
Which 2016 year horoscope - horoscope 2016

  • Which 2016 year horoscope - horoscope 2016

    In the Eastern calendar, 2016 is the year of the red Fiery Monkey. This animal is distinguished by intricacy, sociability, self-confidence and good intuition. In addition, it can be narcissistic, cunning, jealous, haughty, capable of unforeseen actions. Undoubtedly, all people are affected, which is 2016 on a horoscope.

    Born in the year Monkeys

    Born this year

    Among the positive aspects can be identified their frankness, loyalty, loyalty and developed mind.

    Negative character traits include impermanence, expansiveness, cunning, disposition to pettiness.

    That promises

    According to the horoscope, this year will fill life with carelessness, uniqueness, bright events and changes. But since the hostess herself of the coming year is unpredictable, it is also impossible to guess which events the next year will be. In some cases, you can succeed, in others, on the contrary, become weaker.

    This year it will be difficult for sensitive people who take everything to heart. This is due to the superficial attitude of the manager of the year to all that is happening, as she lives in the present moment and does not fixate on the problems that hamper her plans.

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    Please note! The monkeys born in the year have a chance to become famous, to receive a leading position. Since they are cunning, they are able to plan everything to the smallest detail and bypass competitors and enemies, this allows achieving significant victories in the labor field.

    Those born during this period will be carried away by romantic intrigues, as their personal life will be very active.



    As the patroness of the coming year is striving for new knowledge and everything unexamined, many this year will seriously engage in education, skills development, and the search for a new job, including abroad. In 2016, you will climb the career ladder, and, accordingly, earnings will go up. Many will find themselves additional sources of income. The main thing is to be persistent and diligent. But remember, do not give in to the temptation to go on adventures, because it can scare off your luck.

    Personal life

    In the year of the Monkey, it will differ in saturation, increased attention and numerous compliments from the opposite sex. In 2016, many will meet their spouse, creating a happy family with him, the relationship in which will be filled with peace and mutual understanding.

    As for the already created families, given the love of the Monkey, it is worth paying attention to the fact that some can attract flirting on the side. But the resourcefulness of this animal will help to avoid disagreements in family relationships.

    In the coming year, relations will improve not only among the opposite sexes, but also between relatives and friends.

    Please note! There may be conflicts with relatives, try to avoid exacerbations, because this can result in serious clarification of the relationship.


    Health should be monitored

    As for health, you should carefully monitor it. To visit medical institutions less frequently, regularly carry out preventive measures.

    Wishes for 2016

    New Year's wishes

    Do not plan for this period the solution of some difficult tasks, for the implementation of which you need to have perseverance, determination and prudence. The mistress of this year sometimes lacks the strength to cope with easy tasks, not to mention the difficult ones. So avoid complicated ways of life and treat everything easier.

    If you have planned a trip or a trip next year, then safely ride, as this is very much welcomed by the Monkey.

    Meet and spend this year beautifully and unforgettably!