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    The functions of all organs are improved, which makes the child physically more enduring. First of all, the limit of the efficiency of the nervous system increases. A three-year-old child can already be awake without fatigue 6-6.5 hours. High rates of brain development allow him to easily concentrate nervous excitement, engage in one toy, one thing up to 20 minutes. The kid gets the ability to hold back, not to cry, even if it hurts. Carried away by the game, you can forget about the desire to eat. However, these conditions can not last for long, since the most difficult for a child at this age is waiting or forced idleness. Therefore, not too long waiting often ends with whims.

    In the third year of life, educational activities aimed at improving the psyche and physical actions are crucial in the development of the psyche.

    Conditioned-reflex connections at this age are formed much faster. It is enough to have 1-2 explanations or impressions in order for the child to remember new words, a new rule. It is easier for a child to adapt to changing conditions. In this period, the concepts "what is good and what is bad" begin to form. To consolidate such knowledge, incentives and punishments are used.

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    In connection with the development of the imagination are becoming more diverse story games. The same toy in the child's view can have many functional purposes. A cube can be both a building material, and a vehicle, and furniture, and even a soldier.

    Games, like other types of independent activity of the child, are at this age the main means of mental and moral education. They should be encouraged in every possible way, they should create suitable conditions for them, buy toys and allowances. Games reflect the reality surrounding the child, are accompanied by an emotionally positive state, please the baby, give him pleasure, and at the same time, as AM Gorky pointed out, represent the way to knowledge of the world. Playing, the child gets knowledge about the objects, their properties, the game develops attention, memory, imagination, thinking, opportunities are created to educate the moral qualities of the child's personality. During the game, children meet with various difficulties that require learning, skill, and learn to achieve their goals.

    By the age of three, the perception of the baby is becoming more and more subtle and precise. He well differentiates the sounds and timbre of the human voice, recognizes familiar melodies, distinguishes the rhythm of music, receives the first numerical representations( many, few), understands the concepts far and near, distinguishes objects by color, size, and individual external features. Can distinguish objects by touch without looking. The volume and the qualitative characteristic of memory grow. The child remembers not only what was the day before, but also the events that took place a few months ago.

    Rapidly developing phrase speech, and with it thinking. When constructing new phrases, funny grammatical curiosities sometimes arise, which usually last long in the memory of the parents.

    In the development and development of phrase speech in children of this age play the role of sex( girls usually start talking earlier than boys), the period of the earliest childhood, the state at birth, the environment in which they are brought up.

    The rate of ripening of the cerebral cortex is important. In general, maturation of nerve cells in the speech areas of the cortex is completed mainly by the age of two years, but the fine structure of the cortex has been improved for many more years. Therefore, the opportunities for the development of speech and abstract verbal thinking are determined by the high development of the brain. The slow formation of the speech function is associated with its slow maturation. In any case, if the baby hears and understands the speech of adults, gestures and facial expressions tries to express what he does not quite clearly get in words, then there is no special reason for unrest. He will begin to speak a little later. And only with a sharp distortion of words( by the age of three children should speak correctly) the child should be consulted by a specialist - speech therapist.

    In the third year of life, new activities are emerging. The Kid no longer plays with pencils, as with chopsticks, but begins to draw them. Drawing becomes available to him by the end of the second year of life. It teaches the child to define and convey the contours of objects, their details, to arrange things in space. To begin to paint better markers. Using them does not require much effort, which is very important, since the baby's hands are still weak and quickly get tired. In addition, the drawing with a felt-tip pen turns bright, attractive, which is very pleasing to children. In the third year of life, you can give the child and a brush with paints. They too are easier to draw than with pencils.

    Since three years, and a new kind of activity, such as molding. In the process of modeling, children develop an eye and sense of movement and tactile sensations. To start to sculpt better from clay. If plasticine is used, so that it becomes softer, it should be slightly warmed up before work( place it with the box on the radiator or on the window when the sun is shining).The child should be shown how to properly use a pencil, felt-tip pen, material for modeling. Both drawing and modeling are attractive to the kid, but not simple. It is advisable to interrupt them with physical exercises, during which you need to walk around the room for a few minutes, then do stretching exercises with arms raised upwards and deep breaths, turns and torso of the trunk, leg exercises( squatting or swinging movements), finally breathing exercises. Each movement, depending on the difficulty, is repeated 4-6 times.

    Drawing and modeling contribute to the strengthening of the hand and fingers, more precise coordinated movements. This allows you to pay attention to the development of self-service skills. Children are already able to unbutton and button up buttons, belts, tie up shoes, clean up their dishes and try to wash it, use the pot on their own.

    The guys are very attracted to the work of adults. At this time, the foundations of labor education are easily laid. Teachers and we, doctors, insist on the labor education of children as an obligatory condition for the correct formation of the personality. Hard work not only does not harm the child's health, but is also necessary for its proper development. Kids at this age are happy to water flowers, arrange dishes, bring things, if you ask.

    The child wants to act himself, he does not like the former situation, when everything was done for him by his parents, although he can not do without them now. And parents need to rebuild their relationship with the baby, do everything not for him and for him, and with him, showing him how this or that action is being carried out. A child of the third year should be able to wash without help, but under the supervision of an adult( water temperature not lower than 18 ° C).

    In the labor education of a child, the behavior of adults is important, which should encourage his desire to participate in domestic affairs. It is necessary to take into account the age-related capabilities of the baby, patiently treat the results of his work, and most importantly remember that this is the ideal time for working out hard work. If you miss this time, then it will take a lot of effort and emotion to attract the child to help adults.

    In general, each age is distinguished by selective increased susceptibility to different types of learning. These age intervals should not be missed. If a child under 3 years does not learn speech, and his education begins after this time, then it passes with difficulty and without that success, which happens at an earlier age.

    The same can be said about the parents' attitude to the innumerable issues of the child. His interest in the environment must be met at every step: to help notice new objects, to show them, to call them. Sometimes children are very intrusive. They ask endless questions, they demand attention to themselves just when they are busy. But one should never brush aside a child. If there is no possibility to answer the baby's questions at once, you need to persuade him to wait a little while, and having freed himself, to solve it of the child's interest. Answers to questions not only help to know the world, but also shape the attitude towards it and even the personality of the child.

    The pace of mental development of children is not the same. Some of them develop very quickly in the early years, far ahead of their peers. And then the parents are lost, do not know what to do - to slow down the development, so that it does not affect the health status, or, on the contrary, encourage it. Life shows that early development more often "is not an indicator of the future extraordinary giftedness. Over the years, the pace of development is decreasing and the child is compared with peers.