
Rash on the abdomen during pregnancy - rashes in the pregnant

  • Rash on the abdomen during pregnancy - rashes in the pregnant

    Changes in the female body during pregnancy are most often difficult to predict and predict. Surprises during pregnancy can wait for a woman in any trimester, besides, not the most pleasant. One of them is a rash on the abdomen. Why she appeared( and why on her stomach), if she harmed the baby, how to get rid of it - these questions will accompany the future mother everywhere, not counting the discomfort that accompanies this unpleasant phenomenon.

    All these questions can be answered only by a doctor, and only after a thorough examination. There are a lot of reasons for this deviation. The most logical reason is, of course, that pregnancy itself is inextricably linked with the change in the hormonal background in the female body, which in turn can lead to various deviations from the norm and malfunctions in the work of the organs.

    Changes in the hormonal background during pregnancy

    In gynecology, such a rash is called differently: dermatosis of pregnant women, plaques of pregnant women, even scabies of pregnant women, as well as another very difficultly pronounced expression - pruritic urticaria papules. The beginning of this unpleasant process consists precisely in the appearance of papules of red color with a white rim, which gradually merge, widening their boundaries. Skin reaction to changes in the body of a pregnant woman can be expressed in the form of acne, inflamed acne, itchy point formations, peeling spots, etc.

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    Please note! High danger for a pregnant woman is rubella, herpes, chickenpox( chicken pox), measles.

    These diseases can lead to an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy, cause various pathologies in the infant - to defeat central nervous and cardiovascular systems, mental retardation, deafness, heart disease. In the first trimester, this pregnancy is interrupted.

    Possible causes of a rash on the abdomen

    Causes of a rash on the stomach

    A rash on the abdomen during pregnancy would be right to be called a symptom. After all, such itchy rashes - a signal that in the body of a pregnant some organs began to work with a deviation from the norm. Assistance to these bodies should become an urgent task. Violation of the internal organs during pregnancy occurs in connection with a sharply increased load on them. For example, a liver or gallbladder that can not cope with its task can provoke such rashes. A failure in the work of these organs can occur in connection with the reception of medications, and with the usual pressure of the fetus on them. Only an attending physician can establish an accurate diagnosis.

    Please note! Allergy during pregnancy is a common occurrence. It can manifest itself even in those women who have never seen anything like this before pregnancy.

    The cause of the allergic reaction is the vulnerability of the female organism with the onset of pregnancy, in the increased sensitivity to external and internal factors. Rash can provoke any of the food, household chemicals, even household dust, animal hair, smells, flower pollen, cosmetics( in particular, stretch marks cream) and much, much more. Help careful observation of yourself and extreme caution in the choice of food and surrounding objects, because allergies itself is a very dangerous disease. Conventional urticaria can dramatically become complicated and progress - its foci can swell with the formation of cracks, so there is a possibility of getting into the cracks of a different infection.

    Allergy to flower pollen

    A pregnant woman, turning around among people, in particular when visiting a doctor, can trivially infect an infection on her body, and an infectious disease( for example, scabies) first manifests itself as itchy points on the abdomen with possible spreadingon any other parts of the body.

    In hot summer, increased sweating in a pregnant woman can lead to a prickly rash with an itchy rash. Wearing a bandage or clothes made of synthetic materials only reinforces this reaction.

    Precautions and control of rash

    Hygienic procedures for pregnancy

    The most simple and very important way to protect against the occurrence of a rash on the abdomen is the personal hygiene of a pregnant woman with frequent water procedures, the use of hypo-allergenic hygiene products( women often use the means intended for children).Choosing between the bath and the shower, you should prefer a shower. The skin of the stomach and other parts of the body is useful to wipe carefully selected moisturizing creams - there are many creams for children or directly for pregnant women.

    It is important to monitor the food, carefully select the products depending on their propensity to cause an allergic reaction, take into account the characteristics of their own organism, which can reject various substances in the form of rashes and various irritations on the skin, limit the use of cosmetics and household chemicals.

    Soda solution

    The already developed rash and the accompanying unbearable itching can be alleviated by compresses and rubbing. An available means for this can serve 100 grams of water with dissolved in it a tablespoon of salt. You can apply hygiene products marked "for sensitive skin", as well as soap or lotions with an antiseptic component. First-aid can be prepared independently from 200 g of water and 1 tablespoon of soda or by taking 100 g of water, 100 g of vodka and juice of one lemon. This tool is useful to wipe not only the stomach, but also other skin areas, including the skin of the face. Oat flakes are useful as a soft scrub.

    It is worth remembering that irritations on the mother's skin do not harm the baby in her womb. The rash on the abdomen during pregnancy is a passing phenomenon. It, as a rule, disappears either immediately before childbirth, or immediately after them. At the stage of fighting the rash, your main and most trusted assistant is a local gynecologist who, if necessary, involves other qualified specialists to solve your problem.