
Is it possible to cure gingivitis in children, adults with folk methods?

  • Is it possible to cure gingivitis in children, adults with folk methods?

    Gingivitis is a fairly common disease of the gingival mucosa that affects both children in the age of intensive growth of teeth, and adults up to 35 years. There are cases of inflammation of the gums and in older people.

    Treatment of gingivitis in children

    The disease in childhood can have internal and external causes. Quite often, inflammatory processes in the gums occur in babies due to:

    • physiological dentition, in particular, the rear of large ones with longer roots or with a sharp crown;
    • malnutrition, when in the diet of children there are no trace elements and vitamins;
    • reduced immunity and the presence of concomitant diseases like diabetes, epilepsy;
    • general poor oral health( the child does not brush his teeth, likes to eat unwashed vegetables).

    If acute ulcerative gingivitis is diagnosed or if there is a chronic form, dental treatment should be performed. The same medicines are used as for adult patients, only more sparing and in smaller doses.

    Since the most common cause is dentition, even infants can get gum disease. Gingivitis in children 1 year is not treated by medicamentous route, general restorative therapy( vitamins, microelements) is prescribed, constant cleaning of the oral cavity from food remains is carried out. Sometimes a surgeon's help is needed to speed up the eruption of the tooth.

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    To understand how to treat gingivitis in children, consultation of a dentist is required. As a rule, plant and medicament preparations are prescribed:

    1. Kahelomine preparations( calcium patonatate, thiamine chloride, vitamin P)

    • These drugs stimulate the formation of anti-inflammatory agents in the body.


    • Designed to improve the transport of nutrients to the tissues of the inflamed gingiva;

    3. Sage tinctures, oak bark( Rotokan preparations and others)

    • Helps to remove inflammation and bleeding gums, accelerate the healing of sores.

    Only it should be remembered that the appointment of antibiotics for gingivitis in children is performed only by a doctor, improving nutrition and maintaining oral hygiene can significantly improve the condition of the baby's gums.

    Treatment of diseases in adults

    Adolescents or young people up to 35-37 years old often complain of hyperplastic gingivitis or a catarrhal form of the disease. The first form is characterized by excessive growth of the gum, which is very inflamed from the inside. It can be caused by endocrine disorders or strong crowding of teeth. Catarrhal gingivitis usually does not show itself overgrowth. Rather, the gum looks reddened, and bleeding is observed only with mechanical or thermal effects on the gum.

    The main reasons for the development of ulcerative necrotic gingivitis or any other are insufficient oral hygiene and an infection that has fallen into the gum. In addition to cleaning from tartar, treatment of caries, medicines are used:

    • romazulan and proposol, plant-based antiseptics, have anti-inflammatory effect, freshen breath, relieve pain;
    • was crosodil based on a 0.2% chlorhexidine solution for controlling microbial inflammation;
    • parody is used in the medical treatment of gingivitis with bleeding gums, tenderness, which are the result of wearing clasp prostheses. Chlorhexidine bigluconate, formaldehyde and rhubarb plant extract are the basis;
    • Eludryl is prescribed as an antiseptic for mouthwash. It removes inflammation due to the presence of chlorhexidine, sodium docusate, chlorobutanol;
    • indomethacin ointment for applications on inflamed gums, often used for ulcerative gingivitis. Removes inflammation, fights pathogens;
    • pharyngosept for resorption to neutralize the action of microorganisms and refresh breathing.

    Any medicine for gingivitis should be prescribed by a doctor. Especially attentive is to be pregnant women, since many drugs are contraindicated in bearing a child.

    How to treat gingivitis at home?

    In addition to medicines, some medicinal preparations and products can be used that can significantly reduce inflammation, relieve pain and help fight infection. Moreover, not all medicines for gingivitis are well tolerated: many people have pronounced medallergia.

    Often used for rinsing and lotions are chamomile, sage, walnut and eucalyptus leaves, calendula and oak. They have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce bleeding. In the books and on the sites in the sections "Gingivitis: treatment with folk remedies" you can find such recipes:

    • Calendula

    Buy marigold flowers in the pharmacy, mix them with the sea buckthorn berries in equal proportions according to 1 a tablespoon. Pour a glass of boiling water, then continue to cook on a water bath for about 20 minutes in an enamel container. Rinse with a strained broth twice a day.

    • Oak bark

    It is considered an excellent remedy for sores for the treatment of gingivitis at home.1 tablespoon of bark pour a glass of boiling water, and then evaporate half on the stove. Rinse for three times a day for a week.

    • Propolis

    This is an alcoholic tincture, because the children who are pregnant and nursing it are not prescribed. It is done like this: 15 grams of solid purchased propolis is chopped or crushed, and then poured with alcohol( 70-80% of the fortress).Then the tincture is kept in a dark place for 72 hours. Divorced( 5 drops per glass of water) rinse your mouth 3 times a day.

    In no case should you run gingivitis - treatment can become not just a long, but very painful. In particularly neglected cases, a number of teeth can even be lost. Associated "delights" like bad breath, a permanent metallic or salty taste on the lips and bleeding gums will be unpleasant to you and others.

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