
Diet for weight loss without meat: what can replace meat products in the diet

  • Diet for weight loss without meat: what can replace meat products in the diet

    Why do people take a diet? Of course, in order to lose weight, improve your health and appearance, thereby increasing self-esteem. And why on a diet it is necessary to refuse meat? Is such a decision effective and will it bring a sufficiently productive result?

    Vegetarians who do not eat meat almost always look slim and beautiful. Therefore, such a rejection of this product is an excellent tool for fighting obesity. Among other things, the eaten meat is digested from 3 to 8 hours, which is very difficult for human digestion, unlike vegetables. And the remains of food settle on the walls of the stomach. This leads to a set of weight and severity in the abdomen.

    But sometimes the rejection of the usual food leads to unpleasant consequences. How can you balance your diet on a diet so that this restriction does not lead to a negative result and at the same time brings weight loss?

    Diet, if it is suitable, you can stick to two or more months, and the result will be quite palpable. It can be repeated a course in six months, or all the time to observe such a diet.

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    A balanced diet without meat: principles and rules

    For the best result, you should carefully read the diet postulates:

    • The diet begins with a lax vegetarianism: restriction only in meat and fish. The next stage implies a complete rejection of products of animal origin, in addition to meat: eggs, dairy products, honey.
    • Rich in cereals, vegetables and fruits. Balanced on b / w / y and water balance. Fats are obtained with vegetable oils, nuts, seeds. Vitamin B - celery, sesame, cabbage.
    • Avoid overeating and oversaturation.
    • The first days of the diet are recommended to be done without salt, as water retention and swelling are possible because of this.
    • Active way of life, including walks in the fresh air, gymnastics and other physical exercises, bringing pleasure.

    The diet menu

    An effective diet without meat for weight loss is easy to adhere to. The approximate menu of a non-strict diet looks like this:

    • Breakfast: oatmeal with banana and honey, a piece of halva.
    • Lunch: two poached eggs, a salad of fresh vegetables, dressed with olive oil. Snack: citrus fruit.
    • Dinner: baked buckwheat porridge with champignons.

    If you completely abandon the products of animal origin, then the food for the day may look something like this:

    • Breakfast: banana bread and coffee with almond milk.
    • Lunch: fried tofu with spices, salad with sesame, greens and avacado.
    • Snack: smoothies from strawberries, almond milk, blueberries.
    • Dinner: fachoza with mushrooms and soy sauce.

    Replacement meat on the diet

    A few simple tips on what can replace meat in the diet:

    On a lightweight version of the diet instead of meat you can use products such as:

    • Bird eggs. They contain the same protein that is in meat.
    • Cheese, cottage cheese and other sour-milk products: they have a high content of vitamin B, they are less fatty than meat, they are well saturated.
    • Legumes: soybeans, lentils, beans, peas. One of the main sources of vegetable protein, as well as useful microelements, carbohydrates.
    • Nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews. In addition to protein, they have fat, which favorably affects the skin, hair and nails, and the functioning of the entire body.
    • Mushrooms. Very quickly digested, unlike meat, their protein is easily digested.
    • Cereals, especially buckwheat.
    • Some fruits and vegetables: avocado, celery. Sources of vitamin B deficient in the rejection of meat products.

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