
How to properly pluck your eyebrows - to pluck your eyebrows at home

  • How to properly pluck your eyebrows - to pluck your eyebrows at home

    Most likely, we do not need to think about which part of the person is the most expressive in almost every person. Of course, these eyes are the mirror of our soul. But if you think well, we will understand that the balance and naturalness of our appearance is not given by the eyes themselves, but by their framing, or rather by the eyebrows.

    When women do not know how to properly pull out eyebrows, they get two problems: their absolute lack of care or the extreme opposite - too thin, plucked in a strip of eyebrows. This, most often, attracts the attention of others and spoils the whole impression. Be sure to carefully look after the eyebrows and follow their shape.

    Do not be able to pluck your eyebrows correctly? Then it's easier and easier to turn to a beauty salon to a qualified master. Only he can correctly correct the shape and color of your eyebrows. In the salon you can choose such procedures:

    • depilation or removal of all unnecessary eyebrow hairs;
    • permanent make-up or tattoo of eyebrows;
    • lightening or staining of hairs.
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    Having made the perfect shape of the eyebrows in the salon, it will not be difficult for you to maintain it at home. It is necessary just to remove the outgrown hairs in time and, if necessary, to emphasize the shape of the eyebrows with decorative cosmetics. But even for such a simple step, you need to understand and know how to properly pull out your eyebrows yourself. Do you want to learn this? Then read the article next.

    Preparation of

    Preparing for plucking

    In order to pluck your eyebrows, you will definitely need:

    • tweezers;
    • mirror;
    • lotion, which has a disinfecting effect.

    It is best to use a magnifying mirror. With his help, it will be very easy to find an extra hair, even the thinnest and inconspicuous and pull it out with tweezers. It is advisable to choose a mirror in which the entire face will be visible, and not just the eyebrow with which you work. So there will be less chance to pluck your brows asymmetrically. You should do this procedure at the window. It is believed that natural daylight is most comfortable when plucking eyebrows.

    Before you start plucking eyebrows, be sure to wash your hands, then wipe the entire face( eyebrows even more carefully) with a lotion with a disinfectant effect. And the tweezers should be treated with a solution based on alcohol.

    Begin to pluck out the eyebrows

    This procedure can not be called difficult, but it has several nuances. Hairs need to be seized at the very base, and with a free hand pull the skin. Then it remains only to pull the hair out sharply. Does it hurt very much? Then you can anesthetize the plucking zone, for example, by treating the eyebrows with ice( cold is the best natural anesthetic) or by applying a hot compress.

    Make the shape of the eyebrows perfect

    Classic eyebrows, which are considered ideal, stand on the construction of three lines. If you want to establish where the rules should begin, bend and end your eyebrow, draw all these three lines. You can do this with a simple pencil, better white. Attach it to your face in such a way that it crosses the points described below, and mark the intersection of the eyebrow with a pencil.

    1. The line is drawn from the wings of the nose and to the very base of the eyebrow. It is very important that the pencil touches the inner corner of the eye. So, the pencil touched the eyebrow? Then it is in this place that there must be a beginning. The remaining hairs that extend beyond the line from the side of the bridge of the nose must be removed, simply because they are superfluous.
    2. The second line also originates from the wing of the nose, but does not pass through the interior, but through the outer corner of your eye. The point of intersection of the pencil and the eyebrow is its necessary tip. Behind this point there were hairs? Then be sure to remove them. But most often there is a reverse situation, when the eyebrow does not reach the necessary place, on the contrary. In this case, it will need to be completed.
    3. Third line. It passes through the outer edge of the iris at the moment when you look straight. The point where this line intersects the eyebrow, and is the place where there should be a maximum bend.

    We pluck the eyebrows with a thread

    Never heard of this method of depilation eyebrows? But this is a modern and quite often used method of removing excess vegetation, not only on your face, but on absolutely any part of the body. It is believed that plucking a thread or triding gives a much better effect than a habitual shave or discoloration of hair. But it is worth noting that this method can not be called absolutely painless. The level of pain will depend on the thickness of the hair and the sensitivity of your skin.

    To thread hair with a thread is much easier and more convenient than doing the same with wax, for example. Before starting the thinning of hairs, treat the skin with alcohol to degrease and disinfect it.

    Hair removal with thread means that during the procedure, not one hair is pulled out, but several at once, and this is done by a simple cotton thread. The main point of the procedure is that during the twisting of the two strands together, the extra hairs are grasped and removed.

    How to pluck your eyebrows with a thread

    So, now you will learn the instructions for plucking eyebrows in such an unusual, but very effective way:

    • the first thing to do is to comb the eyebrow hairs upward. It is necessary that the thread is easier to reach them;
    • measure and cut somewhere 60-70 centimeters of thread. Its tips must be firmly tied together;
    • now put the thread on top of the closed 4 fingers of both hands. Then with that hand, which is more convenient, you must twist the thread so that 10 turns are formed in the middle;
    • take the thread with the thumb and forefinger of both hands. After that, bring the thread to the eyebrow. The movements should be as follows: Bring the twisted portion of the thread to the eyebrow closely and take two fingers on one hand, and then dilute the two fingers of the second hand. Thus, you have to get the hairs drawn into the small spaces that are located between the turns of the thread.

    This rather unusual procedure has several undoubted advantages:

    1. This method can be called very cheap. After all, what you have to spend on is threads;
    2. During the procedure, you not only remove all unnecessary hairs, but also exfoliate the skin;
    3. The hairs are pulled out together with the root, which means they will not appear very quickly;
    4. Thinning the hairs with threads, you will make them grow much slower and become much thinner.
    Eyebrow structure

    You should never get too involved with plucking your eyebrows. Even if it seems to you that they look too thick and thick. When you finish the procedure, take a look at yourself in the mirror: the eyebrows should look as symmetrical as possible. Looked? Then forget about them for a while. A little later, look at them again and if you see some asymmetry, pluck them a little more.

    After the procedure is completed, it is necessary to treat the entire area of ​​the eyebrows with a lotion with a disinfecting effect. Then grease them with cream or gel( best if it will have an extract of aloe vera).That's all.