
How to get rid of ingrown hair - get rid of ingrown hair

  • How to get rid of ingrown hair - get rid of ingrown hair

    If you are doing epilation, then, most likely, have already come across an annoying problem of hair ingrowth. If this is not about you - you are a real lucky person, but in any case, we all heard about such a problem.

    Trying to get rid of unwanted hair on the body by any means, women more and more often resort to far from the most correct and effective methods. Everyone knows that with each following procedure, the hairs change their structure, become stiffer and thicker, and it is increasingly difficult to remove them every time - they can not pass through the skin, which leads to ingrown hairs. Sometimes it is not so easy to solve the problem of ingrown hair, as it may seem at first sight.

    Causes of ingrown hair

    Usually, the area where the hair grows, a little( sometimes and quite severely) inflames, itches and generally delivers a lot of unpleasant moments.

    And to remove such hair is not particularly easy. It would seem that it can be easier: a little opening the skin, pick up the tip of the hair and pull it out. But few people think that simple nail tweezers or needles can bring a very unpleasant infection, which is hi only to more irritation and inflammation.

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    The causes of hair growth are the most common methods of depilation and hair removal. Of course, this does not mean absolutely that you will completely have to give up removing unwanted hair. Just most of the women are suitable only one method and it needs to be mastered and applied.

    The most risky in terms of hair ingrowth by hair removal methods, you can call shaving, waxing and electro-epilation.

    When you remove your hair with a shave, you just simply cut off only the top part of the hair. And this is what often leads to inflammation and irritation of the skin. And when a certain area is inflamed, the hairs are even harder to "break through" through it, and therefore the risk of ingrowth increases.

    By removing hair with wax, you also risk only catching the upper part of them, leaving the subcutaneous part and the bulb completely untouched. Because of this, the hair becomes denser and still grows under the skin.

    Absolutely identical situation with electroepilation.

    Safe method of hair removal

    Safe method

    First you need to remember about the prevention of ingrown hair. Even if it seems to you that the chosen method of hair removal is ideal, and you have never faced the problem of hair growth( lucky!), This is absolutely not a guarantee that it will continue this way. Everything can change and, unfortunately, not for the better. Therefore, you need to know how to get rid of ingrown hairs in the bikini area?

    It is believed that there is no better way to combat ingrowing hair than regular visits to the salon, in which you will remove the hair professional.

    But to our happiness and at home you can do something.

    The first thing you need to do - the place where you will remove hair, thoroughly cleaned with ordinary soap. Then it is MANDATORY for the skin to be treated with a scrub. This is extremely important. Only this way you can remove the dead skin particles and make it even.

    Never, hear, never shave your legs without special foam. After all, it not only improves the glide perfectly on the skin of the machine, but also moisturizes it. If you are an amateur to remove hair with wax or a depilator, this, of course, you do not have to do. Since when removing the same epilator, your skin should be as dry as possible.

    After you finish the depilation procedure, be sure to treat the skin with a lotion that contains disinfectants. And after that, very well moisturize after shaving irritated skin with your favorite cream or milk for the body.

    Want additional help with hair removal? You can buy yourself special lotions for the body, which have the ability to slow the growth of hair. Just do not expect from them some fairy-tale action! The maximum on what you can hope for is a few days more between each shave. But you will agree, it is also very nice? !

    Repeat the procedure of epilation better 1-2 times a week. Especially it concerns those girls who have sensitive and delicate skin. It is generally better to do hair removal as rarely as possible. Otherwise there will be constant microtraumas, suppuration, and hence ingrown hair will become for you a constant phenomenon

    If to touch safe salon procedures, the first and deserved place gets bioepilation( removal of unwanted hair with wax).Now you ask: why should you go to the salon, if all this you can perfectly do yourself on your own at home. ..

    You can, of course. But it is unlikely that you will be able to remove all hair at the right angle to the skin, properly disinfect it, and eliminate any risk of infections and inflammations. In this case, the salon procedure is many times safer.

    Getting rid of ingrown hair

    To get rid of ingrown hairs on your legs, for example, you can "go through" several stages:

    1. As already mentioned above, it is necessary before the procedure of epilation, which way you would not choose, it is necessary to treat the damaged areas with scrub. Twice a day you can gently clean ingrown hair. This will remove the dead cells and get the hair will be easier. Method for the extremals: rub the places where you have ingrown hairs with an ordinary pumice stone. This is certainly a very "cruel" way, but very effective. That's only if you have a very delicate skin, think before using pumice several times.
    2. Apply a little bit of the medication that you use to treat acne on the ingrown hair. Yes, yes, you did not misinterpret! Ingrown hairs are of the same nature as acne, especially when ingrown hairs are accompanied by suppuration.
    3. For a few minutes every day you can impose a moist warm compress on the damaged area. Just wet the towel with hot water, squeeze it well and apply it on the area with ingrown hair. This will help to soften the skin and bring the ingrown hairs to the surface of the skin.
    4. Armed with a sterile needle or tweezers and gently picking, pull the hair out. Then do not forget to treat the place with a disinfectant.