  • How to wash plastic windows after repair: means and methods

    Seasonal washing of windows, including plastic windows, is a familiar action, feasible at least once every 6 months. However, after the construction works in the house, the double-glazed windows require urgent self-restraint. How to wash plastic windows after repair, what tools to use, and what is better to refuse?

    General advice

    Before you look for different options for washing windows after repair, you need to consider some useful tips. They are able to facilitate the process of cleaning insulating glass, saving time and effort.

    Some rules and tips for bringing windows into the original appearance of

    1. Before starting any repair work, it is important to properly protect both the glass, frames and window fittings from possible entry of paint, plaster, primer and other materials. And also protect plastic windows from mechanical damage. To do this, at least cover them with a protective film.
    2. After completing all the manipulations in the room, so as not to ask the hard question how to clean the windows after repair, on which there are traces of glue or scotch, it is important to remove all protective coatings within a couple of days. If this process drags on for several months, there is a risk that the film or scotch tape will stick too much, it will be problematic to unglue them, and a sticky base will remain on the surface of the frames and glasses.
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    3. If, during the repair work, protective measures and safety measures against the double-glazed windows have been violated, signs of contamination have appeared on the surface of the profiles, do not use sharp metal objects for scraping the dirt. This will damage the plastic. Use only special devices sold in household and construction stores, often having either plastic or rubber substrates.
    4. As in the case with other windows, it is not necessary to apply to solutions of double-glazed windows solutions based on soap shavings, laundry soap. Such solutions are very alkaline, besides they leave noticeable white stains on the transparent surface, which is extremely difficult to get rid of.
    5. If choosing a plastic window after repair, the choice is given to professional chemicals, it is important to comply with all safety measures, protecting the skin, mucous and not inhaling poisonous vapors. The room after cleaning the windows should be well ventilated. The preparation of the solutions and the washing process itself must proceed strictly according to the instructions on the chemical means.
    6. Choosing the device for cleaning any window surfaces, give preference to soft fabrics containing polyester, as well as white cotton materials, flannels. Rags should not crumble during washing. You can also use paper towels, napkins, including microfiber, a regular newspaper that helps to polish a transparent surface. Use toilet paper or other thin paper is not recommended.
    7. It is important to remember: the cleaning of windows should initially be done from the outside, only then from the inside. Glasses are first cleaned, then frames, accessories, a window sill. In this case, it is first necessary to thoroughly vacuum the entire profile in order to draw out small particles of dust, soil, and plaster.
    8. Applying any potent agent based on chemistry or alcohol, you need to ensure that it does not fall on the rubberized sections of the insulating glass, and also did not stay for a long time on the surface of the frames and plastic, so as not to cause cracks.
    9. Solving the problem of how to clean the windows after repair, you need to remember that acetone agents are unacceptable to apply to plastic, especially apply them in large quantities or leave for a long time. Not suitable for plastic windows and gels with abrasive particles, dry powders that can scratch the glossy surface. Use of hot water and heated solutions of any type is also not recommended.
    10. Do washing windows at a time when direct sunlight does not enter the room. If possible, this manipulation should be carried out in cloudy weather, in the evening or in the autumn or in the spring.

    In addition to the above tips, it is possible to give separate recommendations regarding specific methods for removing certain building contaminants:

    • plaster, primer and other similar options should be moistened with warm, almost hot water;repeat the procedure will have several times, along the way cleaning with a cloth or napkin, the surface of the glass;
    • the assembly foam must first be scraped off with a scraper, then try to soak it with warm water, or using a special agent( solvent), rub it with a hard( but nonmetallic) sponge;
    • stains from the paint easily go away, if they are heated even by an ordinary, but powerful hair dryer;under the influence of hot air, the paint "melts" and can be easily wiped off the surface of frames or glass;
    • if no scotch leaves, it should be moistened with water with a soft sponge, after gently trying to remove the film;It is also permissible to soften the glue with steam using an iron or steam generator;
    • against the traces of adhesive tape or film help various means, including special solvents, laundry soap.

    Brief instructions for washing plastic windows and options for special cleaning products

    • Wipe the surface of the profiles with a soft, ragged cloth, picking up the first dirt. Then vacuum, including between the frames.
    • Carefully clean off existing serious dirt using a scraper or special knives suitable for plastic. Remove any dirt with a dry brush or rag.
    • Apply a selected cleansing or cleaning solution to the clear surface. It is better to use a spray for this, spraying the substance obliquely over the glass.
    • Clean the detergent mixture with napkins or selected rags. Either use mops and double-sided scrapers for greater cleaning efficiency. Do not forget about the spin. Important: washing is carried out from above downwards and gradually, smooth movements.
    • Wipe the window dry with paper, newspapers. If necessary, cover it with special protective mixtures that do not need to be washed off, it is important only to apply and distribute evenly on the glass.
    • Then clean the frames, fittings and windowsill.

    One of the options for a visual process of washing a plastic window can be seen in the video:

    Than wash the windows after repair? Several tested chemical products

    1. " Mr. Muscle ", helps to fight pollution, while not leaving unsightly divorces when properly applied.
    2. Solvent " 646 ", which removes paint, primer and other building contaminants, without injuring the surface of insulating glass.
    3. " Fenozole ", a specially developed tool for plastic profiles, with which you can get rid of the mounting foam.
    4. " BREF " is an affordable and effective tool.
    5. " Cosmofen 20 ", which does not have strong chemical components in its composition, is therefore not suitable as a solvent, but struggles with various impurities." Cosmofen 10 " and " Cosmofen 5 ", acting as solvents.
    6. " Penosil ", struggles with various contaminants, while it is produced in a convenient bottle, in the form of a spray.
    7. " Mr. Proper ", similar to the first listed facility.
    8. Windscreen wipers from the manufacturer " San ​​Klin ".

    With caution, it is worth using such remedies as "Comet", choosing only gel-based options. Selecting an additional tool for cleaning the double-glazed window, it should be noted that its composition should also not contain wax particles and chlorine.

    Traditional methods of cleaning plastic windows

    Sometimes there is no way to use strong and aggressive chemicals. And how to wash plastic windows after repair work in the room in this case? You can refer to folk ways.

    The following tools will help to fight contamination on plastic profiles in the apartment:

    1. varnish remover, which should not contain acetone. With it, you can wipe off various stains, including glue or paint.
    2. Vinegar , diluted in warm water in a proportion of 5: 2, will bring the plastic windows in an ideal appearance.
    3. Foaming detergent in the form of gel, suitable for washing dishes, will remove surface contaminants without damaging the plastic, and leaving no streaks. It is enough to dissolve a couple of spoons of gel in a bucket with warm water, well foaming and washing with a mixture of windows.
    4. Ammonia alcohol , diluted in warm water, eliminates the effects of repair, visible on plastic profiles. It will take a couple of tea spoons of the substance to add a liter of lukewarm water.
    5. Strong acetic acid , dissolved in water, acts as a normal vinegar and is also acceptable for cleaning insulating glass. It will help to get rid of the yellowed areas on the surface of the profiles, which could occur under the influence of smoke or the sun.
    6. In case of emergency, the kerosene can be saved, which should only be applied to the contamination site. Helps with stains of paint. In addition, you can use gasoline .
    7. Another folk trick: cut off a natural, unpainted skin soaked in medical alcohol. After wiping them out the windows, removing the dirt.

    Sometimes it is possible to meet advice that the surface of insulating glass can be wiped with solutions of soda or table salt. However, such a method can lead to inconspicuous traumatization of plastic and soon to disable windows.

    Two additional tips on how to clean and protect the plastic windows

    Tip one: dissolving several spoons of dry potato starch in a gentle cleanser, you can achieve shine plastic surface. In this case, you do not have to rub the profiles with newsprint after a long time.

    Advice the second: so that the double-glazed windows do not get dirty too quickly, after cleaning they should be wiped with a solution of glycerine and ammonia. A liter of warm water will need two large spoons of glycerin and a couple of spoons of ammonia. It is not necessary to wash off this mixture, it will protect the windows from dust, fine dirt, and prevent fogging of surfaces.

    Window cleaning is a busy job. However, observing all the valuable recommendations, relying on advice and selecting the most relevant tool for a particular problem, you can bring plastic windows in 20-40 minutes after repair in order, without damaging their surfaces and keeping the cleanliness for a long time.