
How to make a rose from a napkin yourself: a master class with video lessons

  • How to make a rose from a napkin yourself: a master class with video lessons

    Everyone who has ever visited a gift shop, met on the shelves a great product - a topiary. But in fact it is possible to create your own artwork much cheaper with the help of improvised materials. The basis for the topiary are paper flowers. How to make a rose from the napkin with your own hands for the topiary can be found below.

    Step-by-step photo-instruction

    To make jewelry from napkins, it is necessary to prepare materials. And, of course, first of all you should stock up on napkins.

    First, take a stack of napkins and cut it into even squares. After everything is ready, you need to fold each of the squares in less than half, twist the corners slightly. The resulting shape should resemble a petal.

    To create one bud, approximately 10 pieces are required. It all depends on how splendid you want to make a flower. After the workpieces are made, it is worth starting to design the middle, for this it is worth rolling a square of napkin. The inner tip should be pressed, and then wrapped with petals.

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    To complete the creation of a flower, you need to prepare the leaves. You will need green napkins for this. Each must be cut into two parts and twisted in such a way that the shape of the sheet is obtained.

    Threads that remain visible on rose buds can be wrapped with a blank from a sheet and fixed with a glue. The result is a rose for topiary.

    The base for the topiary crown is also made of paper, it is necessary to twist the ball, which turns into threads. If necessary, you can plant the structure on a stick and install it in a pot.

    And, finally, when the design dries, you can proceed with its design. For this, all flowers and leaves are pasted.

    One-color flowers for topiary on the example of roses

    How to make a rose from a napkin that will be the same color, you can see below:

    1. Take the napkin, unfold it completely, and then bend one side, and from the perpendicular side wrapped in a tube.

    2. It is worthwhile to bend the end slightly before completely wrapping the napkin.

    3. Then we leave a place for the flower, and the rest is twisted in a stalk. From the bottom of the napkin we make a leaf.

    Two-part flowers

    In addition to monochrome flowers for topiary, you can make an original composition of several colors. To do this, first we make a flower according to the principle, like the one-color one.

    Then take a green napkin and spread it only once so that there is only one fold in the middle.

    The flower is wrapped in a napkin so that its ends envelop the bottom of the flower, and the rest is twisted on the stalk.

    Ways of using such paper accessories

    From our master class you learned how to make a flower for topiary. But for what you can apply flowers flowers besides this, you will find out right now:

    1. It is possible to apply for decor of a festive table;
    2. You can decorate with a paper flower outfit;
    3. You can decorate the interior;
    4. You can use them as a gift.

    In general, there are many ways to use paper crafts. The main thing is to have a fantasy, and then you will not cease to amaze your loved ones.

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