
How to wear contact lenses - wear lenses

  • How to wear contact lenses - wear lenses

    Over thirty percent of the adult population of our planet are complaining of myopia or hyperopia. However, today there are many different ways to improve the quality of your vision with simple and inexpensive products, in particular contact lenses.

    It is worth noting that the presented attributes are very popular among those people who are very dear to that comfort and aesthetic appearance. After all, few people will argue with the fact that small convex hydrogel parts are much more comfortable and pretty than the massive glass glasses that our grandmothers, grandfathers and parents always used.

    Contraindications for wearing contact lenses

    Contraindications for wearing lenses

    Before buying contact lenses, one should take into account the fact that not everyone is approaching such a replacement of traditional glasses. This is due to several reasons:

    The first reason is nystagmus. If you suffer from such a state of too moving eyeball, then most likely, you have a contra-indicated lens. After all, in such a case, the hydrogel part will be a hindrance, which can lead to serious injuries. The cause of the second is inflammatory diseases of the eyes. If you feel burning, irritation, itching or redness, you should stop wearing lenses and go for traditional glasses. The third cause is colds. Many experts recommend refraining from wearing hydrogel contact lenses during tonsillitis, influenza, SARS, etc.

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    We get rid of

    glasses If none of the above reasons can get in your way, then you can safely free your face from massive and uncomfortable glasses.

    Many people suffering from poor vision, in the first days after acquiring hydrogel parts, are interested in how to wear contact lenses, so as not to cause any irritation or redness. After all, the mucous membrane of the eye is a very delicate and delicate matter, which quickly becomes inflamed.

    Seven simple steps

    Hand hygiene

    Step one - hand hygiene. Before touching the lenses, you should wash your hands with mild soap and then rinse them thoroughly and dry them with a towel that does not leave small villi on the skin.

    Step two - the lack of cosmetics. It should be noted that the lens must be installed before applying makeup. In other words, if you have not yet put on the eyeballs hydrogel details, then you should never use any lotions, creams, milk and other cosmetic products.

    Step three is a habit. In order to constantly not to confuse lenses, it is desirable to develop a habit and begin installation of this product from the right or left eye. Step 4 - check.

    .Before putting on the lens, it is recommended to inspect it and make sure that there are no rips, scratches, etc. on it. If this product has any deformities, it is better not to use it, so as not to damage the skin of the eye. Step five is flushing. Before you start installing the lens, it is desirable to wash it with a special sterile solution, which is recommended by an ophthalmologist. It should be noted that in no case can not clean the hydrogel parts with ordinary tap water.
    Installation of contact lenses

    Step six - installation. For those who have no idea how to wear contact lenses, consider this process in more detail:

    1. Place the hydrogel piece on the cushion of the index finger of the right or left hand. In this case, the lens should be placed upside down.
    2. Pull the upper eyelid line to the eyebrow so that it does not interfere, even if you accidentally blink.
    3. Pull the bottom line of the eyelid with the middle finger of the hand on which you placed the hydrogel part.
    4. With your index finger, place the contact lens under the cornea.
    Contact lens alignment

    Step 7 is the alignment of the lens. As a rule, after installation, the lens assumes a central position on the cornea and in very rare cases is displaced anywhere. However, if this situation does occur, it is recommended to move the hydrogel part through the closed eyelids. To do this, use soft massaging movements to place the lens exactly in the middle of the cornea.

    It is also worth noting that the alignment of this product can occur with open eyes. To perform such manipulation, it is necessary to press gently on the edge of the lower or upper eyelid, shifting the lens to the desired position.

    In some cases, after the installation of contact lenses a person can complain about the blurred image. As a rule, this happens either because of the displacement of the part to the side, or because the lens is stained, installed in the wrong eye, or simply turned inside out.

    In order to eliminate this trouble, the hydrogel part must be removed, cleaned / unscrewed / swapped, and only then repeated again with the installation procedure.