
How to remove the extensions of eyelashes - how to remove the extended eyelashes at home

  • How to remove the extensions of eyelashes - how to remove the extended eyelashes at home

    Every woman wants to look good and likes to be beautiful. What they do not do and for which procedures only the representatives of the weaker sex do not decide, so that men pay attention to them! They spoil their beautiful hair by endless coloring and curling, they sit on the fiercest diets to be slim, exhausted and sweaty in expensive fitness clubs, do a manicure and a pedicure, and also make epilations in the most unimaginable places, inincluding increasing eyelashes.

    If you are going to such sacrifices for the sake of beauty, then it really is worth it, or rather, they are worth it? If a woman is lucky with a man, and he will be able to really appreciate her efforts and time spent or just love her for what it is, it means that all efforts were made not in vain.

    Eyes are not only a reflection of your soul, but also one of the most effective tools of seduction in the arsenal of women. Without any superfluous words, just a glance, she can tell a man a lot of things, even those that can not be said with words. For a woman is a woman, and a man is a man to be able to understand each other without superfluous words. But, in fact, we were going to talk about eyelashes. .. Unfortunately, not all women have presented nature with chic and long eyelashes, but for those who by nature are all beautiful simply, always and all is not enough. What can I say, there is no limit to perfection. Here are restless beauties and resort to the help of such a procedure popular among world celebrities as eyelash extensions. But women forget that stars do not need to know how to remove their eyelashes on their own, because they are trusted by specialists who make them remove their eyelashes.

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    Many women and girls lash extensions are very attractive in that it becomes possible to refuse the use of such harmful to the eyelashes carcass. The price of such a service is very much affordable, the procedure of building up is carried out right in the salon, and you will learn how to remove the extensions of eyelashes from our article.

    With the extension used natural hair and special cosmetic glue, which does not cause allergies. It will be useful to learn that the natural frequency with which our "native" eyelashes are updated is about once every 2, maximum 3 weeks. That's why the extensions of eyelashes and hold on for so much time. At the end of this short period, the cilia begin to peel off independently. Do not worry, they will not fall off suddenly and all at once. The accrued cilia will gradually fall out and, accordingly, there will be a need or to build them up anew, or to remove the puffed-up early eyelashes.

    If you do not know how to remove the extensions yourself, the best thing will be to contact a specialist who has been building you up. In the beauty salon, the removal of extensions is done with the help of a special means for removing eyelashes. However, it is possible to remove the lashes from the eyes in their own hands.

    Removing extensions at home

    If you decide to increase eyelashes, then you absolutely do not mind to learn about how and by what means to remove the lash extensions at home.

    There are three ways to remove the extensions at home:

    1. Debonder Debonder. This word sounds quite serious, in fact it is. Debonder is a special liquid for removing the extended eyelashes, it allows you to act at least a little professionally. Debonder dissolves special glue, with which eyelashes are built up. The price of this remedy does not bite, but one bubble suffices for a long time. In addition, if the master used too strong glue, then you are most likely to not be able to get by using home remedies alone.

    2. Oil Oil. The most common vegetable oil will perfectly help you to remove artificial eyelashes without much effort and without harm. For this, you need to lubricate the eyelashes and eyelids with oil, preferably even olive oil, leave it for the night and in the morning you will see unstuck cilia on the cheeks and pillow. Even if you have the extensions left on your eyes, you can easily remove them with a cotton sponge with oil on it. To get the most benefit for your own eyelashes when removing artificial eyelashes, you should use castor or burdock oil, which promotes growth and restoration of previously damaged hair.

    3. Very greasy cream Very greasy cream. This is a very good tool to quickly remove the extensions of eyelashes at home without much difficulty and adaptations. To do this, moisten the cotton sponge in the cream, then gently apply the cream on the line of eyelash growth, hold it for 3-5 minutes, so that the cosmetic glue has lost its resistance under the influence of sebum, after that you can easily remove the cilia.

    All these three methods are very effective provided that the specialist did not use some very strong handicraft and with a rather doubtful composition of glue. With the quality of glue, it is better not to joke, because it will not last long without your own eyelashes.

    Let's consider each of the methods in more detail:

    • Removing extensible eyelashes with the help of a cream you need to know a few nuances. To completely protect yourself from meeting all sorts of negative consequences, you need to make sure that the selected cream is really hypoallergenic. To do this, you need to carefully study the information provided or to make a preliminary test, you just need to lubricate the area of ​​sensitive skin with a cream on the elbow bend. After you make sure that the cream is safe, use a cotton sponge to apply more on the eyelashes and eyelids around - and in just three to four minutes the cream will already dissolve the glue. Earlier lashes will be removed without much effort, and on their own cilia there will not be the slightest trace, neither from lashes once put on, nor from cosmetic glue.
    • To successfully remove advanced early eyelashes with oil, you will need a lot more time. Most often, this procedure is carried out in the evening, as it is best to apply the selected oil overnight. Before going to bed, you need to apply castor or olive oil to your eyelashes. The best option is to use a cotton swab to ensure the greatest possible degree of impregnation. Over the course of the night, the glue will completely dissolve in oil, in the morning you can easily release your beloved cilia.

    After you managed to remove the extensions, it's time to think about the beauty of your own cilia. In order to strengthen them as best as possible, the usual "grandmother's" folk remedies will be perfect. For example, you can apply burdock oil to your eyelashes. For maximum effect, you need to perform all procedures to strengthen the eyelashes regularly.

    If you liked the effect of dyed eyelashes without the use of mascara, and you decided on a new eyelash extension in the salon, then before you recover to the master for a new build-up, you must take at least a short break. Spend some time on yourself, at least a few days to care for your eyes - strengthen your cilia with cosmetic special means, bring the delicate skin around the eyes in order with the help of special creams and serums. Already in just a few days your rested eyelashes can again be supplemented with new puffy eyelashes.

    Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice and care, but the modern girl-fashionista can only be envied, because she has at her disposal the most unique technologies, as well as the latest achievements in cosmetology. After all, being beautiful is actually quite simple, the first step has already been made, and you know how to properly remove the extended eyelashes!

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    How to make up eyelashes correctly;

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    We grow eyelashes;

    Make eyelashes fluffy;

    How to use false eyelashes correctly;

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