  • Fruit peeling at home - home peeling

    Peeling is one of the most popular and, frankly, one of the most fashionable procedures of modern cosmetology. Cleansing the skin of unnecessary dead cells in order to restore her youth and freshness, and this is the essence and purpose of the peeling, is now offered by every cosmetic salon, every company that specializes in beauty issues has cleansing scrubs, masks and lotions in the range. Meanwhile, to achieve an excellent peeling effect, you can and without resorting to chemical means, without wasting time and finances on the trip to the cosmetologist. How to do it? Carry fruit peeling at home. It is easy and affordable, safe and efficient.

    Why and who needs fruit peeling

    Who needs peeling

    To say that peeling is a useful and desirable procedure will be wrong. It is necessary for every woman who has crossed the 20-year threshold, except, except that, the skin-owners are sensitive and very dry. If you are not among the latter, do peeling at least once a month, but not more often than once a week. Oily and problematic( acne prone) skin requires more, and normal skin - less intensity of procedures, approaching the dry type - positively perceives only mild cleansing options, because it is tender and vulnerable.

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    What is the reason for the need and regularity of peeling practices? Human skin is amazing in its physiology. Nature has endowed her with a unique ability to regenerate, tireless self-renewal and rejuvenation. The mechanism of the process acts at the level of the cells: the upper, the most senior layer of the epidermis, which directly contacts the external environment and accepts the impact of harmful factors, gradually becomes tired, loses protective functions and begins to die off. Under this old weakened layer, a new generation of cells is slowly maturing, ready to replace their predecessors.


    But in a seemingly ideal natural program there is a nuance that requires attention. In his youth, the change of the "cell guard" occurs easily and safely. However, after 20, and especially 30 years, there are difficulties with the detachment of the old layer - it remains on the surface of the skin, preventing the young man from penetrating, which in this connection can not fully breathe and develop, is deprived of strength and elasticity. The situation is particularly unpleasant because it immediately reflects on the exterior. Looking in the mirror, we notice the appearance of solid keratinized particles, in some places there is peeling of the face, its color becomes uneven, the pigmented spots appear. Changing and tactile sensations - touch no longer gives the tenderness of silk, felt rough and uneven.

    Facial peeling

    Peeling is the best cosmetological solution to this problem. It is based on the active influence on the skin of special substances, most often acids, capable of peeling off and removing old cells. A good side effect in this case is the release of black dots and greasy gloss, clarification, smoothing of small wrinkles, activation of oxygen exchange.

    How to conduct peeling Techniques for achieving this result can be different, in connection with which the surface, middle and deep peeling is distinguished. About the last we shall not speak - these are procedures rather aggressive and unsafe, requiring professional knowledge and high qualification in the field of medical cosmetology. But the first type of peeling - superficial - deserves our attention, since it does not carry any threats to health and can be carried out independently with the help of fruit acids. Naturally, fruit peels at home are taken not in concentrated pharmacy( concentrates are used by beauty salons), but in natural proportions and proportions. That is, simply speaking, we use ordinary fruits and juices obtained from them.

    Ingredients for fruit peeling

    Ingredients for exfoliation

    If you decide to free the skin of the face from keratinized particles, the first thing to do is to choose the ingredients for the future peeling mask. By giving preference to one or another fruit, pay attention to the composition and cosmetology of the acids entering into them.

    Cherry for peeling The best natural cleaner is glycolic acid - it easily exfoliates dead cells, removes excess pigmentation, and at the same time softens the skin and positively affects its elasticity. It is rich in oranges, grapes( green) and sugar cane. Also an excellent means for peeling are lemon, ascorbic, malic and derived on their basis acids - lactic and acetic. In the complex, they not only cleanse, but also smooth the skin, relieve inflammation, lighten and tone. In addition to lemons, oranges and apples, they contain grapefruit and pineapple, seasonal strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, cherries and red currants.

    Oatmeal Fruit peeling at home can be made even more effective, using additional ingredients - oat flakes, oatmeal or wheat flour, egg white, ground nuts. All these products as components of the mask can enhance the cleansing process, narrow the pores and at the same time give the new cells nutrients. Soften the active effect of acids and provide the necessary moisture will help the olive oil.

    How to carry out fruit peeling

    The rules of peeling at home are simple and can be presented in the form of sequential steps, or steps, the procedure.

    Preparatory phase

    Wash face

    For peeling, start preparing for the day 2 before the procedure: try not to injure the skin( peeling is not carried out even with small wounds and cracks), avoid exposure to ultraviolet light( do not show in the bright sun, cancel visits to the solarium).10 minutes before applying the mask, wash it well and steam up your face a little - take a shower or a bath, at the most, lean over a bowl of hot water, as if you are inhaling.

    Use the peeling mask for 20 minutes before use. Variants of the recipe mass, for example: finely crush the apple, so that fruit cough came out about 2 spoons( canteens).Mix 1 spoonful( tea) of lemon juice or 1 large( table) spoon of orange juice. Instead of an apple for the season, you can take strawberries, cherries, blueberries. If the apple is very sour, replace the citrus juice with a tablespoon of a mashed banana or persimmon.

    Another option: a spoon( again a dining room) grated fruit or berries( necessarily acidic) grind with the same volume of oatmeal( you can fine oatmeal flakes) and 1 protein. If desired, add olive oil, but not more than a teaspoon( after all, the peeling should be cleaned first, not softening the skin).

    Tip: Since the skin reaction to cosmetics is always individual, in several procedures try different combinations of mask ingredients, find the one that suits you.

    Stage of the actual peeling

    Peeling mask

    There were few rules. Applying a mask, gently rub it into the skin, as if massage. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes if you only use fruit, and 15 if you include protein, or cereals( wheat, oatmeal).Rinse off with lukewarm water.

    Post-peeling stage

    Application of cream on face

    Covers 3 days after the procedure and includes the same precautions as the preparatory stage. Additional recommendation - do not use alcohol tonic and do not apply anything to the face in the specified period, except for a light nutritious cream.

    When deciding whether to do fruit peeling at home or not, remember: helping the natural renewal of your skin, you give yourself beauty and youth. Agree, every woman deserves such a gift.