
How to make a dress pattern for a girl, dolls, case, free cut for beginners

  • How to make a dress pattern for a girl, dolls, case, free cut for beginners

    Perhaps, in order to learn how to sew, you should start with the simplest patterns. In order not to raise the question of how to make a dress pattern for beginners, we will consider below a variant of a summer knit dress, which is very easy to sew.

    What you need

    For sewing a 40 size dress, with a chest circumference of 88-92 cm, you need a high-elastic knitwear - 1 × 1 m., 2 m rubber thread, elastic band 1.5 cm × 1 m., Threads matching in color todress.

    Description of the work

    Consider how to properly make a pattern itself.

    First you need to find 2 details, as in the photo:

    But it's worth remembering that you need to use your measurements, that is, you need to add or subtract see the width and length.

    Sweep away the details of the dress over long sections and top out the seam.

    Sew a rubber thread on both sides of the dress, pull it to the desired length. Fix the ends.

    The bottom of the dress is tucked in at 4 cm and detached.

    The upper cut is treated similarly, but leaving a place for the gum. Insert the elastic and adjust the length, cut off excess. The ends are sewn and tucked into the kuliska. Open the site to sew.

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    So you learned how to sew a dress quickly.


    Any pattern of dress begins with a pattern-base. Many people think that it's very difficult to build a pattern yourself, but it's not. Now we'll figure out how to make a pattern - the base of the dress.


    For an example, take a standard figure of 48 size.

    • PN = 18 cm. Measured at the base of the neck and recorded divided in half.
    • PG = 48 cm. Measured on the highest part of the chest and the bulging parts of the blades. Addition = 5 cm. Also recorded as divided by 2.
    • PT = 38 cm. The narrowest point of the waist is measured. Addition = 1 cm. Recorded divided by 2.
    • PB = 53 cm. Measured at the protruding points of the buttocks. Addition = 2 cm Recorded divided by 2.
    • DDTT = 38 cm. From the 7 cervical vertebrae to the waist. Record completely.
    • ШС = 18 cm. At the level of the protruding parts of the scapula: from one armpit to the second.
    • DPDT - 43 cm. Through the protruding point of the chest: from the base of the neck to the waist. Record completely.
    • VG = 27 cm. It is performed together with the previous one, since the distance of the base of the neck is measured up to the most protruding point of the breast.
    • CZ = 9.5 cm. From one protruding point of the breast to the second. Record completely.
    • DP = 13.5 cm. From the base of the neck to the shoulder joint. Record completely.
    • OR = 29 cm. At the armpit around the arm. Record completely.
    • OZ = 16 cm. Speaks for itself. Record completely.
    • ДРДЛ = 32 cm. From shoulder to elbow. Record completely.
    • DR = 58 cm. From shoulder to hand. Record completely.
    • CI = 110 cm. From the bulging( 7) cervical vertebra to the desired length in the middle of the back. It is written down completely.

    Draw the

    AN = DI( 110 cm).

    Width. AB = half-chest + 5 cm( 53 cm).Draw a line BH1 parallel to the AH.

    Back length. AT and BT1 = back length + 0.5 cm.

    TB and T1B1 = DSMT divided by 2( 19 cm).

    АА1 = ШС + 1,5 cm.( 19,5 cm).

    A1A2 = PG, divided by 4 and + 0.5 cm.( 12.5 cm).

    Backrest neck. AA3 = the neck of the neck, divided by 3 and + 0.5 cm( 6.5 cm).If fatty deposits are present in the cervical spine, then the width of the neck should be increased by 0.5 cm.

    A3A4 = neck, divided by 10 and + 0.8 cm( 2.6 cm).

    A3A5 = neck, divided by 10 and - 0.3 cm( 1.5 cm).

    Connect Points A, A4 and A5 to a curve by a line.

    Shoulder section. A1p = 3 cm. Connect the points P and A4.

    А4П1 = shoulder length + 2 cm.( 15.5 cm).

    А4О = 4 cm.

    ОО1 = 8 cm.

    ОО2 = 2 cm.

    Connect O1 and O2.

    O1O3 = 8 cm.

    Connect points P1 and O3.

    Depth of armhole. PG = waist girth, divided by 4 and + 7 cm( 19 cm).For full women who have a size of 58+, the depth of the armhole should be reduced by 1 cm. Draw the lines through T in both directions until the intersection with the line AN, we get the point Г1, the points Г2 and Г3, as in the photo.

    The cut of the backrest arm. GP2 = 1/3 PG + 2 cm( 8.3 cm).GP3 = width of armhole divided by 10 and + 1.5 cm( 2.8 cm).In half we divide the line ГГ2 - we get the point Г4.Connect points P1, P2, P3 and G4.

    G2P4 = PG, divided by 4 and + 5 cm( 17 cm).For a size of 58 + 1 cm smaller.П4П5 = a semicircular breast, divided by 10( 4.8 cm).П4П6 = 1/3 Г2П4.Duplicate points P5 and P6, divide in half and lay at right angles to the right 1 cm. G2P7 = width of armhole divided by 10 and + 0.8 cm( 2.1 cm).Connect P5, P1, P6, P7, G4.

    G3B1 = chest girdle, divided by 2 and + 1.5 cm( 25.5 cm).For 58+, the size is 1 cm smaller.Г2В2 = Г3В1.Connect B1 and B2.B1B3 = neck, divided by 3 and + 0.5 cm( 6.5 cm).B1B4 = PN divided by 3 and + 2 cm( 8 cm).Connect B3 and B4 straight and split in half. B1B5 = neck, divided by 3 and + 1 cm( 7 cm).Points B3, B5 and B4 are connected.

    Breast Center. T3G6 = TG.Carry out a line from G6 to line B1B2.We obtain B6.

    B6G7 = chest height.

    В6В7 = 1 cm. Connect points B3 and B7.The points B7 and B5 are connected by a dotted line.П5В8 = length of the arm minus the length В3В7 minus 0.3 cm( 10.2 cm).Г7В9 = length Г7В7.Connect the points B9 and P5.

    ГГ5 = width of armhole divided by 3( 4.2 cm).Draw a line vertically through point F5.At the intersection with the armhole line we get the point P. With the waist, bottom and hip lines, we get T2, H2, B2.

    Determine the solution of darts on the waist line. To subtract from the width of the TT1 line the half-grip of the waist + 1 cm( 14 m).The solution of the front duck = 0.25 of the total solution( 14 * 0.25 = 3.5 cm), lateral = 0.45( 6.3 cm), posterior = 0.3( 4.2 cm).

    Determine the width of the dress along the thigh line. Add 2 cm to the PB( 55 cm).Take the width along the BB1 ​​line( 2 cm).

    Construction of darts. Postpone from B2 to 1 cm in both directions. We obtain B3 and B4.Set aside from T2 in both directions a ½ side tuck groove( 3.2 cm) and mark points T3 and T4.Connect the point P to the points T3 and T4.Duplicate the points T3B4 and T4B3, divide in half and postpone from the points of division to the side line of 0.5 cm. Connect the curve with the point B3T4, the other side with B4T3.

    If the half-dressing of the hips with the addition turned out to be less than the ShP, the result will be negative. An example is shown in the photo:

    If the calculation results in zero, then B3 and B4 will coincide with B2.Example in the photo:

    B1T5 = waist length + 0.5 cm( 43.5 cm).Connect T4 and T5 with a line.

    B1B5 = length of the segment T1T5.Connect B5 and B3 - the thigh line.

    Divide the segment ГГ1 in half, we obtain the point Г8.Lower the line down to line BB1 ​​from it. At the intersections with the hip and waist lines, mark points B6 and T6.Set aside the 1/2 solution of the back dart to the right and left of T6( 2.1 cm) - we get the points T7 and T8.Measure down 1 cm from G8, from B6 upwards 3 cm. Connect with T7 and T8.

    Delay down the line from G6 to the intersection with BB1.Note the intersections with points T9 and B7.Set aside from T9 in both directions a ½ of the front tuck groove( 1.7 cm) and mark T10 and T11.Postpone 4 cm from G7 downwards, and from B7 upwards, mark the points and connect them to T10 and T11.

    Draw the lines down from B3 and B4 to the intersection with HH1 and designate H3 and H4.For a dress enlarged from below, you need to postpone 3-7 cm from H3 and H4 in both directions and connect them with B3 and B4.From H1, plot the length of the segment T1T5 and mark the point H5.Points H3 and H5 connect.

    Pattern-base ready.

    In order to better understand how to build a pattern, see the video below.



    For children

    To sew a dress for a girl, regardless of the model, also needs a pattern-base.


    • DDDT = 26 cm;
    • DP = 50 cm;
    • DP = 9 cm;
    • PN = 13.5 cm;
    • PG = 30 cm;
    • DR = 36 cm.

    Of course, these are approximate measures. You need to start working with the removal of measurements from the child.

    To understand how to make a pattern of children's dress, you need to look at the photo below, and build a similar by its standards.

    You can also watch the training video to make it clearer.

    For dolls

    Which girl did not ask Mom to make a dress for a doll? And, of course, do not want to deny the child, but what if you have no idea how to do this? Do not despair - patterns of beautiful dresses for pupae are given below. On them you can easily sew dresses to your child's favorite toy.

    Style case

    No wardrobe of the girl can not do without a dress - case, so below you will see a pattern of this dress:

    Free cut

    And, of course, where without a dress of free cut!

    A video that will help you understand the above

    Here is another video that you will definitely like.