts the hairs, which greatly facilitates the process of their removal.

    • The Panasonic ES 2023 has massagers with microwells that stimulate blood circulation in the hair removal zone, removing the negative effects of hair removal( skin irritation and pain).

    • Braun Silk-épil 2370 Body Epilation has a trimmer for shaving the legs in the most delicate and sensitive areas.

    When buying a leg epilator, pay attention to:

    1. Number of tweezers. From this parameter in the device depends the degree of duration and the quality level of the procedure for eliminating the hair cover. In the advanced models of epilation devices, a multi-screw system is used, consisting of more than twenty pairs of epilating discs capable of making about six hundred to seven hundred revolutions per minute( depending on the speed of their rotation).

    The most advanced systems are equipped with four rails of double brushes, which increase the efficiency of the process by providing hairs. Also, two degrees of hairs are realized. The first of these is used to remove fine hair, the second one captures normal and stiffer, thicker hair.

    2. The speed of rotation of the working element. Most devices for epilation have two or three speeds of rotation of tweezers( disks).The first - low speed is designed to remove thinner hairs. At this speed they do not tear, but are carefully removed from the skin with a spine.

    The second speed is designed to facilitate the removal of very long and stiffer hairs. The first speed does not allow to remove such hairs quite effectively. The second is ideal for painless elimination of these hair. The third speed allows you to remove hard hair even more comfortably and quickly.

    3. The presence of a different kind of nozzles. These devices allow you to make the procedure faster, more comfortable and painless. For the feet will be useful nozzles for:

    • Peeling. This nozzle allows you to take care of the skin after the procedure of epilation. It realizes exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin, releasing ingrown hairs into the skin, preventing their further ingrowth.

    • Spot nozzle for "jewelry" removal of hairs allows you to remove individual hairs remaining after the procedure. This nozzle has several tweezers arranged in one row. This creates the opportunity to "pick up" difficult hairs.

    • Cooling nozzle. This is a removable container that is pre-placed in the freezer. The cooled nozzle is installed in the epilator and greatly reduces the pain and irritation of the skin during the procedure.

    • The same effect has a cooling glove. It is filled with cooling gel and provides a decrease in the sensitivity of the treated area of ​​the skin.

    • Nozzle, lifting hairs provides the least damage to the skin, reducing the degree of its irritation.

    What features should I look for when buying a bikini zone epilator?

    When choosing a device for such intimate treatment, you should buy a depilator with:

    1. Attachment-limiter. It allows you to adjust the width of the treated area, allowing you to model the area of ​​your intimate vegetation to your own taste and discretion, delineating it with equal boundaries.

    2. "Gadgets" to reduce pain. The bikini zone is an extremely delicate and sensitive place that responds with terrible pain in trying to "uplift" unwanted vegetation there. Therefore pay close attention to the nozzles designed to alleviate your suffering in this procedure:

    • The vibrating brush massages the skin and reduces the severity of pain, performing a kind of distracting maneuver.

    • Special vibrating rods perform a similar function.

    • Precision caps provide effective removal of hairs on sensitive areas of the skin - in the groin and armpits. This attachment stretches the skin and reduces the number of active tweezers before the removal of hair, which greatly reduces the pain of the procedure.

    • A container with a frozen liquid( water or special gel) produces an anesthetic effect on the skin that suffers from "abuse".It literally freezes, and the pain is almost not felt.

    • Special tweezers that do not apply to the skin, produce a careful extraction of hair, without causing any particular irritation and pain.

    • Epilation systems with a thinned frequency of tweezers reduce the number of simultaneously removed hair, which greatly reduces the suffering of the victim of this procedure.

    3. Hybrid system. It contains the elements of the epilator and electric razor. Ultra-thin mesh-trim tabs allow efficient and painless removal of vegetation in the bikini area. And the epilator nozzle allows you to treat the skin on your legs.

    The most preferred manufacturers of

    The most respected and respected representatives of the fair sex manufacturers of "instruments of torture" in the name of beauty are: German company Braun, a company with Dutch roots Philips, Japanese manufacturer Panasonic, international brand Rowenta, American Remington. These manufacturers have earned authority with their own developments in hair removal technology with the least physical and mental suffering. Therefore, you can safely purchase their products, focusing only on their own functional preferences and tastes.

    Should I buy a depilator?

    Only you can answer this rhetorical question with a high degree of certainty. If you used your entire adult and conscious life using a shaving machine or visited beauty salons with depilatory implements, you probably should not change your preferences if you are completely satisfied with the quality and the result of these procedures. But if your soul is troubled and you are looking for new sensations and adventures for your beautiful loin, then why not try epilation as a way to get rid of unwanted vegetation. In the end, the epilator is not that expensive. In the most extreme case, you can always throw an annoying device into the back drawer of your dresser and forget about it until the next bout of thirst for new sensations. Or give a sworn girlfriend in paints, painted all of its advantages and dignities.

    Care tips

    Since this device is a personal hygiene product( it can be said to be intimate), it requires careful care.

    1. Before use, wipe the working part that comes into contact with your skin, antiseptic( alcohol, streptocid and others).

    2. After each use, carefully wash its nozzle under a strong stream of warm water.

    3. Waterproof epilators boldly wash under the water entirely. Their surface must be perfectly clean.

    Non-compliance with these recommendations can lead to skin infection, the development of various kinds of irritation.

    Watch yourself, love yourself, and the world will answer you with the same love!

    Fashion trends make a woman sacrifice to many. Often, the aesthetic requirements of society run counter to women's physiological characteristics, and "Evin daughters" have to once again torture and tear their bodies to suit historically changing standards