
How to lighten hair at home - lightening hair

  • How to lighten hair at home - lightening hair

    Changing the image for any lady begins with a change in hair color - this statement stylists consider the alphabet truth. Most often, women prefer to lighten their hair, as this gives them a chance not only to look younger, but also to attract the close attention of the opposite sex. If a girl dreams of ashen, golden or platinum ringlets, then she certainly needs to visit a professional master, as an independent selection of a special aggressive hair composition can lead to their transformation into a lifeless "straw of straw" on the head. How to lighten hair at home and how to take advantage of it: paints sold in cosmetic shops or sparing softer folk remedies?

    Radical method of blond hair

    Hair coloring

    Modern means of dyeing and lightening hair in its composition contain rather aggressive components:

    1. Ammonia, which opens the keratin scales of the hair rods, facilitating the penetration of the paint inside and the appearance of persistent, rich color or clarification. But at the same time, the structure of the hair breaks down, the pores of the skin open and the body gets into toxic substances, allergic reactions, burns and other negative consequences appear.
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    2. Hydrogen peroxide, which interacts with the pigment of the hair, brightening it. But at the same time, it dries out the skin and hair.
    Prepared clarifier

    Despite the negative properties( which can be easily prevented or neutralized due to care after discoloration), clarifying hair colors are very popular, since they help to achieve a lasting result in a short period of time. Depending on the initial shade of your curls, you will need blonding paint or a shading shampoo. If the latter means to cope easily, following the instructions in the package, the colors come in several forms. Oily - contain courtship softening additives, but for brunettes, such a means is not suitable, since they brighten up not more than a couple of tones;Cream - thanks to a special substance, the catalyst is able to blonde hair, lightening for 3-5 tones! Powder paints, which are diluted with a special aggressive solvent and require constant monitoring during decolorization - they are used in beauty salons. Women consider the most popular paints for bleaching hair cream. Acquiring these tools, you need to study the instructions attached to them, make sure that there is no allergy to the paint and its components, only then you can proceed to discoloration.

    Please note! The result of the clarification will depend on the structure of the hair and the natural pigment, the previous staining or the hair care products used.

    Popular home ways of lightening hair

    Lightening with hydrogen peroxide

    One of the most well-known means to help lighten hair at home is hydrogen peroxide. The different concentration of this substance, the structure of the hair, their ability to absorb moisture or stiffness and disobedience are factors that affect the final result. For clarifying fatty and fairly thick hair, which slightly absorb moisture, it will take 8-12% solution of this product, medium thickness - 6-8%, and for thin hair, 3-6% solution is sufficient.

    Please note! A clarification solution is prepared immediately before manipulation, its amount should be sufficient, otherwise uniform discoloration will not work.

    For medium length hair, you can limit 50-60 g. Strengthens the effect of lightening hair adding ammonia in the proportion: per 10 g of peroxide solution - 1 drop. You need to do this carefully, because if you overdo it, your hair will become reddish.

    Several secrets for beginners

    Paint dispensers
    • The solution is made in faience, porcelain, plastic or glassware. Metal - causes a chemical reaction.
    • Before lightening a couple of days, it is better not to wash hair, so that they cover themselves with their own protective layer, which reduces the harm from the procedure.
    • The contour of the scalp should be greased with a thick cream to avoid burns.
    • Brush with natural bristles to use is not recommended, it is better to use a wooden stick with the wadded disk wound on it. In extreme cases, you can use a brush with artificial nap.
    • To ensure that the solution does not spread, experts advise adding a little liquid soap( shampoo is not recommended, since it contains substances that reduce the effectiveness of the procedure).
    • The roots of the hair adjacent to the scalp and warmed from its heat, stain better, so first the tool is applied to the ends of the hair, after its absorption, repeat the manipulation and then proceed to the treatment of the roots.
    • You can not wrap your head during this procedure! Otherwise, you can get a chemical burn of the scalp and thermal destruction of the hair.
    • After completing the clarification, it is necessary to rinse abundantly with curls of water, while non-alkaline soap can be used. Shampoo is best not to use, as it can spoil the resulting color. Perfectly neutralizes hydrogen peroxide and gives natural shine to the hair water, acidified with lemon juice or fruit vinegar( 25 ml of juice or vinegar per 1000ml of water).
    Secrets of lightening hair

    This method allows you to lighten hair at home even to brunettes. You can use hydrogen peroxide together with chamomile pharmacy: pour 100 g of vegetable raw materials 300 ml of boiling water, stir and let stand for half an hour. Then the broth should be filtered and poured into 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide. For over-dried hair, you can add 30-40 grams of glycerin. Then you need to apply the prepared product to damp hair, wrap it with polyethylene and hold for 30-40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you should wash the mask off the hair with warm water with your favorite shampoo.

    How to lighten hair folk remedies?

    Honey for lightening hair

    In order for hair to become softer and easier to perceive shade changes with the help of home remedies, before the procedure it is necessary to wash them with shampoo with the addition of a pinch of soda. Balm-conditioner should not be applied. Gently dry the hair with a towel and proceed to apply the prepared mixture.

    • One of the most effective and useful products that bleach hair for a ton-two is natural honey. With a slow heating from the scalp, this delicacy begins to emit a whitening agent. True, keep this mask from 6 to 10 hours! On slightly damp hair, you must apply natural liquid honey( if it thickens, you can warm it up a little on a steam bath or in a microwave until a liquid consistency appears).The ideal product for clarification is acacia honey. When the application procedure is completed, wrap the head with cellophane, and after the procedure carefully and gently wash all the strands.
    • For dry hair, you can mix 100 g of honey with 60 ml of olive oil. Then it is necessary to apply a homogeneous mass of these ingredients to wet hair, cover the head with a compress for 40-45 minutes, then wash off the mixture with warm water and usual shampoo. If the hair is not lightened enough, the procedure is repeated until the desired result.
    Lightening with lemon juice
    • Juice of one or two lemons can be diluted with the same amount of water - a ready-made product for lightening oily hair and giving them a natural shine! It does not even have to be washed off!
    • Rhubarb is an ideal plant, a natural clarifier that helps not only as a toning, but also a therapeutic for hair and scalp. Moreover, all parts of this marvelous plant are good for healing and clarifying masks: root, leaves. A special acknowledgment among blondes with golden tint is a decoction of rhubarb in apple or grape vinegar, as well as in white wine. The proportions of these components do not play a role, but the liquid( vinegar or wine) should completely cover the rhubarb. You need to cook for about a quarter of an hour. Store the broth should be in the fridge and for the first two weeks to apply to the hair before washing. The broth miraculously brightens and gives a golden-platinum tide. The effect is cumulative, the color of hair compared to the decoction of chamomile is more saturated. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of fruit vinegar: natural - strengthens the hair and makes them shiny and silky, cheap - dries curls, breaks the structure and strengthens their loss.
    • Try mixing 100 ml of yogurt, yolk of one chicken egg, 0.5 lemon juice, 50 ml of cognac or vodka and a small amount of shampoo( without balm).Bring the mass to a uniform consistency, spread over the entire surface of the head and hair, wrap with cellophane and a towel. Keep this mask recommended as long as possible, it is better to apply it in the evening and after 8 hours of sleep wash it with water using a balm. After the first session hair will be more light and silky.

    Choosing an acceptable way to lighten your curls, it is necessary to correlate the future beauty and its "price".Take care of your hair - an attribute of femininity and unearthly attractiveness!


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