  • How to glue the wallpaper correctly? Important nuances stick!

    If you started repairs in the bedroom, hall or corridor, then, most likely, faced with a task such as wallpapering. Many people solve this issue independently( without contacting repairmen), which is basically correct, since it's quite easy to paste wallpaper with your own hands, but if you want to get the perfect result in the end, then you need to know about all the nuances that we are talking about todayand talk.

    How to prepare walls for wallpapering

    Most of us still glue wallpaper not in new buildings, but in Soviet-built houses where walls can not boast of evenness, so you should start to glue wallpaper with wall preparation, which can take a lot of time, howeverthis stage will give you that desired result.

    What to do with old wallpaper?
    First of all, you need to remove the old wallpaper. To soften them and quickly and efficiently remove them, use an ordinary soap solution, in which you can add a little wallpaper paste for a better effect. If the old wallpaper was dense, or even washable, then in this case they will have to slightly cut first, and only then apply a soap solution. The incision will improve the absorption, and the wallpaper will be removed. After applying the solution, it is necessary to wait for some time while the wallpaper is swollen( liquid is absorbed) and remove with a spatula.
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    Sometimes a layer of wallpaper is so thick or so "tightly" glued that the first time to bring the wall to the ideal - it does not work, so if necessary, do not be afraid to repeat the procedure several times. If funds permit, then for removal of wallpaper you can use special tools that are specially created for this purpose, they are more effective than the mentioned solution.

    How to remove the enamel, paint, old whitewash or other material left on the walls?
    In many places on walls there can be an old oil paint or enamel( that is especially actual for houses, old construction of "stalinka", "hruschevka" and well and panel houses of Brezhnev era).If the paint flakes off, then large areas are removed, and then the remaining surface of the paint on the wall is removed using a chisel or a flat cutter( such as in a planer).In addition, if the paint is very well held, and it is very difficult to clean it - you can carefully pounce it with a hammer, and then level with plaster. Whitewash or paint on the basis of an aqueous emulsion is pre-wetted with a soap solution and removed with a spatula. If it is a relatively thin layer of old whitewash, then it is easy to wash it off with hot water and rags.

    What about the irregularities in the walls?
    If the wall is not ideal( to put it mildly), cosmetic repairs are necessary. It must be ensured that all cracks, defects or irregularities in the wall are pre-plastered or plastered. If the surface of the walls crumbles and crumbles, then the experts of the site Vse-Sekrety.ru, recommend to treat it with a special primer for bonding the surface. The wall should be as flat as possible, low-fat and clean. If the wall is too "defective", you can pre-glue the walls with special facing paper for new wallpaper( newspapers should not be used for this as they do not have such properties, and in general the paint can start to break through the wallpaper).Although if the budget, time and knowledge allow, you can finish the walls with plasterboard or remove the old plaster by applying a new one, which naturally will be much more reasonable.

    How to glue wallpaper: important nuances and the basics of the correct technique for gluing

    Now that the walls are ready, go directly to the wallpaper.

    How to count, measure and cut off wallpaper?
    Let's look at the wall dimensions. Typically, the standard height of any ceiling is 2.5-2.8 m, and one roll - 10 m, so it should be enough for 3 lanes. The width of the wallpaper is usually 0.5 m, so count how many such bands are needed and divide them by 3, so get a response to the number of rolls.

    To measure the length of the strip, cover the floor with old clean newspapers or a tablecloth and roll the roll of paper "face" up. Transfer the dimensions of the wall to the first web of the wallpaper roll. After that, cut, necessarily adding a "safety margin" of 10-15 cm. Since the walls in the houses of the last century are very uneven, you need to measure the necessary length for each of the strips( there is no other way out).

    How to choose a picture on wallpaper correctly?
    If you want to accurately guess with a drawing, then you will have to approach the measurement and cutting of the wallpaper a little differently, and the wallpaper will go much more to fit. First, study carefully the picture of the wallpaper, understand where the bottom, where the top, etc.!After the first measured strip next we put the second strip, we mark on it the coincidence of pictures or drawing( visually), at the same time do not forget to leave a certain margin of distance from the junction. Do the same with the other bands. Beautiful wallpaper, with an interesting and properly fitted picture - remarkably emphasize the integrity of the interior of the room. If it's wallpaper without a picture - then it's much easier - just cut a few bands without observing the matches in the picture.

    How to choose and prepare the wallpaper glue?
    The glue must necessarily match the selected type of wallpaper. This information, as a rule, can be found on the package. Following the instructions in the manual, the glue is diluted with cold water, thoroughly stirred, then allowed to stand until a thick, swollen consistency. Do not assume that the resulting paste solution is too thick or, on the contrary, very liquid.

    The paste is applied to the wallpaper evenly and very carefully, leaving no empty spaces, and begin to spread a piece from the center and further - to the edges of the wallpaper sheet. After you have smeared the fragment with glue, you have to wait until the canvas is moistened( 5-6 minutes - for light wallpaper and about 8-10 minutes - for denser wallpaper).

    Nuances of wallpapering
    As a rule, wallpaper begins to glue from the room doorway or window( in the latter case will less reflect the joints between adjacent strips).If the wallpaper is thin, paper - then, as a rule, only the stripes are spread. But if the wall was with old paint or has some defects, then it is necessary to put on it a small layer of glue. Thanks to this wallpaper will grasp faster. Glue wall glue is also mandatory for gluing dense( vinyl wallpaper ) or other heavy wallpaper. For a dense wallpaper, it is recommended that a tape be pasted at the junction of the stripes. On the other hand, if you have an non-woven wallpaper , then the paste is only smeared on the wall.

    It is very convenient to glue the wallpaper in the following order:

    1. Cut the first cut, put it on the floor "face" up, next align the pattern of the second fragment.

    2. Turn the first strip "face" down, spread it with glue, wait until it absorbs,( if necessary - spread the adhesive on the wall), glue the fragment on the wall.

    3. Next, next to the second strip, cut off the third and repeat the above-mentioned similar procedure to the end of the wall section.

    The subsequent piece of wallpaper, especially if they are vinyl, embossed or similar, are glued to the wall back to back to the previous fragment. If it is inexpensive single-layer paper wallpaper - you can glue the wall overlap( up to 0.5-1 cm), but do not forget to follow the pattern matching, if any.

    After gluing, the strip is gently smoothed with a clean cloth, plastic spatula or special rubber roller first from top to bottom, and then from the middle to the edges of the strip( from left to right of the center).It is necessary to make sure that there is no air under the strip and that the wallpaper is snug against the wall. Especially carefully it is necessary to control the edges of the bands, incl.joints of the sides. If necessary, the lagging edges of the wallpaper should be greased with glue and again iron the site with a rag or roller. While the wallpaper is not completely dried, from the bottom they are neatly trimmed, and just below the level of the plinth. Trimmed wallpaper preferably with a sharp knife.

    How to glue difficult places on a wall?
    When pasting "complex" sections of the wall there is a little trick - all "extraneous" objects on the wall( window frame, doors, rosette, switches, etc.) are pre-glued along the perimeter or corner with small longitudinal stripes of wallpaper. For example, if this is the inside corner of the room, the distance from the edge of the corner to the nearest piece of wallpaper is first determined. Then a narrow strip is cut off from the roll so that it is 2-5 cm from the different sides of the corner, more than the distance to the edge of the nearest complete fragment. After that, the strip is pasted onto the wall. Press it very carefully, for example, using the blunt side of scissors or a knife. Sometimes this strip is cut into several pieces, then it is better taken. If a switch or socket is found on the wall, then it is necessary to turn off the electricity in the apartment. Next, in advance, attach another dry strip to the wall, and in place of "interference" make a cross-cut, and then carefully cut out the hole of the desired shape.

    How to glue the ceiling?
    If you plan to decorate the wallpaper with a wallpaper - it's better to glue it in the first place. Here it is necessary to observe this rule - the wallpaper is glued to the ceiling perpendicular to the window frame, i.e.in the direction of the light from the room windows. Glue for the ceiling must be made more dense, so that the wallpaper is better taken. And a little nuance - when gluing the ceiling must mark the borders of the wallpaper. To do this, you can use an ordinary cord or string, chalky. The strips are applied to the ceiling and aligned along the marked line. In the rest - the procedure is similar to sticking on a vertical wall. Yes, any repair of the ceiling is not an easy task, so it's desirable to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling together, and preferably three of us.

    After successful completion of all work - make sure that there are no drafts in the room. Better 1-2 days not to open the window and do not ventilate the room. This will allow the wallpaper to normally adhere to the walls. Good luck!