
How to increase breasts at home without surgery: compresses, special exercises and diets

  • How to increase breasts at home without surgery: compresses, special exercises and diets

    How to increase breasts at home? Breast augmentation at home is possible, but you will have to work hard. Ways to increase the breast without surgery are many. This and all sorts of diets, exercise, decoctions and herbal packs.

    Physical Exercises

    Breast enlargement requires exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles. They are quite simple, but require systematic implementation.

    Bench press

    The most effective exercise is a bench press. Take dumbbells, and lying on your back, lift the dumbbells from your chest up. Do at least three sets of ten push-ups. Start with a dumbbell of small weight.

    Push-ups from the floor

    The following exercise has perfectly proved itself - "push-ups from the floor".It is good to do at least ten push-ups, but do as much as you can.

    Exercises against the wall

    Exercises near the wall are much easier and do not require much physical exertion. Standing with your back against the wall, fold your hands as if for prayer: at the chest level, join the palms of your hands. Firmly squeeze the palms, rest against them one by one and count to 10. Without relaxing, stretch your hands palms forward and again count to 10. Now you can relax. Do this exercise until you feel fatigue in the muscles of the chest.

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    Aim for the wall

    Face the wall with your hands and push it as if you want to move it. Try to do it with the muscles of the chest, not the back. Do 3-5 sets of 2 minutes each. These simple exercises perfectly strengthen the pectoral muscles.

    Breast augmentation compresses

    After physical exercises, it would be good to have a compress on your chest. To do this, mix 4 teaspoons of warm milk with a teaspoon of cottage cheese and apply this mixture on the chest. Applying the compress, gently lift the chest up. You can use a grated grated cucumber for a compress.

    Folk remedies

    Now it's time to talk about folk remedies. Grandmothers assure that the breast can be increased if there are a lot of cabbage, walnuts, chicken breasts. Breast augmentation with the help of herbs also has its effect.

    Eat and grease chest with linseed oil, drink a decoction of hop or tea from oregano. All these herbs are rich in phytoestrogens - substances that in their structure resemble female hormones.

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