
How to use hyaluronic acid - the use of hyaluronate

  • How to use hyaluronic acid - the use of hyaluronate

    About a beautiful woman is often said: "It shines from the inside!" Women joke - "it is necessary to fix the facade", referring to the appearance( face, hands, neck).Of course, the appearance should always be in order. Only "beauty" is not only an external order, it is also an order inside our body, in particular, inside our skin.

    To improve the skin means to nourish it with useful substances, among which there are often mentioned acids - various kinds of fruit, salicylic, hyaluronic. They are an essential component of skin care products. Their importance for skin improvement is difficult to overestimate. The expression "skin breathes" must be taken literally, because it not only consumes oxygen through its pores from the environment. Through the stratum corneum, the skin secretes toxins and fat components produced by our body. In order to actively work, they need to be cleaned, which we do with various care products.

    In addition, through the pores of the skin should receive nutrients, moisture. And this will be the main topic of our conversation.

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    Hyaluronate is vitally important

    Regeneration of tissues

    Hyaluronic acid( or hyaluronate) is a natural component of everything that lives and moves. This acid was first isolated in 1934 at Columbia University from the corneal lens. Its structure in the 1950s was studied in its laboratory by the Russian botanist Karl Meyer. This substance is structurally related to polysaccharides( complex carbohydrates).

    Hyaluronic acid molecules are part of not only the skin, ligaments, joints, but even blood, saliva. In articular cartilage it is present in the form of the shell of their cells - the chondrocyte, being their important binding component responsible for the elasticity of the articular cartilage. With the growth of the body, the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid in the cartilage decreases.

    A beautiful woman with a look younger than her age is very rarely sick with sciatica, arthritis, for which she should be grateful not only for herself, but also for hyaluronic acid, which supports her intervertebral discs and articular cartilages.

    Hyaluronic acid

    Hyaluronic acid, as an important component of the skin, provides regeneration( restoration) of tissues. It takes part in the migration of cells. Every day a third of the acid composition in the body is converted - synthesized or split. On average, a human body weighing 70 kilograms contains 15 grams of this acid.

    The main task of hyaluronic acid is to keep( bind) the internal moisture, which gives the skin a smooth and even structure. With age, there is a loss of moisture, because of what the skin becomes dry and wrinkled.

    Please note! Ordinary cosmetics for the face can not make up for hyaluronic acid reserves - this is hindered by the barrier characteristic of the skin. Therefore, the mention of hyaluronic acid in the formulation of conventional creams is just a way of advertising the product. Preference should be given to hyaluronic acid of animal origin, which is more effective, retaining the effect of skin rejuvenation( hydro reserve) for a long time and not causing intolerance( allergy).

    Restoring properties of hyaluronic acid - soft tissue filling, wrinkles - have provided it with successful application in cosmetology, cosmetic surgery, and have become the basis for the conviction, according to the studies of Haifa University, that hyaluronic acid is capable of curing cancer. As a result, this acid is introduced into the new effective medical drugs used in the fight against cancer.

    "Hyaluronka" - thirst quencher

    Hyaluronat retains moisture

    According to the expression of "skin turgor" specialists, that is, its tone, elasticity, is regulated by the balance of moisture. The role of such a molecular sponge, which holds water in the skin, is played by hyaluronic acid. Skin tightness depends on the joint interaction of structural proteins - elastin fibers and collagen. Elastin fixes collagen fibers, forming the so-called "golden threads", of which the beauty of the skin is woven. The space between the protein fibers of the skin is filled with hyaluronic acid, and this does not allow the person, which is called "swim", to sink, become wrinkled and sluggish.

    This unpleasant fate can be comprehended not only by an aged woman but also by a young girl whose skin loses a significant part of hyaluronic acid due to the negative influence of several factors: smoking, taking medicines, exposure to ultraviolet rays( sunburn), birth stress,temperature, a drying wind. To prevent this from happening, the body's body shell should, as experts say, daily receive a portion of the nutritional composition in the ratio: up to 20% due to cosmetic preparations containing low-molecular hyaluronic acid, and up to 80% due to dietary supplements with this acid.

    You can nourish the skin in specialized clinics through injections - non-surgical lifting, hyaluronoplasty, hyaluronic mesolifting, and other expensive procedures. But not every woman can afford them, so her question is legitimate - is it possible, and how to use hyaluronic acid in the home.

    It is noticed that the skin of men is much better preserved in comparison with the skin of women of the same age. It turned out that men improve the condition of their skin thanks to an easy facial massage, which they actually do every day during shaving. In fact, the same mechanical peeling occurs, which is available to every woman at home.

    Home procedures

    Hyaluronic acid in tablets

    Cosmetics for home facial care can contain small amounts( 3-5%) of fruit acids, which can replace mechanical peeling( in professional cosmetics they make up 50-70%).Such home-made peeling creams, although acting within the epidermis, still require some caution in the application to exclude the burn. For the skin of 20 years of age, 10% of fruit acids in home creams are sufficient, 30 years old - 30%, 45 years or more - up to 70%.Peeling with fruit acid is used to deter age-related changes in the face - the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and also to combat acne.

    First, apply a soft 20% tool to the face with a brush. With severe redness, the procedure is canceled. Then a more concentrated agent is used.

    Fruit acids of strawberry, lemon, pineapple are also used for peeling at home. For this purpose, the fruit is rubbed into the skin of the face, neck, and after a few minutes it is washed off with water by intense hard movements.

    For peeling suits and salicylic acid, which has proved to be an excellent antiseptic, thunder of acne and an excellent cleaner from keratinized cells. It is noteworthy that salicylic acid, found at the beginning of the current calendar( 2000 years ago) in a willow tree, can remove pain - dental, headache, reduce temperature. And hundreds of years later it became a derivative of the famous "miracle medicine" - aspirin. And only a hundred years ago, Europeans discovered and began to use the restoring properties of salicylic acid to combat skin diseases, to slow down the processes of withering the skin, to include it in the composition of cosmetic products, to recommend its use at home during the exfoliation procedure.

    Strawberry mask

    Famous innovation in cosmetology has become hyaluronic acid, which is ahead of many well-known cosmetics in its effectiveness. Despite the fact that this "queen of moisturizing" has become an active participant in beauty salon procedures, many women are happy to independently use its miraculous properties while taking care of their health. And yet, how to use hyaluronic acid at home? After all, there are legends about her, and not without reason.

    Please note! One molecule of hyaluronate is able to attract 400 molecules of water. Scientists have managed to break apart the molecule of acid for more active penetration of its low molecular weight into the skin. Such "hyaluronka" is available in the trade network in the form of ampoules or powder, which allows using it to create creams, serums, emulsions, and self-made gels at home. It can be added to natural masks, to sun protection cream( its high molecular weight form).

    "Hyaluronka" almost never causes this or that form of allergy. She became:

    "pocket" means that women use at home, on vacation and at work, where the radiation from the computer, the influence of the heating battery and air conditioner depletes the female skin;

    • is a useful home wound healing and antibacterial drug;
    • excellent anti-cellulite product;
    • is an active agent for skin stretching;
    • is an important component for glycol face peeling.

    "Miracle-acid" at home is consumed in food to replenish its internal reserves, for its impact on the body from the inside. For this purpose, it is consumed in the form of tablets, ampoules in liquid form and, of course, with the products in which it is contained or which stimulate its production.

    In self-prepared creams, masks, gels, sufficient hyaluronic acid content is 0.5%, i.e. in the proportion of 1: 200.Measures such a small amount with a medical syringe or based on the following proportions: 1 st.the spoon is 15 ml, 1 ml is equal to 25 drops of liquid substance.

    Examples of cooking masks at home

    Curd mask with hyaluronic acid

    Milk ( for normal skin type): fermented milk product( curdled milk, kefir, yoghurt) and hyaluronic acid( 0.5%) are thoroughly mixed, the mixture is applied to the previously wiped tamponcream or vegetable oil face. After 15 minutes it is washed off.

    Moisturizing ( for skin of normal type): 1 egg yolk of hen's egg, grapefruit pulp and hyaluronic acid( 0.5%) are mixed. Apply to the face, previously lubricated with juice or a grapefruit slice for 20 minutes.

    Curd : a mixture of honey( 1 teaspoon), cottage cheese( 2 teaspoon) and hyaluronic acid( 0.5%) is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Dry cottage cheese can be thinned with cream.

    Moisturizing carrot ( for fading skin): a mixture of 1 tbsp.tablespoons cream, 1 yolk, carrot juice and hyaluronic acid( 0.5%) is applied to the face, after 20 minutes everything is removed with a swab dipped in vegetable oil.

    Examples of home lotions

    Home lotion

    1 yolk, 100 g of sour cream, a quarter of a glass of vodka, juice of half a lemon, 1 g of hyaluronic acid.

    1 teaspoon of honey, the same amount of glycerin, 1 tbsp.spoon of alcohol or cologne, borax - 3 g, water - 70 ml, 0.5 g of hyaluronic acid are mixed until uniform.

    To the whipped mixture( by the type of mayonnaise) from half the yolk and 1 tsp.0.1 g of hyaluronic acid is added to the vegetable oil, applied to the face for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

    Obtaining hyaluronic acid at home is possible from products of animal origin - cock's combs, eggshells. The shell, peeled from the films and crushed, is boiled for 24 hours with a small amount of water on low heat, periodically adding water as needed. The resulting mixture is filtered and a liquid rich in hyaluronic acid is used for the face.

    Beauty does not happen without health. Maintaining the balance of hyaluronic acid at home, regularly replenishing its losses not only in the skin, but in the whole body, you can get health and external beauty.


    We offer to prepare a cream with hyaluronic acid: