
Why you need a conditioner for hair - the effect of a conditioner for hair

  • Why you need a conditioner for hair - the effect of a conditioner for hair

    Luxurious and silky curls are the dream of every woman. You can try a lot of shampoos without achieving the desired result. The fact is that all shampoos contain aggressive detergents in their composition, which first of all purify the hair from impurities, overdrying and weakening their structure.

    Do not look at what manufacturers write on packages: get shiny hair that can be easily combed and stacked using only shampoo - it's impossible.

    Neutralize the effect of the environment on the hair, as well as help them to gain vitality, natural healthy shine and beauty called special care. These include balms and conditioners. About their benefits, varieties and rules of application, let's talk in this article.

    Air conditioner properties


    Many women for years use so-called 2 in 1 products( shampoo and conditioner) and have a vague idea of ​​why the hair conditioner is needed. Complex product in one bottle is very convenient and economical in terms of financial and time costs. However, stylists are convinced that the simultaneous use of detergent and restorative agents neutralizes the effect of each other, so the effect of such a composition can not be expected.

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    The use of the conditioner

    The use of an air conditioner as an independent caring agent helps to strengthen the hair from the inside. It perfectly moisturizes the hair, saturates them with vitamins and smooths the scales that have been revealed after washing the shampoo, so that the curls easily comb out and fit even strands.

    Also the conditioner is necessary for those who have:

    • dim, dry and life-deprived hair,
    • split ends,
    • dyed or damaged by chemistry hair,
    • hair is often subjected to drying by a hair dryer and hot styling.
    Please note! The conditioner does not hurt a damn the owners of healthy hair, giving them an even more radiant and luxurious look.

    Principles of use

    Silky hair

    It is worth noting that modern air conditioners differ in the provided action, and the method of their application depends on the type of the chosen product. It is important to remember how to properly use the conditioner for the hair.

    Conditioner-rinse coat covers the hair with a thin protective film.

    Please note! The result is obvious after the first application, as the hair becomes flowing, does not get mixed up when combing, and their loss decreases.

    The rinse aid is applied after shaving the head with shampoo, when the hair is still wet. After 2-3 minutes, the mixture should be washed off.

    Apply conditioner to hair
    Please note! The amount of the product varies from the length and volume of the hair, but too much to apply it makes no sense.

    Express air conditioning can be used at least every day. The main advantage - it does not need to be washed off, but applied to wet and dry hair.

    Please note! It perfectly protects hair during laying, making them obedient, strong, flowing.

    There are special air conditioners, whose operation is aimed at solving certain tasks. For example, an air conditioner for colored hair helps maintain color, and an air conditioner for volume helps make the hairdo lush. In addition, you can use a home remedy recipe, which is made from natural ingredients.

    Balm for hair

    Along with air conditioning, all kinds of balms are popular. In this regard, there is a reasonable question - what is better: a balm or conditioner for hair? There is no unequivocal answer, because both are useful. And there is no fundamental difference between them either. They are similar in their effect and effect from application.

    Terms of use

    Use of air conditioners

    Regardless of which remedy you choose, follow the rules when applying:

    1. Avoid getting the product on the scalp, otherwise the hair at the roots will quickly become fat.
    2. Choose a caring product by the type of your hair.
    3. Do not use shampoos that dry your hair.
    4. Use shampoo and conditioner( balm) of the same brand.