
Parabens in cosmetics - cosmetics with parabens

  • Parabens in cosmetics - cosmetics with parabens

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    The modern cosmetic industry is a colossal multi-billion dollar business, which brings huge profits and incomes to its owners. To make cosmetics sold well, it should not only be effective and attractive, but also have a sufficiently long shelf life. To do this, special substances are added to it - preservatives. The most famous and popular ones are parabens.

    What is parabens

    This word hides a whole group of chemicals that have a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial effect. They suppress the growth of various microorganisms, thus protecting the product from damage and decomposition. Parabens are widely used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

    Many cosmetics customers are interested in what it is - parabens, and how they can affect their health. Parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid. Currently, all these substances for the needs of the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries are produced artificially.

    Why they are needed

    Parabens are added to preserve the appearance and properties of
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    Since all cosmetics contain water or concentrates and extracts from plants, animal fat and vegetable oils, as well as active additives, it can easily turn sour,decay under the influence of heat and light. To ensure that all products for beauty have been preserved for a long time and have not lost their appearance, smell and properties, parabens in cosmetics are necessary.

    These substances do not allow the microflora to develop in it and adversely affect the condition of the skin, hair or nails. Parabens are not toxic, and their harmful effect has not been scientifically proven to date.

    If preservatives were not added to cosmetics, it would not be stored for more than a few days, and even then in the refrigerator. Even in natural cosmetics, there are preservatives, but of natural origin, for example, an extract of grapefruit seeds. But this is a very expensive substance, significantly increasing the cost of such cosmetics. In addition, it is contraindicated in people with a tendency to allergies. Parabens, however, rarely cause negative reactions and can only harm people with increased reactivity of the skin.

    Certain types of such substances, for example sodium parabens, such as E17, are used to ensure that the active or base substance of the drug dissolves well in the liquid.

    How to find out about the presence of

    Check the composition of

    According to the legislation of most countries, the packaging of the cosmetic product should indicate its composition. Thus, you can find out what is included in the chosen means and whether it will be safe for your health and beauty. However, it is necessary to know how different substances are designated, because parabens are a collective name for a whole group of chemical preservatives.

    Please note! Very often the manufacturer does not indicate the full name of the paraben used, but only indicates the additive code, denoted by the letter E and a digital combination.

    It is worth remembering the list of the most commonly used parabens:

    • Methylparaben - E218.
    • Ethyl paraben - E214.
    • Propylparaben - E216.
    • Butylparaben.
    • Isobutylparaben.
    • Isopropylparaben.
    • Benzylparaben.
    • Heptylparaben - E209.
    Are there any parabens in

    ? The listed names do not mean that in the particular cosmetic product the entire list of parabens will meet. The composition and amount of preservatives is different in products for different purposes. The least they are needed in products with dry textures, such as eye shadow, powder and blush. Parabens are most often used in products with a fatty or liquid texture containing many active or rapidly decaying components. Most often these are lipsticks, tonal remedies and bases, creamy shades, blushers and hailers, creams, shampoos and hair masks.

    Different products contain different concentrations of parabens. It depends on the level of cosmetics and the policy of the company that produces it.

    Please note! The lowest concentration of preservatives in organic and natural cosmetics, which determines its short shelf life and use after opening the package.

    Harm of parabens

    Suspect the harm of the use of parabens in the cosmetics of steel since scientists and physicians found that a higher percentage of these substances exists in a breast cancer tumor than in a healthy tissue. Presumably, the preservatives have got into the chest from the deodorants used by the woman.

    However, parabens can also penetrate from the shower gel, face and body cream, scrubs and other ready-made cosmetics. At the same time, there is no evidence that parabens have also been found in the body in cancer tumors with a different localization.

    Please note! To date, there is no conclusive evidence of the existence of a causal relationship between the use of parabens in cosmetics and the occurrence of breast cancer.

    Nevertheless, many manufacturers are trying to reduce the amount of parabens and gradually refuse to use them, as consumers began to avoid buying such cosmetics.