  • Respond, do not yawn!

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    Features of the game and its educational value. The attention of younger preschoolers is unstable. Children easily distracted, lose the intended goal and easily switch from one action to another. The proposed game is aimed at overcoming these shortcomings and developing a sustainable, focused focus. The game presents the child with a number of requirements: closely monitor the actions of each participant in order to respond in time to the call of his partner, to reproduce in a certain sequence a number of interrelated actions, etc.

    To fulfill these requirements is rather difficult and unusual for a three-year-old child. But the proposed game situation contains conditions that encourage the baby to perform them. These conditions are as follows: First, the content of the game and its material meet the interests and inclinations of children( children have a special interest in animals that are met in their environment, they like to imitate the voices of these animals, their movements, etc.);Secondly, it is very attractive for them to play material( pictures with images of animals);thirdly, this game is fun, where the solution of the cognitive task is combined with the movement and onomatopoeia.

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    The whole group participates in the game. Efforts the child spends receive an evaluation of the team, which serves as a condition for self-affirmation and gives the child satisfaction.

    Play stuff. Paired pictures depicting birds, animals and children. The images depicting the following birds are selected: a rooster, a chicken, a goose, a duck, a crow, a sparrow. The images of the following animals are quite suitable for children, whose voices are already familiar to them: a cow, a goat, a horse, a dog, a cat. To pictures of birds and animals you can add pictures depicting children - two girls and two boys.

    Pictures are placed in a box divided by a partition into two compartments for each set of pictures. This makes it easier for them to distribute and check the completeness of the kit of this manual. Sets of pictures should be stored in the same sequence.

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. The educator places the chairs in two rows with the children, placing them at a certain distance from each other so that the children sit facing each other. Making the children more comfortable, the adult promises to give each of them a picture and warns that they can not be shown to each other. But everyone should carefully consider what is depicted in his picture.

    The teacher explains to the children that these pictures are paired - every beast or bird has a friend, that is, exactly the same picture. Every bird or every animal will call his friend his voice: they can not speak like people, and they talk in their own way."How will the cow call his girlfriend?"the educator asks.- That's right, she will moo: "Mu-muu," and another cow should quickly answer her: "Mu-Muu, I hear, I'm coming!" And how will the goose call his friend? That's right, "ha-gaga", and also the goose will answer in goose way: "Ha-ha-ha, I hear, I'm coming!" And those who get the picture, where the boy or girl is drawn, will also call their friend- A boy or a girl. Remember, as their name( shows the picture).This boy's name is Serezha, and the other is Andryusha, this is Natasha's girl, and this is Oksana. If Natasha wants to call his girlfriend Oksana, how should she call? That's it: "Oksana, ay, come to me!", And Oksana will reply: "Ah, I hear, I'm coming, Natasha!" The boys will also call each other. Everyone who has been called, a bird, animal or man - should not miss, not miss, when they call him, and in time to respond to the call. Friends should go to the table, first show each other pictures and talk, then show everyone their pictures and put them in this box. And the children will clap and say: "Well done!".

    Having completed the explanation of the game, the teacher gives out the pictures to the children, first to one row, then to the other, and reminds one of the rule: "Ai-ai-oi, do not miss it!"Do not show pictures to each other, otherwise it will not work. "The teacher sits down in his chair, and the game begins. The educator calls the children in turn, then from one, then from another row. The summoned child imitates the voice of the animal depicted on his picture, and the one who has the same picture should respond quickly and also go to the table where the box of pictures lies. Facing each other, the children again voice, show pictures and put them in a box. So in turn, the kids perform their roles, solving the game learning task. Having received a deserved evaluation from the children and the tutor, they return to their places.

    The game takes place briskly and, as the kids begin to master, it becomes more and more cheerful and relaxed. When all the pictures are in the box, the teacher again distributes them to the children, trying to get everyone a new picture and correspondingly a different role.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Only the person called by the educator gives his voice and calls his or her pair.

    2. You need to be careful and respond in time to the call of your couple( buddy).

    3. It is forbidden to display the received picture beforehand. Whoever violates this rule will be summoned later than everyone else.

    Tips for the educator. It is important to remember that this game is fun, it should be live, fun, at ease. Much here depends on your behavior. Do not turn the explanation of the game into a long dry instruction. Let the kids learn the rules of the game in action. From the brightness, clarity and activity of explanation will depend on its success.

    Emotional attitude of children to the game is a condition of involuntary attention, which is the basis for the formation of such qualities as concentration and stability.

    The game will help you identify children with uncontrolled activity, with a complete lack of concentration and steadiness of attention. With this child, you need to play the same game separately, in order to find out the reasons that prevent it from concentrating, and help overcome these shortcomings.

    For children with scattered, unstable attention, the rules can be relaxed. For example, after fulfilling his role, when the child becomes free from the picture and participation in the game becomes a burden for him, he can be instructed to feed the birds or take cows to the place, ie, perform additional movements that can serve as a discharge and prolong the child's interest in the game.