  • Than to wash the plastic window sill: ways and means

    Bringing the windowsill and windows in order during harvesting is a common thing. There are a lot of tools and devices that solve the problem, than to wash the plastic window sill, without resorting to the services of cleaning companies. However, the choice of method of cleaning should, first of all, based on the nature of pollution. Only in this case washing will be effective.

    Tips for the competent cleaning of the plastic window sill

    Before you start the fight for cleanliness, you need not only to figure out how you can wash the plastic window sill, but also get an idea of ​​how to properly do this kind of cleaning. Accounting for some simple tips and rules will make the whole process effective, saving time.

    How to wash the window sill from plastic: recommendations and tips

    1. Before starting the action on the plastic surface with cleaning agents and plain water, all dust and dry dirt should be swept off the sill. Then wipe with a wet cloth or sponge, then proceed to a wet cleaning.
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    3. Depending on the type of coating, it is necessary to choose the right surface cleaners:
      • if the window sill is glossy, smooth, then it is necessary to use soft tissue cuts( fleece, flannel), not rigid sponges without metal impregnations, wet wipes, microfiber;A universal melamine sponge is also suitable;
      • for rough, ribbed surfaces suitable hard jaws, brushes, but it is worthwhile to ensure that they do not leave scratches on the surface;use soft rags, especially of loose material, is not recommended, wadded disks may also not be the best option;such devices are capable of "hammering" particles of dirt and dust into an uneven surface, cleaning them after it will be problematic;
      • for removing dirt between the frame of the window and the window sill, in the corners of the surface and in various depressions it is worth using an old toothbrush or chopsticks with cotton tips;
      • when there are old contaminations on the plastic surface in the form of adhesive residues, mounting foam, primer after repair, it is necessary to buy a special rubberized scraper for their elimination;it will help to clean off such dirt, without damaging the plastic.

    4. By giving preference to folk remedies, it is worthwhile to avoid prolonged exposure to too concentrated acidic liquids, mixtures, solutions. They can damage plastic, cause discoloration.
    5. Buying cleaning agents in the departments with household chemicals, you need to pay attention to the labels on the labels. Cleaning agents should be suitable for plastic surfaces or for cleaning windows in general. The use of synthetic drugs should be strictly according to the instructions, in compliance with all safety rules.
    6. When deciding how to wash the plastic window sill, cleaning should begin with wiping the surface with warm water. The finishing touch of cleaning the plastic surface also becomes wiping with clean water, after which the window sill should be wiped dry. Otherwise, there may be stains on the surface or new stains from moisture may appear.
    7. In the framework of cleaning, it is necessary to minimize the use of abrasive particles, if they can not be dissolved in water or they are too hard.
    8. Apply stains directly, by falling asleep or filling them with a selected detergent. Especially this moment concerns powders. A soap solution based on them will not help to easily wipe the dirt on the plastic.
    9. Before scraping the primer, glue and other similar impurities, it is better to soak them a little. It is enough to use hot water and a sponge. To make the process more effective, you can resort to soap shavings, which you can easily buy in the store or rub yourself, using soap or soap.

    When all the paramount recommendations are taken into account, it is necessary to move on to choosing the most effective means that will help wash the window sill from various types of pollution.

    Popular ways to eliminate dirt

    Practically with any dirt, even stale and bitten, will help to cope melamine sponge .However, if you do not have it at hand, and you do not want to acquire synthetic products that often have a sharp, persistent and specific smell, you can resort to advice "from the people".

    The soap shavings are the simplest way to clean the plastic surface of the window sill from dirt and dust. It is enough to scatter it in a small amount on the soiled surface, rub it with a sponge or a rag soaked in warm water. And then carefully wash the plastic. Suitable also concentrated soap solution .

    Wanting to remove ugly greasy stains, it is worth using any means for washing dishes, however, it is desirable that it was in the form of a gel. The substance simply covers the contamination sites, the window sill is left in this form for 15-20 minutes, then it is washed in the usual way. To eliminate this kind of fatty spots, the napkins for cleaning the microwave are also suitable, you can use also starch, chalk for absorbing fat.

    If the dirt has sufficiently absorbed into the plastic surface, then you can resort to using detergent .Breeding it in a bucket with warm water is not worth it. It is enough to make a thick slurry, which is covered with a window sill. Maintain a powdery thick mixture for about half an hour, then wash off.

    From the handy tools for cleaning the plastic window sill, you can use the following options:

    • lemon juice, diluted citric acid;a similar tool will help to eliminate all kinds of pollution;
    • thick paste of baking soda with warm water or a spoonful of table vinegar;to wipe yellowish stains, "refresh" the color, you can use this tool; important: should not be left on the plastics for a long time( for sufficient exposure 8-10 minutes) , due to prolonged influence, the surface may be too bleached;
    • in order to get rid of stale marks, for example, from pens, markers or markers, it is necessary to apply pure alcohol, ammonia or diluted acetone( acetone-based varnish removal fluid);moisten the cotton pad or napkin in the selected medium and several times properly rub the soiled area;after it is necessary to wash the window sill with the selected cleaning agent( detergent);
    • for tinted, non-white window sills can be used as a cleansing agent mustard, diluted mustard powder;but this version of the tool should be used with caution, since there is a risk of the appearance of ugly divorces on the surface of the plastic;
    • to bleach plastic, which has yellowish spots or minimal traces of rust, will help a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water( 1: 1);But this remedy, as well as mustard, can adversely affect the sill material.

    In order not to search every time for a solution to a problem, than to wash a plastic window sill against yellow spots, its surface should be sealed with a special decorative film. It will protect plastic from dirt and damage. And to wash off from its surface of pollution in times is easier.

    When no ordinary people's council gives proper results after cleaning, you should turn to chemicals for cleaning plastic surfaces.


    Professional cleaning products

    Applying microfiber napkins or melamine sponge, supplementing their effect with synthetic substances, you can eliminate virtually any, even the most complicated pollution on the plastic window sills in the house. What professional means from the section of household chemicals most successfully solve problems with various kinds of pollution?

    Effective chemical cleaners for plastic cleaning

    1. «Mr. Muscle "and" Mr. Proper. "These cleansing mixtures perfectly eliminate light and not very stuck dirt, refresh the appearance of the plastic, adding to it a visual whiteness and brilliance.
    2. Solving the problem, than to wash the primer from the plastic, damaged during the repair of the windowsill, it is necessary to act step by step. After soaking up dirt and erasing the top layer, it remains necessary to wipe off any residual marks on the plastic. To do this, you can apply "Pemolux" or "Cif".
    3. Any liquid for washing of glasses, plastic double-glazed windows is also suitable for cleaning frames, window sills. It is better to choose a remedy in the form of a spray, an aerosol. The undeniable advantage of this option is that cleaning agents of this order do not leave ugly soap divorces.
    4. When faced with the question of how to bleach a plastic window sill, it is worth giving preference to such a tool as "Domestos".It effectively removes yellow spots, stains, other kinds of dirt, eliminates the tarnish of the surface, returning the original white color.
    5. Rusted traces successfully cleans "Cillit Bang" for plastic.
    6. "Sanita" will help remove grease stains and stains, soot, embedded in plastic dirt from the street.
    7. Additional cleaning agents that will help erase various contaminants are:
      • "Sanelit";
      • chemical washing "Cosmofen 5" and "Cosmofen 10";this drug is considered extremely toxic and "aggressive";it successfully removes even the most complex contaminants, but has a sharp and persistent smell;Apply strictly following the instructions, after well ventilating the room;
      • various funds from the company "Amway";
      • "Vanish";
      • White spirit;before using this substance it is worth consulting with the company that was engaged in the production and installation of window sills, because this product is toxic and can easily damage the plastic surface;
      • "Clarus";
      • solution of "Belizny";
      • to Unicom;
      • «Fairy».

    Each of these means for greater exposure to stains and dirt can be left on the surface of the plastic for 10-15 minutes, then washed with a damp cloth, sponge or brush in situations of strong and stale dirt. After cleaning with synthetic mixtures, the sill is recommended to be washed with soap or other detergent, rinse well with water and wipe dry.

    How to wash the windowsill? Video response

    View visual instructions for cleaning the windowsills made of plastic, using simple soda, water and dish detergent, you can in the video below.

    The choice of means for cleaning plastic surfaces is extremely large. But if you carry out regular cleaning using the most appropriate devices and substances, you can forget about problems with hard-to-remove stains, avoiding the regular use of strong chemical or folk remedies.