  • Casing neckline: MK with video and photo

    Casing of the neck: a step-by-step guide with video

    Each needlewoman, having connected the desired product, faces the problem of choosing the method of tying the neck. This process of creating a product is very important. After all, the throat is always in sight, and the general appearance of the thing depends on how it is treated. Also, the neckline can fix a worn thing if, for example, the neck is stretched out over time. The processing of the neck can be done with the help of spokes and hooks, however, the crocheting of the neck has an incredible variety of options, from which you can choose the most appropriate pattern for the style of the product.

    Decorate the neck in this way you can not only a knitted product, but also a fabric thing. To do this, using a needle and thread sewn, as it were, a "frame" for the future strapping - a seam is made along the edge of the neck. Further on it binds columns without a crochet or connecting bars and after that the mating of the neck occurs according to the chosen scheme.

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    Features of the neckline

    Regardless of which way and pattern of crochet binding is chosen, for starters it is necessary to process the edge of the neck with a row of sticks without a crochet. In this case, depending on the type of throat, you need to take into account some features:

    When tying the V-shaped neck, you need to pay special attention to its angle. To ensure that the harness does not wrinkle, the pillars without a crochet should not be made in every link of the loops of the product, but in one or two, depending on the severity of the angle.

    The neckline of a square shape also requires special attention. The corners can be slightly smoothed by tying chains of air loops connecting the sides of the neck to the corners of the neck. The number of air loops is calculated individually, depending on the thickness of the thread and the shape of the neck.

    By tying the neck of the oval shape, you should make sure that you do not pull it too tightly during use.

    What pattern to choose?

    The most common type of neckline is the stepping stone. This kind of the most simple and does not require circuits. The very first knitter will cope with him. But this does not mean that this kind of strapping will look very simple. As a result, the edge of the neck looks neat and beautiful. So, how to tie a neck with a crochet with the help of a "steppe step".Such strapping got its name because it matches it in the opposite direction to the basic knitting. That is, columns without crochets are tied from left to right. As a result, the edge is obtained with small jags.

    There are also simple schemes of tying the neck of the hook, which consist of 2-3 rows. They look more elegant than the "stepping stone".The truth is that they need to spend a little more time creating them. For example, here is a simple strapping:

    Without taking into account the first necessary row of columns without nakidov along the edge of the neck:

    1 row - alternation of 2 columns with one crochet, 1 air loop

    2 rows - 1 column without a crochet in the air loop, 4 air loops

    3 row - alternation of 5 columns with 1 crochet with 1 air loop in the arch of the lower row, 1 column without a crochet in the next arch.

    For the sake of clarity, below is a diagram of the described type of strapping with a photograph of the result obtained. In the diagram below, two more types of the simplest pattern are also given.

    Another simple version of strapping, this is the ejection of fans. The fan is obtained by knitting several bars into the same loop or arch of the base. To do this, to begin with, on the edge of the product, chains of air loops are loosened, creating windows. The next series will be the ejection of fans into these windows. Here you can fantasize with the sizes of arches and fans.

    This article shows the simplest methods of processing edges. In order to understand better how to tie a crochet hook video below will be an excellent assistant. Whichever method of binding you choose, the main thing is to correctly connect the first row of columns without crochets, so that the neck in the future is not tied up or wrinkled.

    Each needlewoman, having connected the desired product, faces the problem of choosing the method of tying the neck. This process of creating a product is very important. After all, the throat is always in sight, and the general appearance of the thing depends on how it is treated. Also, the neckline can fix a worn thing if, for example, the neck is stretched out over time. The processing of the neck can be done with the help of spokes and hooks, however, the crocheting of the neck has an incredible variety of options, from which you can choose the most appropriate pattern for the style of the product.

    To decorate the neck in this way, you can not only knit products, but also fabric things. To do this, using a needle and thread sewn, as it were, a "frame" for the future strapping - a seam is made along the edge of the neck. Further on it binds columns without a crochet or connecting bars and after that the mating of the neck occurs according to the chosen scheme.

    Features of the neckline

    Regardless of which way and the pattern of crochet binding is chosen, for starters it is necessary to process the edge of the neck with a row of stitches without a crochet. In this case, depending on the type of throat, you need to take into account some of the features:

    When tying the V-shaped neck, you need to pay special attention to its angle. To ensure that the harness does not wrinkle, the pillars without a crochet should not be made in every link of the loops of the product, but in one or two, depending on the severity of the angle.

    The neckline of the square shape also requires special attention. The corners can be slightly smoothed by tying chains of air loops connecting the sides of the neck to the corners of the neck. The number of air loops is calculated individually, depending on the thickness of the thread and the shape of the neck.

    By tying the neck of the oval shape, you should make sure that you do not pull it too tightly during use.

    What pattern to choose?

    The most common type of neckline is the stepping stone. This kind of the most simple and does not require circuits. The very first knitter will cope with him. But this does not mean that this kind of strapping will look very simple. As a result, the edge of the neck looks neat and beautiful. So, how to tie a neck with a crochet with the help of a "steppe step".Such strapping got its name because it matches it in the opposite direction to the basic knitting. That is, columns without crochets are tied from left to right. As a result, the edge is obtained with small jags.

    There are also simple schemes of tying the neck of the hook, which consist of 2-3 rows. They look more elegant than the "stepping stone".The truth is that they need to spend a little more time creating them. For example, here is such a simple strapping:

    Without taking into account the first necessary row of columns without nakidov along the edge of the neck:

    1 row - alternation of 2 columns with one crochet, 1 air loop

    2 rows - 1 column without a crochet in the air loop, 4 air loops

    3 row - alternation of 5 columns with 1 crochet with 1 air loop in the arch of the lower row, 1 column without a crochet in the next arch.

    For clarity, below is a diagram of the described type of binding with a photograph of the result obtained. In the diagram below, two more types of the simplest pattern are also given.

    Another simple version of strapping, this is the tapping of fans. The fan is obtained by knitting several bars into the same loop or arch of the base. To do this, to begin with, on the edge of the product, chains of air loops are loosened, creating windows. The next series will be the ejection of fans into these windows. Here you can fantasize with the sizes of arches and fans.

    This article presents the simplest methods of edge processing. In order to understand better how to tie a crochet hook video below will be an excellent assistant. Whichever method of binding you choose, the main thing is to correctly connect the first row of columns without crochets, so that the neck in the future is not tied up or wrinkled.