
How to get a man to marry - to get a guy to marry

  • How to get a man to marry - to get a guy to marry

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    Rose bunches and gentle visits, long walks and passionate kisses - the beginning of a romantic relationship is so like a fairy tale! Here it is, our long-awaited prince on a white horse - the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most affectionate. We are ready to live with him all our lives, we love and love each other, which means that a white dress, a golden coach and a fairy fairy from the registrar's office, which will consolidate the union of the two hearts with a magical ceremony of marriage, are just around the corner.

    Oh, if the dream-written script was always carried out in real life! But the fabulous development of events is rather an exception than the rule of everyday reality. In life, everything is not so easy and cloudless. Quite often pass weeks, months, years, the chosen one swears in love and continues to give gifts, only here the treasured offer to do not hurry up. Sometimes the period of visits is prolonged indefinitely, sometimes replaced by cohabitation in a civil marriage, and a full-fledged family does not. Gradually we realize that it may not exist at all, if we do not take the initiative into our own hands.

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    What to do in this situation? First, change the waiting attitude to active and go on the offensive. Secondly, to master the rules of combat and learn the main ways how to get a man to marry.

    Common mistakes

    Female control

    First a couple of words about tactical mistakes that distract the desired moment of marriage and undermine the relationship with your loved one. So, if you really value your choice, consider the following prohibitions in your behavior as much as possible:

    • Do not bother from morning to night talking about the wedding. Darling, of course, should know about your desire to become his lawful wife, but the number of mentions of this topic is better to prefer quality. He should not have the impression that you are forcing and forcing. As a rule, men are opposed to external pressure and act in defiance;
    • Do not control every step of it. Men often avoid official registration of relations precisely because of fear to lose their freedom and independence; therefore, bouts of jealousy and constant questions, why they stayed at work, are categorically contraindicated before the wedding;
    • Do not be fooled even in small things. Many representatives of the stronger sex do not dare to make a proposal only because they still lick their wounds and digest old grievances - the girl threw her, her husband was changed, her mother betrayed her father. So build relationships on trust and, if you need to hide something, say half the truth, but never lie.

    General recommendations

    Synthesis of modern psychology and life experience allows us to identify several methods that give a practical answer to the question of how to get a man to marry. Consider the most effective.

    Straight Talk

    Talking about marriage

    Before taking any further activities, choose the moment when your chosen one is in a good mood, and talk to him heart to heart. Try to find out directly why the beloved pulls with the wedding. Perhaps the reason will be less significant than you think. For example, he does not have enough money for a magnificent celebration and a honeymoon abroad, and he does not want to hold a modest ceremony, afraid to offend and disappoint you. Convince such a man that marriage to you is important to you, and not with his money and apply to the registrar.

    If it turns out that the signer did not even intend to sign and his life strategy is freedom, face the truth and do not waste energy. You can not cope with this subject. The third option - excuses like "I'm not ready", "let's take a closer look at each other", etc., serve as a signal for the deployment of offensive activity.

    Unexpected ally

    When your mother in law is an ally of

    One is not a warrior in the field, especially when you need to win a psychological victory over a convinced bachelor. Ironically, the best strategic ally in this fight may be. .. the future mother-in-law. Try to find out the maximum information about your chosen mother's - tastes, habits, hobbies, lifestyle - and make a good impression on her. Show that you have all the makings of an ideal wife, that your love is strong, and caring for the needs of a sweet is just a joy. Achieve success in this matter - and solve the problem of how to get a man to marry, will already be his mother. Believe me, she will be able to find the right approach to her son.

    Attractive Vista

    Tempting prospect

    Although men are considered to be a strong half of humanity, many of them are afraid of risk, especially in the field of interpersonal relationships. They do not fully understand what awaits them after the wedding, associate the marriage with new duties and restrictions, not seeing its advantages. Develop doubts and draw a clear perspective of living together. Demonstrate that you know how to perfectly prepare and create coziness in the house, but do not give all this to a man on a permanent basis before the painting. Long-term civil relations demotivate the partner( why marry, when and so everyone gives on a silver platter).

    If your chosen one is ambitious and dreams of building a career, convince him that marriage is not a hindrance, but on the contrary - an additional advantage. A married person is subconsciously perceived as more responsible, reliable, and most people in high positions have a stamp in their passport. You also do not have any thoughts to distract him from work - you have your own, besides the sea of ​​domestic affairs and the most interesting hobby.

    On the verge of risk

    Unplanned pregnancy

    The above methods of influencing bachelors provide a guaranteed positive result and have no side effects. However, they act slowly, gradually, as it should be for safe drugs. Along with them, there are other ways to get a man to marry - quick and swift, but not so harmless. Their application is a great risk, deciding the situation once and for all: either a wedding, or a break, final and irrevocable.

    What are we talking about?

    • "Unplanned" pregnancy is the most used and the most risky way to tie a beloved marriage. In addition, the unethical - the child is a trivial means of achieving the goal. It works only on very responsible men, as well as men who sincerely dream of paternity and perceive children as an extension of their kind. If your chosen one is not, pregnancy will only frighten him and, most likely, you will remain alone in a delicate position.
    • Ultimatum. Suitable except for very protracted situations, when there is no other way to introduce certainty into the relationship. You put a sweet direct and specific condition: "We sign, or I'm leaving."If he loves and appreciates you, he will choose a marriage, if not, at least you will know the truth. After all, why spend years of your life on the unworthy of you?

    In conclusion, we will reveal one more secret. Really happy marriages manage to create those women who have learned to be happy alone. Be self-sufficient, successful, beautiful, live not only it, but also your interests. Men fight for such women, feeling like knights, but not owners, and more willing to sacrifice, afraid of losing your favor. Love and be worthy of love, and let the wedding day be an unforgettable holiday for both of you.