
How to make the abdomen flat - flat stomach at home

  • How to make the abdomen flat - flat stomach at home

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    It seems to you that you can train more than you do, you simply can not, but the stomach does not go away? Just do not have to give up and stop pressing the press, because working on the most problematic zone of almost all women, you need not forget that it's not only the amount of training, but also your nutrition that are important. This article offers you 6 tips that can answer the question "how to make the stomach flat."If you stick to these tips, do not quit training, in a month you will be able to show off the desire of all women - a flat tummy.

    6 secrets of flat stomach

    Secret No. 1 .To get rid of excessive subcutaneous fat and reach a flat stomach, each of the women should consume about 25 grams of fiber daily. Foods rich in fiber: nuts, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. The most pleasant moment in such food is the quantity of calories in it is very small, and there is practically no fat and therefore such products allow you to successfully lose weight.

    Just do not forget that it is necessary to chew this food very carefully. It is proved that it is due to slow chewing that the time of food intake is stretched, the brain has time to receive a signal that the stomach is saturated, which means that you will not eat much too much. But to increase the consumption of foods with fiber is necessary gradually, because a sudden change in diet can throw such a "surprise" like a swollen abdomen.

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    Secret No. 2 .Try to avoid eating superfluous carbohydrates. In a day, a woman should receive only 40% of calories from carbohydrates, that is, about 200-300 g, sitting on a diet that presumes the consumption of 1800 kcal. Upon ingestion, carbohydrates are split into glucose, which later becomes glycogen. This substance and use the human muscles as a fuel.

    But another property of glycogen is its ability to store three times more water than it weighs itself( fats and proteins do not store water at all).Therefore, people who are sitting on a carbohydrate or low-carb diet quickly lose weight, because they just run out of excess fluid. Experts advise to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, they have a lot of fiber and water in their composition, that's why it is practically impossible to gain weight by using such products.

    Of course, you will have to give up dishes containing a high percentage of carbohydrates. These include baking, cakes, sweets, cakes and all fast food. This is perhaps the most important rule necessary to perform, if you want to get a flat stomach at home.

    Secret No. 3 .This advice is trivial to the point: drink as much water as possible. There are experts who believe that excessive use of water can adversely affect the figure. But this is not true, because in fact water introduces sodium from the body and helps to lose weight. You must maintain optimal water balance in your body, this will help not only to get a flat stomach, but also to perfectly moisturize the skin. Therefore, be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. But the number of drinks with gas is better to reduce, or even remove from your diet. Carbon dioxide, which forms bubbles, can slow digestion and lead to bloating.

    Secret No. 4 .Our body needs sodium only in reasonable limits. It helps regulate water metabolism, normalize blood pressure, absorb certain nutrients and work the muscles. Most people, along with canned food, salt and the desire to eat something salty, receive instead of the body's necessary 500 mg of sodium once every 10 times more. So be sure to pay attention to the amount of sodium consumed. Better instead of french fries or fried to eat the same product only in cooked or baked form, instead of pickled cucumbers - fresh, and instead of ham - a piece of boiled pork.

    Secret No. 5 .Forget about food for the night! As soon as you relax and have a supper before going to bed, excess weight will not keep you waiting. Only now, too much to be upset is not worth it, because it's only the weight of water, the human body is not able to postpone for a night such a quantity of fat. But there is still a problem with late suppers. The trouble is that such meals are easy to enter into a habit, which means that they reduce your appetite throughout the day.

    Be sure to give up late suppers. This will give several positive moments: first, you wake up with a sense of ease, secondly, with the desired flat stomach and, thirdly, you do not want to skip breakfast.

    Distribute meals so that there is not more than 3-4 hours between them. And in any case, do not give up breakfast, lunch and snack! So you just can not eat a lot for dinner. But, and if you really want to sleep before your sleep, you can eat low-fat yogurt or a small apple.

    Secret No. 6 .Try to save your life from stress. Yes, perhaps it seems an impossible task, but you can at least try to react less painfully to some acute situations. Scientists have proved that stress causes the release of a hormone called cortisol, which leads to increased appetite, and this is a direct consequence of excess weight. And it will be postponed in the waist and abdomen.

    It will be useful to do cardio training. They provide remarkable help in overcoming nerve congestion. Try to relax more often - this is another way to exclude stress and overeating from your life.

    Exercises for the

    press There are no universal exercises, thanks to which, you can quickly make the abdomen flat and fit all without exception to people. For each person, it is necessary to individually select exercises, based on its constitution, genetic predisposition and a large number of other factors. However, you yourself can decide how you need to correct this or that exercise so that they have the most beneficial effect on you.

    All exercises for the press can be divided into three types:

    • for the "lower" press;
    • for the "upper" press;
    • for oblique muscles.

    The most appropriate time for exercise is morning( until you have eaten) or 3 hours after eating. To get the maximum effect from the exercises, you need to repeat each exercise approximately 25 times in two approaches. Increase the load every week.

    So, exercises:

    1. Take the initial position: you need to lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees in your legs and place them parallel to the floor. Now, unbend your legs as you exhale, take them away from you, while controlling that they also remain parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position on inhalation. This exercise gives the power load to the "lower" press.
    2. Take the initial position: you need to lie on your back, bend your knees, socks should not touch the floor, as this position is a guarantee of no load on the front leg muscles, hands to remove behind the head. Now lift the upper part of the body on exhalation so that only a couple of centimeters from the floor the blades come off. Return to the initial position on inhalation. Be sure to pay attention to the fact, by force, what part of the body you are lifting, you need to break away from the floor precisely thanks to the muscles of the stomach.

    Do not know how to achieve a flat stomach? Follow all of the above recommendations and you will succeed!