
Aphthous stomatitis: clinical manifestations and methods of treatment of pathology

  • Aphthous stomatitis: clinical manifestations and methods of treatment of pathology

    Aphthous stomatitis is a common pathology. This disease is characterized by the appearance in the mouth of the patient of specific wound-aft. These incredibly painful sores give a man a lot of sad minutes.

    Often a sick person complains of dryness and burning. These feelings are most often relevant when a person takes food, resulting in problems with chewing and swallowing. In some cases, the patient has an increase in lymph nodes that are painful on palpation. If aphthous stomatitis occurs against a background of weakened immunity or progressive serious pathologies, the risk of relapse is not ruled out.

    Risk Factors

    Specialists in the field of medicine identify the following causes of the formation and progression of an unpleasant disease:

    1. Strong weakening of the immune system.
    2. Acute lack of vitally important nutrients to the body.
    3. Progressive diseases of the stomach.
    4. Presence of progressive allergies.
    5. Hereditary factor.
    6. Presence of caries and other dental pathologies.
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    8. Injury of the mouth caused by biting, grinding teeth or poor-quality, rough products.

    The causes of the development of an unpleasant disease are often covered in incorrect care of the oral cavity. Pathology can affect a person who uses drugs that contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Possessing a drying effect, this component accompanies the damage to the upper layer of the mucosa.

    Sometimes a person who finds symptoms of aphthous stomatitis, it is enough just to change toothpaste. If ulcers have formed recently, then a rapid recovery occurs in eighty percent of cases.

    At risk are small children, as well as people between the ages of twenty and forty.

    Pay attention!

    Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis appear gradually. At each stage of the development of the disease there are their own specific features.

    When pathology is just beginning to develop, the symptoms of aphthous stomatitis have much in common with the signs of colds. You should start worrying if you have the following symptoms:

    • increase in body temperature to forty degrees;
    • loss of appetite;
    • sluggish condition;
    • enlargement of the size of the lymph nodes in the neck and occiput.

    At this stage of the disease there is a change in the skin in the oral cavity. After a while on these sites are formed wound-aphthae.

    The disease progresses rapidly. The next stage is characterized by the appearance of painful ulcers, whose diameter is at least five millimeters. On top of the wound there is a foul smelling plaque, the color of which varies from yellowish-dirty to gray.

    Unpleasant, painful sensations are observed not only during chewing and swallowing food, but also when a person is talking. In the most severe cases, pain occurs even with a small stirring of the tongue.

    Such different pathologies

    This unpleasant disease occurs in a variety of forms. Physicians distinguish two main types of disease:

    1. Acute( relevant for the progression of a viral infection).
    2. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis.

    There is a classification of the nature of tissue damage. Modern physicians testify to the identification of the following stomatitis:

    1. Deforming.
    2. Rubbing.
    3. Necrotic.

    Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis attacks people in the group during the off-season, as well as in the autumn and spring months. This form of the disease is characterized by a long incubation period.

    Aphthous stomatitis chronic is considered quite a serious disease. Over time, its severity only increases, and the number of rapidly multiplying aphtochek becomes significantly larger. Heal wounds for a very long time. In the most severe cases, healing and recovery takes at least thirty days.

    In almost half of the cases of this pathology there is a relapse. This is preceded by trauma( mechanical) of the oral mucosa.


    Aphthous stomatitis chronic can be diagnosed during examination in the dental office. In order to correctly establish the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment, the doctor sometimes takes a swab for analysis.

    Also in diagnosing all the symptoms that are characteristic of this disease are taken into account.

    Professional Assistance

    When diagnosing chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis( CHRAS), treatment should be correct and timely.

    Treatment with medications

    Once the diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes the intake of vitamins necessary for the body. The patient is recommended to take:

    • pyridoxine;
    • ascorbic acid;
    • folic acid;
    • riboflavin.

    If the patient needs a sedative effect, topical drugs( magnesium sulfate, valerian) are administered intramuscularly. If the therapy does not have the proper effect and the disease is severe enough, the doctor decides whether to prescribe antibiotic medications to the patient.

    Normalization of the metabolism

    In order to avoid the risk of recurrence, the patient is prescribed the intake of vitamin preparations and cocarboxylases. For the remission to last as long as possible, the course of treatment should be repeated every six months.

    Use of topical preparations

    Treatment of aphthous stomatitis involves regular oral processing with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or furacilin. In the presence of severe pain, wound-aphthae should be treated with glycerin suspension, which contains novocaine or lidocaine.

    Treatment of neurological disorders

    When asked how to treat a disease, if it was caused by a severe stress situation, only a qualified dentist can answer. Often, the doctor prescribes safe and powerful tranquilizers and sedatives.

    Also a complex of medical activities almost always includes a course of laser therapy, electrophoresis and phonophoresis.

    Compliance with the diet

    During treatment of the disease it is important to adhere to a gentle and hypoallergenic diet. It includes foods rich in fiber and vitamins. Exclude from their diet should be rough, injuring the oral cavity products, as well as carbonated and alcoholic beverages. It is desirable that the food was cooked for a couple.

    If treatment of the disease is started in a timely and correct manner, then a prolonged remission can be expected.

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