
Romanian lace crochet: schemes for beginners, master class, models

  • Romanian lace crochet: schemes for beginners, master class, models

    Each master, who knows how to knit, I want to create stunning works of beauty of his own art. And, perhaps, any of them knows that there is such a unique technique as knitting Romanian lace. But not all, even recognized masters of knitting, dealt with this technique. However, many people had an irresistible desire to try their hand at knitting Romanian lace.

    Therefore, dear needlewomen, your attention is represented by the Romanian lace crochet scheme for beginners.

    Plait cord

    As the basis of the Romanian lace is the technique of lace lace, we suggest starting with a consideration of the methods of weaving the cords necessary for the performance of this type of knitting.

    For our cord we will need:

    • hook;
    • thread( best cotton).

    Next, step by step photo courseware:

    1) In order to get a simple caterpillar cord, we perform the following actions:

    This kind of cord looks good from cotton, silk, woolen and mixed threads. This cord is considered the main and most often used in the manufacture of products in the technique of Romanian lace.

    instagram viewer

    2) Another version of a simple cord that can be made so:

    3) To get a cord more complicated, openwork, we follow this instruction:

    Such cords have many modifications, for every taste, and have a good basis for a flight of fancy of any needlewoman.

    4) There is also a technique for making a cord that is already a lace pattern in itself. It is done as follows:

    Making laces

    Romanian lace is also referred to as a coupling lace, but all because the intended pattern of the desired pattern is laid out with a self-made cordon the contour, applied for convenience on the fabric, and inside is filled with a variety of couplings and patterns that are performed by the needle.

    So, we already have a cord. Let's move on to knitting the lace itself.

    For work you will need:

    • needle for embroidery( with a thick eyelet, so as to easily pierce the cord);
    • needle for sewing( for attaching a basting);
    • any strong fabric( for a substrate);
    • pencil( for transferring the desired pattern of lace to fabric);
    • we connected the cord;
    • thread( preferably much thinner than the diameter of the cord);
    • thread thick, contrasting color with respect to the future of lace( for fastening the cord along the contour of future embroidery).

    Master classes with step-by-step photos

    You can proceed to a full-fledged production of Romanian lace, and Romanian lace master class will help in this technique.

    Small lace sheet


    It can be done following a simple video tutorial from Natalia Sazonova:.

    Flower in the technique of Romanian lace

    • We take the cord to the contour of the future lace applied to the fabric
    • We begin to work directly with the cord itself, stitching the future petals
    • Fill the petals

    • We repeat the same actions with the other petals
    • With the petals finished, admiring the result
    • Fill the middle of the flower

    • Unfasten the resulting flower from the fabric, cutting off the

    rope Using Romanian lace models and patterns, we move from simple lace items to more complex ones. For example, to make lace napkins.

    Beautiful wipes in Romanian

    1. To obtain such a napkin, fill the individual parts of the lace as follows:

    1. Also one of the simplest filling techniques most commonly used by craftsmen:
    1. Beautiful patterns for edging lace

    Now we have an idea of ​​how Romanian lace is knitted and understand that there are no limits to their variety. Romanian lace is a great way to apply the entire immensity of the fancy of the needlewoman in practice!

    Gradually winter sets in with its frosty wind and extremely low temperature outside the window. And what can protect from the cold better than knitted things? The more it is pleasant to wear them, if they are beautiful and connected with their own hands. Therefore, as never before, crochet patterns for beginners with a description that we are happy to share with the needlewomen.

    Conventional symbols for

    loops In order to easily read crochet patterns, we need to know the conventions that occur in them. So, the existing conventions:

    1. Basic designations
    1. How they get out and look like the performance of