  • On how to determine pregnancy without a test

    Sometimes a woman suspects about the onset of pregnancy, but in the hectic days of everyday life most of the fairer sex simply do not have time to visit the gynecologist or make a test. In this case, the question arises, how to determine whether you are in a position without a test.

    Female body is very individual and signs of conception of the child can be different for everyone. But still there are certain signs that are suitable for most women.

    Signs of pregnancy

    Common signs:

    1. Menstrual irregularities. This is the most famous sign that a woman immediately pays attention to. But it is worth noting that the menstrual cycle can be disrupted due to climate change, taking certain medications or getting stress.
    2. Change in emotional state. During this period, the woman appears irritability, fatigue or attacks of apathy. The main thing here is to determine the condition of a woman that is not peculiar to her in the usual period.
    3. Increased breast sensitivity. As a rule, already from the first weeks the breast of a woman swells, becomes very sensitive and any touch to it can be accompanied by pain.
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      Sometimes, these symptoms may occur due to the use of birth control pills or hormonal imbalance.
    4. Nausea and vomiting. Nausea, as a rule, appears on 3-8 weeks after conception.
    5. Frequent urination. If you run to the toilet more than usual, during the urination, soreness is not felt, there are no abdominal pains, then you should seek an answer to the question of how to recognize pregnancy without a test.
    6. Increased appetite. A woman's craving for certain foods( salty or sweet) is also a symptom of pregnancy. Often such a craving continues for nine months.

    All of these symptoms can be caused by pregnancy and other phenomena in the body.

    How to recognize a pregnancy without a test

    The most accurate way to determine a pregnancy without a test is to measure basal temperature.

    In order to correctly determine the presence of pregnancy at basal temperature, a woman should regularly conduct her measurement and know the features of her cycle. It should be noted that the woman's menstrual cycle consists of two phases. During the first phase, the basal temperature is below 37 degrees. During the second phase, which follows ovulation, the basal temperature is above 37 degrees.

    Usually, in most women, the menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days, that is, every 14 days for each phase. The duration of the first phase is variable, since it is associated with ovulation. The duration of the second phase is more constant. Therefore, if the high temperature lasts more than 3 days during the second phase, then this is a high probability of pregnancy.

    When answering the question of how to find out a pregnancy without a test without a test, you can say that it is necessary to listen to changes in your body, to sensations and to measure basal temperature.

    Earlier, when there was no such amount of modern means of determining pregnancy, people used folk remedies. It should be noted that the results of such methods have always been reliable.

    The test for pregnancy by folk remedies was carried out with the help of: urine, pulse, iodine and onion. Let's consider each method in more detail.

    • Urine. It contains all the main information about the status of women. Still, when there were no modern tests, urine could correctly indicate pregnancy. Nowadays you can also go through a homemade test. To do this, moisten a white sheet of paper in the urine and drop a drop of iodine on it. If you are pregnant, iodine will turn purple, if not, iodine will turn blue. Also, pregnancy can be recognized by the dark yellow color of urine, both in the mornings and in the evenings.
    • Pulse. It is necessary to lie on your back and find a place on your stomach at a distance of 7-8 cm from the navel. If you feel pulsing, you are in position. However, the pulse may be absent.
    • Iodine. For this method, you need to fill a small capacity with urine and drop one drop of iodine into it. If a drop of iodine remains on the surface, then you are in position. If iodine begins to blur, then there is no pregnancy.
    • Onions. This is a very funny method. Take two bulbs and plant them in different containers. For yourself, note: one bulb - you are in position, the other is not. Then it is necessary to wait until they grow to 4 cm. Which of the two bulbs first sprout up to 4 cm, and that will give an answer to your question, how to find a pregnancy without a test.

    The choice is yours - to use you modern methods or to seek help from folk remedies for the definition of pregnancy. But in any case with a positive result, let your pregnancy be desired.

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